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Posted in: /debug commands
12-21-2003, 6:15 PM
I don't think that's a good idea. If we're going to try for that, someone needs to honestly go thru and make those things actually playable, instead of just debug commands....  [Read More]
Posted in: /debug commands
12-21-2003, 8:12 AM
There's a reason why they aren't implimented, most of them don't work very well and other's just stupid for non-debug use. As such, I don't think making them availible to general players is a good idea....  [Read More]
Posted in: Basic Idea: Cycle to the Next Map
12-20-2003, 4:59 AM
It's more of a design oversight than a bug. However, you have a good point....  [Read More]
Posted in: Enchanced idea -- the hidden weapons/other stuff
12-21-2003, 5:08 PM
Well, if you're simply doing icons for existing basejka models, we can put them into Basic. However, if it includes teams support it would need to go into the Skins pack because of the additional textures and their size....  [Read More]
Posted in: Enchanced idea -- the hidden weapons/other stuff
12-20-2003, 5:36 PM
That would be great. I don't think I mentioned this before in this thread, but we're not going to put size intensive stuff (like skins) into Basic. Skins go into the Skins pack....  [Read More]
Posted in: Enchanced idea -- the hidden weapons/other stuff
12-18-2003, 7:08 PM
Originally posted by Wudan It actually doesn't matter what the mappers want in there - if necessary, you can code in support for entity placements independently of the BSP. That would be a huge pain in the ass for two weapons. :P...  [Read More]
Posted in: Enchanced idea -- the hidden weapons/other stuff
12-18-2003, 9:42 AM
We will see. I haven't actually encountered them yet and there's the issue of mappers having to support them to ever see them in the game outside of cheat mode....  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced WIP: Saber System
12-18-2003, 3:52 AM
Ok, getting started on stuff, this is what I got done right now: - Teammates' Sabers now collide with each other even if friendly fire damage is turned off. - Teammate NPC blades now collide with other teammate blades. Yeah, it's not much but I'm...  [Read More]
Posted in: Saber Throw and Player Roll
12-18-2003, 12:56 AM
Uh, err. H3x isn't a part of OJP yet so I'm a bit confused why you posted this here. However, we are working on the Saber Throw system. Just yesterday I set it up so you can use the force powers cycle/use buttons to select and use saber throw (so I...  [Read More]
Posted in: Basic Idea: Inverse Kinematics
12-18-2003, 2:06 AM
Inverse Kinematics is just a form of math. I assume you mean Inverse Kinematics based animations. And the answer is no, it would take forever to do, require a pro-level team of coders, and probably be impossible without being able to change the engin...  [Read More]
Posted in: Client-side only version of Basic
12-18-2003, 2:03 AM
Like I stated before, it doesn't work right unless you're on unpure servers. The pure server stuff extends to menu files. It might be possible to set it up so that players only have to d/l the clientside to run on Basic/Enhanced servers but I don't...  [Read More]
Posted in: Client-side only version of Basic
12-17-2003, 9:17 PM
I tried messing with that but unfortunately that would require a lot of extra work and only work on unpure servers. Just get people to use OJP Basic, it's the whole point of that distro!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Basic Ideas: Voice Chat
12-19-2003, 5:34 PM
You're welcome....  [Read More]
Posted in: Basic Ideas: Voice Chat
12-19-2003, 3:04 AM
voice_cmd Multiplayer, Command Description: Plays a given voice command in all team gametypes. Voice Commands Availible: att_attack att_primary att_second def_guns def_position def_primary def_second reply_coming reply_go reply_no reply_stay reply_...  [Read More]
Posted in: Basic Suggestion: "Do Warmups"
12-18-2003, 10:20 AM
Originally posted by Kurgan Impressive, RazorAce! Are you mocking me? :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Problem: Dismemberment NEVER WORKS except ON ME
12-19-2003, 5:31 PM
That isn't nessicary, his game should work without it. My bet is that Kurgan's cfg file(s) is doing something weird....  [Read More]
Posted in: vehicle limit and new vehicle classes
12-20-2003, 4:43 AM
I really suggest that you use animevents for the fold in/out sounds. It's MUCH easier to set up and it frees up some brandwidthby doing it on everyone's client side....  [Read More]
Posted in: Vehicle extentions (*.veh) too long ?????
12-20-2003, 4:56 AM
Well, I've added a fix for the vehicle limit to OJP but we're probably not going to do another public release for a while....  [Read More]
Posted in: What's New?
12-21-2003, 6:13 PM
Well, my thinking is that people will probably want to try it out before it's released to the public. If I'm the only one with a copy, noone else can make comments until I consider it "releasable". Since this is a pretty important part of t...  [Read More]
Posted in: What's New?
12-21-2003, 8:21 AM
Ok, got view locking working. It needs some tweaking (like figuring out a way to prevent lower block positions from "dragging" on the ground.) but other than that I think it's working pretty good. It adds a fair amount of feel to the saber...  [Read More]
Posted in: What's New?
12-19-2003, 6:48 PM
I added a g_saberanimspeed cvar which acts like the g_saberanimspeed in SP. I'm now working on getting my concept for dynamic viewangle impact "locking" to work....  [Read More]
Posted in: What's New?
12-19-2003, 4:07 AM
Well, I have an early working prototype of the saberblocking system working now. Just adding more features as I go....  [Read More]
Posted in: What's New?
12-18-2003, 2:11 AM
Well, I'm helping kenshire with his saber throw overhaul as part of the saber system. Yesterday I set things up so that the saber throw can be used with the force select/use keys....  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced Brainstorming: Saber System
12-18-2003, 3:59 AM
We're moving into the implimentation phase. ( I don't know about this sprinting idea. It would be nice to have have full out run vs. a troting run, but I'm worried about having two sep...  [Read More]
Posted in: OJP website
12-21-2003, 3:56 AM
How did you break it?...  [Read More]
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