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Page: 74 of 133
Posted in: Accessing the OJP Source (Pre-SVN Posts)
12-22-2003, 8:46 AM
There's now a new branch specifically for the saber system I'm working on. This is so people can play with/test the system before we put it in the game proper....  [Read More]
Posted in: Experienced saber modlers....
12-23-2003, 11:41 AM
Wrong Forum, trying the Editting Requests forum....  [Read More]
Posted in: jo style disruptor
12-23-2003, 11:31 AM
Jittering is the result of you not making the nessicary changes to the PM sections of the code and not compiling/using both sides of the game (client and server)....  [Read More]
Posted in: JO model problems in JA
12-22-2003, 9:47 PM
Yeah, I beleive Raven screwed up by misspelling the tag name in the converter....  [Read More]
Posted in: /debug commands
12-22-2003, 9:35 PM
Nah, that's great. I was just joking before. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: /debug commands
12-22-2003, 12:14 PM
The answer is obvious. Email Raven and tell them to nerf debug mode!...  [Read More]
Posted in: /debug commands
12-22-2003, 11:44 AM
I think it's fairly obvious. It gives you two warning messages whenever you start up in the debug compiles....  [Read More]
Posted in: JKA_MP(SDK) First check... Errors/Warnings ??
12-21-2003, 6:43 PM
Yeah, I think there's about 5 warnings that are just due to the way the source code is....  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced WIP: Saber System
12-23-2003, 9:39 AM
Also, from actual game play testing I'm finding that manual blocking is still pretty tricky even with slowed down saber animations. I'm thinking that we're going to have to offset this by giving blocking some nice advantages. Maybe have parries occur...  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced WIP: Saber System
12-23-2003, 9:28 AM
Just a minor update today. I'm hooked on Splinter Cell. :) - Fixed issue with the double/dual saber animation spazing while standing still and holding block position. It was due to the block animation trying to restart each time the block position w...  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced WIP: Saber System
12-22-2003, 8:53 AM
New Features: - saberthrow is now binded to button12 (+button12 for binding purposes) and/or selectable thru the force menu. Either will still operate the kicks with the saber staff. - Turning off g_saberBladeFaces will result in poor viewlocking o...  [Read More]
Posted in: Saber Throw and Player Roll
12-21-2003, 7:45 PM
You're already posted this in the OJP forum and then you never responsed to posts. Plus, this really has nothing to do with the coding forum....  [Read More]
Posted in: Is it possible.....
12-21-2003, 7:41 PM
Sure....  [Read More]
Posted in: Can anyone make master chief
12-23-2003, 11:40 AM
Survey says, "Wrong Forum"....  [Read More]
Posted in: vehicle limit and new vehicle classes
12-22-2003, 12:18 PM
Ok, well, I can live with that too. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: vehicle limit and new vehicle classes
12-22-2003, 11:47 AM
Originally posted by RenegadeOfPhunk ..that's not how it is in the films, but yeah, we may have to do that for gameplay balance - at least in the OJP... I thought the first time we saw them in E1 they were able to walk with their shields up....  [Read More]
Posted in: vehicle limit and new vehicle classes
12-22-2003, 9:53 AM
Well, I'd have it so the Droidekas can at least walk with their shields up....  [Read More]
Posted in: vehicle limit and new vehicle classes
12-22-2003, 8:50 AM
Well, I have some suggestions on how to balance things: 1. use the shield effect seen in SP. The SP shielding effect prevented saber users from getting close enough to do damage without getting zapped. 2. Make the droidekas walk very slowly to make...  [Read More]
Posted in: vehicle limit and new vehicle classes
12-22-2003, 2:16 AM
1. Where are these flags stored? I assume they're either in the playerstate on the server. 2. Remember to do make clear documentation of all this additional material. I suggest you use the OJP_Vehicles.txt that already exists. It will have to be cle...  [Read More]
Posted in: What's New?
12-22-2003, 8:54 AM
Ok, done (  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced Brainstorming: Saber System
12-23-2003, 9:41 AM
Ok, we're starting to have design issues pop up for the saber system. I suggest everyone go over to the WIP thread ( and give me some betatesting feedback. The more I get, the better th...  [Read More]
post a screenshot of what it looks like with your channel pallet open....  [Read More]
The Twi-Lek's skin is the green stuff that you see under the clothing....  [Read More]
The alpha determines what is tinted by the RGB color or not....  [Read More]
It's suppose to be one layer. :) tutorial about shaders (  [Read More]
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