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Solbe M'ko

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Page: 8 of 13
Posted in: I have a question
 Solbe M'ko
05-13-2003, 8:42 PM
That big rotating sprite was the second best part of the game! The best was, of course, the GINORMOUS codpeice on the end boss....  [Read More]
Posted in: Jumping
 Solbe M'ko
05-13-2003, 8:29 PM
I don't own JK1, but I have played it. I liked how you had to aim your shot deflections to hit a specific target instead of just going afk and waiting till everyone was dead like in JO....  [Read More]
Posted in: Jumping
 Solbe M'ko
05-11-2003, 2:48 PM
Hmm... I didn't think that there was a lack of jump animations, I mean, you could do a normal jump, a flip, fly. There were even four different kinds of backflip!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Suggestion
 Solbe M'ko
05-10-2003, 5:24 PM
Oh, I guess so. That level with all the spotlights, etc. OK. Sounds like SotE, to me. On the level where you fight Boba he just kind of flies around and shoots at you. I don't remember, but is the Crow in that circular dealy where you kill BF, or doe...  [Read More]
Posted in: Suggestion
 Solbe M'ko
05-10-2003, 2:21 AM
Coruscant? I don't remember that! It's been along time, afterall. I just think that some extra foreshadowing for upcoming events would be cool....  [Read More]
Posted in: questions??
 Solbe M'ko
05-13-2003, 7:47 PM
I figured you could use 'em on the floors or maybe in the john on the Ramsees Hed mission, or somethin'. Just wondering....  [Read More]
Posted in: questions??
 Solbe M'ko
05-13-2003, 12:13 AM
QUESTION! Will there be mirrors in DF mod? If so, do you have a way to fix that 1st person problem where you can only see the hands?...  [Read More]
Posted in: What shall we declare JA as?
 Solbe M'ko
05-14-2003, 1:57 AM
They should work on the mirror thing. I wouldn't know how but I'm sure they could find a way to show the player a different skin than everyone else sees....  [Read More]
Posted in: What shall we declare JA as?
 Solbe M'ko
05-13-2003, 8:26 PM
FP saber? Yuck! They'd have to clean that whole mess up if they want to include it in MP. Did you ever notice how you can only see your hands in the mirror? Or that you can't do special moves? That needs work regardless. But that's off topic......  [Read More]
Posted in: What shall we declare JA as?
 Solbe M'ko
05-11-2003, 2:52 PM
LoL! Pure hilarity! Why should an RPG need to be turn based?...  [Read More]
Posted in: What shall we declare JA as?
 Solbe M'ko
05-09-2003, 1:17 AM
Yes, Emon... yes. :rolleyes:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Models
 Solbe M'ko
05-13-2003, 8:45 PM
Don' be hatin'!:cool:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Models
 Solbe M'ko
05-13-2003, 1:07 AM
Okay, just to clarify, I didn't mean that the DT looked just like the sprite (even I'm not that ignorant). I just meant that he kind of looked unfinished (Yeah, I know). His face and abdomen bugged me. He just looked like the closest thing possible t...  [Read More]
Posted in: JA needs to be dark and moody...
 Solbe M'ko
05-13-2003, 8:33 PM
Yeah, I played the PC version and it was considerably worse than the N64 version, considering the limitations on the 64. But ANYWAY, the mood should build itself like it does in the movies. In ESB, the begining was very different from the end; it de...  [Read More]
Posted in: JA needs to be dark and moody...
 Solbe M'ko
05-13-2003, 12:45 AM
Didn't know that about the accents. But in ANH some of the Imps are clearly using american accents, while in RotJ they all have cool British accents; Jerjerrod was an awesome character in RotJ, all snivelly and such...:deathii: Anywho, the seamless...  [Read More]
Posted in: JA needs to be dark and moody...
 Solbe M'ko
05-12-2003, 9:44 PM
If I'm not pessimistic, who will be? -PS- Off topic: Do you prefer the american Imperial officers from ANH or the cool british officers from RotJ?...  [Read More]
Posted in: JA needs to be dark and moody...
 Solbe M'ko
05-11-2003, 2:51 PM
Fo' Sho'! Although it would be unlikely, I wouldn't be surprised if Lucasarts started using other music (shudder)....  [Read More]
Posted in: JA needs to be dark and moody...
 Solbe M'ko
05-10-2003, 2:07 AM
I must disagree. Those tunes were, to my mind, reserved for the skywalkers. They symbolize the whole evil vs. good, balance motif, and I don't think that they would fit in a game where you mow down stormtroopers, etc....  [Read More]
Posted in: Raven, Please Do Your EU Research
 Solbe M'ko
05-11-2003, 2:29 AM
Prime, I'm afraid you're probably right. The Yuuzhan Vong wouldn't be familiar to most SW fans, and so the game would not be marketable. Remember the days when the games industry was a bunch of nerds in their parents' basement, making games for fun,...  [Read More]
Posted in: Raven, Please Do Your EU Research
 Solbe M'ko
05-10-2003, 2:19 AM
I think a game with the Vong could work, though maybe it wouldn't be exactly the same. You would have to rely more on the force for things like healing, fighting, telekenesis. The Vong are not *immune* to the force, they are just not part of it. What...  [Read More]
Posted in: Location! Location!
 Solbe M'ko
05-13-2003, 8:21 PM
Exactly. -PS- I didn't say the new planets should be EU. They should just not be from the movies, if you get my drift. Original creations made just for JA would be awesome. :lechuck: Anyway, that's all I have to say... for now! (Sinister cackle)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Location! Location!
 Solbe M'ko
05-12-2003, 9:41 PM
Why not use new planets instead? And, to reinforce my stand on Hoth, the whole reason that the rebels even went there was that it was out of the way. There shouldn't be anything there. If smugglers set up some base there, that would be a waste of a...  [Read More]
Posted in: Location! Location!
 Solbe M'ko
05-10-2003, 2:13 AM
Has anyone read Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter? That book had some interesting descriptions of the lower levels of Coruscant. I don't think Hoth is a very good location for this game: what's there? A caved in former base. I can't understand how that cou...  [Read More]
What about the Ewoks hitting stormtroopers with sticks? That was a VERY memorable moment for several reasons......  [Read More]
Posted in: Ramsees Hed...some...more thoughts.
 Solbe M'ko
05-13-2003, 12:52 AM
It's a good idea. If not in this mod, maybe some other SP mission. The whole Imp vs Thug motif is the best part. JO didn't really have any of that grittier stuff but it makes sense and would make the mission alot more fun....  [Read More]
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