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Vehicle extentions (*.veh) too long ?????

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11-30-2003, 2:47 AM
I just started getting this error, question is why?
11-30-2003, 11:31 AM
I can tell you why...but I can't tell you why :p

Why is because JA has a limit of - I think - 12 new vehicles in \base\.

Why is there this limit? Haven't got a clue other than it's programmed in!
11-30-2003, 12:59 PM
what do you mean 12 new vehicles in /base/ do you mean you cant have more than 12 vehicles on a map (cant be true as kotor_flight_school has more than 12), or do you mean as in adding in all new vehicles to the game? Or is it none of the above and I am way off :p
11-30-2003, 1:51 PM
I think that error is due to a too long of a directory structure. This problem occurs when your game is installed to a huge directory structure (c:\program files\Raven Software\Jedi Knight Jedi Academy). Try reinstalling the game to a shorter directory like c:\games\JKA.
11-30-2003, 2:38 PM
ok I am getting this error still and I installed the game into C:\Star Wars Jedi Academy

that is the most I can do without installing it into the C:\ drive itself without an folder, so what is up.?
11-30-2003, 2:41 PM
Dunno what made razorace say's like I said, 12 vehicle limit in the base folder. i.e. 12 unique vehicles, if you have kotor you have 3 extra already. Once you hit 12 you'll get that error.
11-30-2003, 2:44 PM
that really sucks, I cant get rid of the error, my map doesnt add anything new...maby it is a .pk3 in my base folder that is causing it....too bad there isnt a way to make the limit larger (unless there is a way in the SDK)
11-30-2003, 3:51 PM
"(unless there is a way in the SDK)"

Read my reply in your other recent thread :)
11-30-2003, 4:04 PM
12-08-2003, 7:56 PM
the error is there because well i dont know that bit but it means u have to many vehicle models sry if someone else said this i only looked at the top part of this thread.
12-08-2003, 7:58 PM
Yes we discussed that and much more, really shouldn't reply to a thread until you read it all :rolleyes:
 Druid Bremen
12-09-2003, 8:27 AM
Gah, I get that too. And I do not want to get rid of Flight School, nor the other JAR maps. Any other solution?
12-20-2003, 1:31 AM
Um, try deleting a new vehicle or two or how many more you have than 12.
12-20-2003, 4:56 AM
Well, I've added a fix for the vehicle limit to OJP but we're probably not going to do another public release for a while.
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