Originally posted by Wudan
It actually doesn't matter what the mappers want in there - if necessary, you can code in support for entity placements independently of the BSP.
Gee, you make it sound easy :)
I've started looking for a way to load arbitrary entities to spawn from a text file into an arbitrary map. I want this particularly for info_jedimaster_start for my Jedi Master mod, and also for a few other things useful in balancing a map for JM (e.g. sentries to counter Mind Trick).
If I can figure out how to do this, I'll happily share it with OJP.
The only work I've found so far in this direction is: (for Quake 2 though)
I've not decided yet whether to submit the rest of the work I'm doing.
Of course, it's Christmas now, so it'll probably have to wait.