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Page: 71 of 133
Posted in: Brainstorming: New Weapon Type: Reverse Grip
12-31-2003, 7:25 PM
Well, with new animations and coding, we could create a whole new style for it. However, for now, it's just a hack of the *.sab files....  [Read More]
Posted in: Skins WIP: lots to talk about
01-01-2004, 12:42 AM
Well, your wording made it sound like you have to contribute if you want access to the source files....which isn't true. And I don't think we've ever used the term "developer union". It's more of a development platform more than anything....  [Read More]
Posted in: Skins WIP: lots to talk about
12-31-2003, 8:19 PM
Alright, let me clarify on this a bit. OJP is a developers union among other things like a friendly file resource. Basically, you share your work with us, we share our work with you & don't have to worry about someone complaining about how you we...  [Read More]
Posted in: Vehicle+ Vehicle Weapon cap
12-31-2003, 6:21 PM
:P That should be no problem. I think the max weapon defines are right next to the max vehicle defines. BTW, I tried the game with multiple maps (including Kotor_Flight_School) and our fix now actually works. EDIT: Ok, in theory I just raised the c...  [Read More]
Ok Dokie, NickR (the author) has added the Force Fall ability to the repository. If you have any level of force jump you can use force fall by pressing and holding the jump button as you descend. The higher level force jump you have the slower the u...  [Read More]
Posted in: when can we expect the next release
12-30-2003, 4:44 AM
Well, probably after we get the RGB sabers working and I get enough done on the saber system get it into the Enhanced distro....  [Read More]
Posted in: when can we expect the next release
12-30-2003, 3:49 AM
For which distro? And do you mean a source code version or a runnable version?...  [Read More]
Posted in: New vehicle implementation
12-31-2003, 6:21 PM
I'd suggest that the speeder bikes spiral when they die and make the ROTJ (or another selected sound effect) while they spiral....  [Read More]
Posted in: OJP: New Animations Project
12-30-2003, 4:32 AM
I'm pretty sure that different animation .glas would trigger the pure filter....  [Read More]
Posted in: OJP: New Animations Project
12-30-2003, 12:00 AM
Who is C1? Anyway, it would defeat the purpose of a server side mod to do something like that since it wouldn't be server side only anymore....  [Read More]
Posted in: OJP: New Animations Project
12-29-2003, 6:30 PM
You couldn't have a server side only mod with new animations. It just wouldn't work since you'd need to have the new animation.cfg and .gla....  [Read More]
Posted in: OJP: New Animations Project
12-29-2003, 8:25 AM
Uh, you have to change code to add additional animations entries to the animation.cfg, if you don't, you're probably going to have all sorts of problems. However, simply, adding new frames to the .gla shouldn't require code changes....  [Read More]
Posted in: Basing a stand-alone mod off OJP?
01-01-2004, 6:52 PM
We have two distros to handle that issue. Please read the ojp readme for details. I like how you are starting to pop in when no one expects it, you're becoming like UGG! You talking to me?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Basing a stand-alone mod off OJP?
12-29-2003, 5:40 PM
As far as the saber system your proposing, it sounds a lot like the system Razor is cooking up in many ways. Again, it would be more worthwhile for us to pool our efforts, rather than each of us working on 5 different saber mods - at least for the mo...  [Read More]
Posted in: Destroyer Droid and Hail Fire Droid.
12-30-2003, 6:19 AM
Originally posted by Lindsey OJB? Open Jedi Project. (  [Read More]
Well, OJP is open ended. You can work on whatever you want as long as the majority approves of it....  [Read More]
Posted in: Map Borrowing or Stealing?
12-29-2003, 8:44 AM
Uh, you should always ask first. Just because they released it to the public doesn't mean that they want other people to use their material for other mods....  [Read More]
Posted in: jo style disruptor
12-30-2003, 5:17 AM
You're going to have to add a zoom check to PmoveSingle in bg_pmove.c that makes "stiffenedUp" = qtrue....  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced WIP: Saber System
12-30-2003, 3:46 PM
I don't really think an additional run button is nessicary. I think it would be easier on players to just use run as if it is sprint. Assuming that you can automatically deflect bolts at lesser rate while running and that you can Dodge the undeflect...  [Read More]
Posted in: vehicle limit and new vehicle classes
01-01-2004, 8:11 PM
Originally posted by toolman639 When will the update be out where the vehicle limit will be more then 12 I don't know. And the original limit is actually 16, not 12. The problem is primarily related to the read buffer being too small....  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced Ideas: "Z-Targeting"
12-30-2003, 3:54 AM
Originally posted by da_chimp no i meant that if you z target with guns it sort of follows only slower than a player can run except it is also influenced by the crossahair ie enemy runs to right screen slowly follows but if you also turn your crossh...  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced Ideas: "Z-Targeting"
12-29-2003, 9:54 PM
That was what I was planning for ztargeting. :) About an isometric view, I'm not sure that things would be controllable from such an angle....  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced Ideas: "Z-Targeting"
12-29-2003, 6:33 PM
You already see who a person is when you look at them, so ztargeting wouldn't need that. I also don't see a point in having a time limit or "lag" on ztargeting....  [Read More]
Posted in: RGB Saber Colors
12-29-2003, 8:33 AM
According to TCK, we can't do RGB cores due to the way the trails are handled. However, TCK has been able to get it to do white and black. He's also done some scripting stuff to allow you do shifting color stuff but I have no clue how that's set up...  [Read More]
Posted in: OJP website
01-01-2004, 7:53 PM
Well, yeah, that's basically what I meant. I don't want to create a situation where the webmaster is swamped with constantly updating documents. As for the source files, it would be nice to have a daily update script because most users are simply to...  [Read More]
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