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Page: 76 of 133
Posted in: Accessing the OJP Source (Pre-SVN Posts)
12-16-2003, 7:37 AM
Ok everything should be cleaned up now. Everything has been placed in the appropiate folders, except for the Basic/Enhanced source files. For them, they are both stored in the /Basic folder with all the files branched in two branches. MAIN (HEAD)...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Big, Bad Bunch of Bugs Thread
12-17-2003, 8:23 PM
Ok, this thread is for reporting bugs that need to need to be fixed. This is for OJP bugs only, not stuff from vanilla JKA that you want "fixed". OJP Basic: - Some of the menu files are now displaying the wrong options for given gametypes...  [Read More]
Posted in: Basic Ideas: Voice Chat
12-17-2003, 1:00 AM
That's probably mainly an issue of figuring out what the commands for the individual voice chats are....  [Read More]
Posted in: Brainstorming: Bot Combat
12-17-2003, 6:13 PM
meh, just leave it....  [Read More]
Posted in: Brainstorming: Bot Combat
12-17-2003, 12:25 AM
#2  [Read More]
Posted in: Basic Suggestion: "Do Warmups"
12-17-2003, 7:28 PM
Ok, fixed. commiting to repository now....  [Read More]
Posted in: Basic Suggestion: "Do Warmups"
12-17-2003, 1:59 AM
Which cvar controls the warm up time?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Basic Suggestion: "Do Warmups"
12-16-2003, 7:43 AM
How is it broken? What happens when you try it? And how are you suppose to get it to work normally?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Accessing the OJP Source
12-14-2003, 11:30 AM
The absolute latest source code is hosted using subversion source control on Google Code. Our code repository is located here ( Latest Source Code Release: OJP Source (  [Read More]
Posted in: Basic Submission: More Weapon Disable Options
12-14-2003, 8:16 AM
More Weapon Disable Options - You can now disable any weapon in the game in any combination except for having all weapons (including melee) disabled. This is controled by the weapondisable cvars (g_weaponDisable and g_duelWeaponDisable). Ammo now cor...  [Read More]
Posted in: Add: Make server settings viewable out of game
12-15-2003, 11:36 PM
There's no point of arguing about it. I already the modification in the game. However, I'll repeat my opinion that we need to keep the cvars to an absolute minimum. If we put too many cvars in, it will become too complicated to just start up the gam...  [Read More]
Posted in: We simply need mods!
12-14-2003, 2:40 AM
Well, I've been holding off on doing news site pimpin' until the website is ready to go....  [Read More]
Posted in: NPCs in Duel maps
12-14-2003, 6:58 AM
Which C&C game?...  [Read More]
Posted in: NPCs in Duel maps
12-14-2003, 3:31 AM
It's not your fault, mostly. I've just been swamped by people who seem to think that I should do all their work for them instead of figuring it out for themselves....  [Read More]
Posted in: JKA "Universal" Source Code
12-17-2003, 8:29 PM
So is Visual Studios. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: JKA "Universal" Source Code
12-14-2003, 7:06 AM
Update. I talked to the dude that did the linux compile for Raven and he stated that the default code compiles correctly with no issues if you use the right compiler. He said that he used the Intel Compiler (icc)....  [Read More]
Posted in: Basic Submission: Old JK2 Gametypes
12-14-2003, 8:03 AM
Improvement: Fixed the menus to only display maps for the jk2 gametypes that support them.....completed....  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced Ideas: New Force Powers
12-17-2003, 12:14 AM
I think I'd be ok with fireballs as long as their an extremely high level dark side power. From my thinking, I beleive that fireballs would require a lot more skill than lightning (which is basically just a physical extention of raw hatred from the h...  [Read More]
Posted in: What's New?
12-14-2003, 8:12 AM
Fixing the menus to only display maps for the jk2 gametypes that support them.....completed. More weapon disable options.....completed. Saber System, I'm calling you out!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Problems running JKA code in .NET and debug
12-14-2003, 3:09 AM
That's how it works on my copy of VS 7.0. But I'm a total VS debug n00b, what do I do to check what the current varible values are?...  [Read More]
Posted in: So... do you want my Snow Speeder?
12-15-2003, 2:17 AM
Sorry I haven't gotten to it yet. I'll work on it right now. Thanks for your submission iamyourfather. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced Brainstorming: Saber System
12-17-2003, 3:40 AM
The problem with that would be that you couldn't move while doing that. I don't think it's a good idea....  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced Brainstorming: Saber System
12-17-2003, 12:27 AM
I like that idea, but I see there being a problem with the way the manual blocking will work. You can't simply hold down the button to block. However, it could work based on when you last set a blocking position or something....  [Read More]
Posted in: OJP Master Cvar/Command Listing
12-15-2003, 2:34 AM
ACtually, cg_fov sets the field of view that is rendered for the client. It's basically the size of your camera's view area in degrees....  [Read More]
Posted in: Accurate Icons in SP classes...?
12-15-2003, 3:23 AM
Originally posted by Higginson To make icons, just follow this very easy tutorial ( by razorace, this is how i created all my icons. its easy to understand, and is a good way to get st...  [Read More]
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