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Solbe M'ko

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Page: 7 of 13
Posted in: Death animations????
 Solbe M'ko
05-17-2003, 3:00 PM
Wart, you'd probably hate Rogue Spear. In THAT game, every single death animation took more than five seconds. It was hard to tell if the guy was dead or just hurt. JO had nice animations, yes, but some were misplaced. -PS- I found a way to kill reb...  [Read More]
Posted in: Death animations????
 Solbe M'ko
05-17-2003, 5:08 AM
YES it makes a difference! Go back to an old FPS like Doom. If you only have one death animation, you can't do cool stuff and add finese to your kills. I liked JO bacause it had losts of animations, but UT2K3 was infinitely better (literally) and U2...  [Read More]
Posted in: You should say thank you
 Solbe M'ko
05-17-2003, 5:48 AM
And I'M the one who missed the point. To hell with this thread.:rolleyes: Edit- That was very uncalled for. Watch yourself from now on.:mad: _Groovy...  [Read More]
Posted in: You should say thank you
 Solbe M'ko
05-17-2003, 5:25 AM
$49.95 x Millions of copies sold = My point. -Edit- Video game? My opinions of mankind are determined by the opinions of mankind, for example, your assumption that I am/should be in some way owing to the makers of a product for which I paid money....  [Read More]
Posted in: You should say thank you
 Solbe M'ko
05-17-2003, 4:51 AM
I said thank you more times than I would have liked to. By paying a heavily inflated price for their game. I say thank you several times a week by going to their website and looking at their ads. I don't owe Raven software anything and I am insulted...  [Read More]
Posted in: The trailer has confirmed my fears
 Solbe M'ko
05-17-2003, 4:46 AM
I do! I do! But I also have something to add to this pointless argument, so I'll put THAT in italics (classy, huh?). The trailer showed very little of the actual game, yes, but I think it's better to show the real deal or nothing at all. I understan...  [Read More]
Posted in: The trailer has confirmed my fears
 Solbe M'ko
05-16-2003, 12:04 AM
My english teachers must all be rolling in thier graves right now, Outcast. That is, if they're dead....  [Read More]
Posted in: The trailer has confirmed my fears
 Solbe M'ko
05-15-2003, 10:27 PM
Does holding your crystal ball all day give you callouses? I'm just wondering as you seem to be extraordinarily clairvoyant....  [Read More]
Posted in: The trailer has confirmed my fears
 Solbe M'ko
05-15-2003, 9:07 PM
:burn1: BURN! :burn1:...  [Read More]
Posted in: The trailer has confirmed my fears
 Solbe M'ko
05-15-2003, 7:05 PM
Second....  [Read More]
Posted in: The trailer has confirmed my fears
 Solbe M'ko
05-15-2003, 7:03 PM
Holy cow! This thread just grew a lot in a couple hours!:) To touch on my last post, as well as shock's post: The computer games industry is THE most profitable entertainment industry in the world. Low production costs/ High demand/ high prices. A...  [Read More]
Posted in: The trailer has confirmed my fears
 Solbe M'ko
05-15-2003, 4:22 PM
I think we all have to realize that Jedi Academy is just an expansion pack. It isn't a whole new game built from the ground up, it's just a map pack and a few more models, plus a patch. Now don't get me wrong, the game looked okay, but really, it is...  [Read More]
Posted in: The trailer!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
 Solbe M'ko
05-17-2003, 3:08 PM
I don't like the hud very much. I guess it's necessary, but it looks bad no matter how good it looks, if you follow. I'd really like to see reloading in JA. Unlikely to happen, but that would be so much better than no reloads. Having to reload adds...  [Read More]
Posted in: The trailer!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
 Solbe M'ko
05-17-2003, 5:22 AM
I just read this book, "Protector" by Larry Niven. It has some stuff in it that isn't real, but it explains it and most of it doesn't break the laws of physics (and if it does, it explains how :D ) What I'm saying is that if you are taking...  [Read More]
Posted in: The trailer!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
 Solbe M'ko
05-17-2003, 5:12 AM
Hey Blue Flamingo, you spelled "negate" incorrectly in your last post. :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: The trailer!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
 Solbe M'ko
05-15-2003, 7:19 PM
I just skimmed over this thread. The sabers in the original trilogy (particularly ANH) did not give off light to the surroundings. This was likely because of graphical limitations at the time. Even the dudes bodies didn't get lit up. Now the new mov...  [Read More]
Posted in: The official E3 Hands-on Previews of JA thread
 Solbe M'ko
05-17-2003, 5:34 AM
I though Zabrak were rare!? (Maul and that dude Eeth Koth, exceptions. edit- and the guy from Ep2 in the arena. Geez, not so rare anymore.:() Where's my Duros!? Where's my Arcona!? Where's my Barabel!? Where's my Gran!? Where's my Big Blue Elephant M...  [Read More]
Posted in: Your first mission??
 Solbe M'ko
05-17-2003, 3:03 PM
Jan's bot seemed to work well, but she was in so few missions and most of her movements were scripted. If you play, like the Yavin level and spawn a jedi friend, he'll get lost no problem....  [Read More]
Posted in: questions??
 Solbe M'ko
05-14-2003, 7:25 PM
As I mentioned earlier, it may not fit in the DF mod. Geez, who pissed in your cornflakes? Anyway, in the last mission, will those "shoot the button" puzzles be included? I suppose they would be, but still, they were a waste of time....  [Read More]
Posted in: questions??
 Solbe M'ko
05-14-2003, 2:54 PM
This may not fit in the DF mod, but it would be cool to have a bad guy hanging on the cieling and you can see him through his reflection on the floor. Or maybe a part where you can see around corners because of a mirror....  [Read More]
Posted in: Are we FORCED to use the saber staff?
 Solbe M'ko
05-17-2003, 3:20 PM
OKay, yeah. Anywho... I don't like the idea that the characters will be using staves/dual sabers. Not very many characters in SW have them. Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter (I think) says that Maul wanted a unique saber, so he made one with 2 blades. I gue...  [Read More]
Posted in: Are we FORCED to use the saber staff?
 Solbe M'ko
05-17-2003, 5:02 AM
they're making the game, not me! ; p That's the worst drawback of all. The players don't make the games....  [Read More]
Posted in: co-op MP in JA
 Solbe M'ko
05-17-2003, 3:29 PM
Holy cow! When I first noticed this thread I thought: You could damage the environment like in ESB! Anyway, I'm not a programmer or anything, but I don't think that Co-op is the same as having npcs in multiplayer. Co-op is single player with more th...  [Read More]
Posted in: What i like as a saber
 Solbe M'ko
05-17-2003, 3:14 PM
Here's an off topic question: How come in some of the on the set footage from Ep2 the actors use flexible plastic rods for lightsabers? I have a theory, but I'd like to hear from you guys first....  [Read More]
Posted in: Ability to use a single hand
 Solbe M'ko
05-17-2003, 3:11 PM
It would be awesome if when you make your character, you could choose his style. Saber stances, kung fu moves, all that would progress according to the style you pick. I know that there are a few descriptions of lightsaber styles and martial arts in...  [Read More]
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