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Solbe M'ko

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Page: 9 of 13
Posted in: Suggestion
 Solbe M'ko
05-08-2003, 2:14 AM
May I make a suggestion? For some of the levels, particularly Ramsees Hed and the Boba Fett mission, would you consider adding some extra ambience? For example, a holo-chess board in the freighter and ships going overhead in the Boba Fett mission. I...  [Read More]
Posted in: Gamecube?
 Solbe M'ko
05-08-2003, 12:16 AM
I havn't played Jo on a console, but I don't think that a controller could accomodate as well as a keyboard. Isn't force switching difficult? Well, I guess that's not really the issue here......  [Read More]
Posted in: What do you want answered at E3?
 Solbe M'ko
05-08-2003, 7:38 PM
Yeah, that choice to make SP and MP different was a pain in my ass for a while, but I realize that you couldn't really use SP style in MP anyway, it would be too slow and I doubt if any systems could handle that cleanly. Now 2 player co-op would be a...  [Read More]
Posted in: What do you want answered at E3?
 Solbe M'ko
05-08-2003, 3:08 PM
Um, not to mess up the way this thread is goin, but hasn't anyone noticed how improved the ragdoll is in Unreal 2 over UT2K3? It's tremendously better to have animations and physics than just physics....  [Read More]
Posted in: What shall we declare JA as?
 Solbe M'ko
05-08-2003, 7:35 PM
Upon reading this last post I realized, It's all BS anyway, so why sweat it? Oh yes, the characteristic change of heart, will it ever learn?...  [Read More]
Posted in: What shall we declare JA as?
 Solbe M'ko
05-08-2003, 1:59 AM
I'm not gonna change your mind, and you won't change mine, so we'll just have to agree to disagree. (if there was any disagreement to begin with (?))...  [Read More]
Posted in: Are we FORCED to use the saber staff?
 Solbe M'ko
05-08-2003, 7:33 PM
Yeah, but what about saber only? They should just PROPERLY balance all the different types....  [Read More]
Posted in: First force pic!!! yea
 Solbe M'ko
05-08-2003, 2:03 AM
But he isn't holding his Merr Sonn Bubble Blowing Ring. Maybe it's Force Splash....  [Read More]
Posted in: Balancing non-linear gameplay?
 Solbe M'ko
05-08-2003, 7:51 PM
That's great! :) But, (yes I have to be my usual critical self) the game should just be more open ended regardless of force considerations. You should be able to jump over the rock face OR jump onto the sandcrawler and get to same conclusion (or a...  [Read More]
Posted in: JA needs to be dark and moody...
 Solbe M'ko
05-09-2003, 1:16 AM
What does that have to do with anything?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Burned out character wounds?
 Solbe M'ko
05-08-2003, 7:30 PM
The thing that I noticed about the saber trails in SP is that, if you put it in a wall it takes a second to "grow" back to it's original length (I guess this was so you couldn't kill trough walls). So if you stand looking at a wall, then ha...  [Read More]
Posted in: Burned out character wounds?
 Solbe M'ko
05-08-2003, 3:06 PM
To continue with this idea: When Sof1 came out everyone said it was really amazing new technology, but doesn't anyone remember goldeneye? That game had the most death animations I've seen in a game. I just found Sof2 to have too much emphasis on the...  [Read More]
Posted in: Burned out character wounds?
 Solbe M'ko
05-08-2003, 12:13 AM
I don't recall any visible cut marks in the original trilogy anyway, not even when Vader got smacked in the shoulder. Them weequays on Jabbas barge looked like they'd been punched in the stomach or something, not given a hot energy field in the guts....  [Read More]
Posted in: Raven, Please Do Your EU Research
 Solbe M'ko
05-09-2003, 12:19 AM
I notice that alot in the EU. My solution is to just not file it away in my brain like I would some storyline that I really like. I don't like all of the EU by far, but the parts I like, I bring up. The other stuff I acknowledge but don't neccesarily...  [Read More]
Posted in: Raven, Please Do Your EU Research
 Solbe M'ko
05-08-2003, 9:16 PM
Hell, if that means twice as many SW games, I'm on board!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Raven, Please Do Your EU Research
 Solbe M'ko
05-08-2003, 8:42 PM
Now then, I havn't played X-Wing alliance, but I'll make a note of it. That it mentions the EU is exactly what I've been pushing for. The "bonus level Yuuzhan Vong" is a VERY good idea. In the literature (and I havn't read much of it, and...  [Read More]
Posted in: Raven, Please Do Your EU Research
 Solbe M'ko
05-08-2003, 8:36 PM
Oh shush! Lucasfilm will always be remembered for Star Wars, regardless of Indy or even American Grafitti (this might not be Lucasfil, I'm not sure). Star Wars is really George Lucas' main claim, the rest is okay, but SW is the focus. (PS- I'm a huge...  [Read More]
Posted in: Raven, Please Do Your EU Research
 Solbe M'ko
05-08-2003, 7:58 PM
No, I totally agree. If you went into the EU, like the inclusion of the solos, EU fans like me could quit bitchin', and EU-haters could eat it, and those who accept but don't like EU could see all their favorite parts from the movies. Everybody wins,...  [Read More]
Posted in: Raven, Please Do Your EU Research
 Solbe M'ko
05-08-2003, 7:46 PM
Burrie, you're right, but even JO didn't follow exactly, there were a few problems with that game's continuity to the EU storyline (Bespin, etc.) Archonon, you're right too. You can look at SW just in what you see in the movies and build from there...  [Read More]
Posted in: Raven, Please Do Your EU Research
 Solbe M'ko
05-08-2003, 7:18 PM
I'd like to agree with you that the EU is separate from the movies, but I just can't do it. There were too many loose ends in the movies that the EU explains (or tries to) like for example (I'm only using the original trilogy for my eg.s, by the way)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Raven, Please Do Your EU Research
 Solbe M'ko
05-08-2003, 7:08 PM
I second that motion! (Starts hitting table with hand and hooting excitedly, then falls out of his chair and into a coma he has yet to recover from):wornout:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Location! Location!
 Solbe M'ko
05-08-2003, 7:53 PM
I remember posting that very same sentiment somewhere. Great minds think alike, and so do the rest....  [Read More]
I never tried it either, but I did notice that you can roll around on the first missions while holding a gun, I don't know if you can shoot and roll at once, though. That wouldn't be very accurate anyway....  [Read More]
Posted in: Ramsees Hed...some...more thoughts.
 Solbe M'ko
05-08-2003, 8:28 PM
I like Chris' idea alot! I think it would be cool if the player got a disguise in any case (also, if there's no reason to run the player should have to walk or else arouse suspicion) and the whole imperial superiority makes sense, it would just requi...  [Read More]
Posted in: Multiplayer Alien Skins
 Solbe M'ko
05-08-2003, 8:53 PM
*cough*duros*cough*arcona*wheeze*barabel*horrrrrk pitouie! DING!...  [Read More]
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