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Page: 147 of 214
Posted in: JA map filter for All-Seeing Eye
10-01-2003, 10:02 PM
Why not post a download link for it here? I know you can't post attachments, but that'd be more helpful than having to email you, just a thought. ; )...  [Read More]
Posted in: Disable Force powers for mp
10-01-2003, 10:02 PM
There's a Force Power Disable calculator I forget where it was exactly, but you might try or something....  [Read More]
Posted in: 300fps and beyond!
10-01-2003, 9:06 PM
If you edit your cfg file to remove the cap of 85 FPS, then yes, anything is possible......  [Read More]
Posted in: *Bug* Half Invisible Multiplayer Models
10-01-2003, 8:51 PM
I will check this out... those must be the "faces" of Kyle and Luke that talk to you. They shouldn't be usable in MP, so this would be considered and exploit and should be posted in the "bugs" thread so that it can be fixed in th...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Academy, Opinions
10-01-2003, 8:06 PM
Jedi Outcast was released on the Mac, Xbox and Gamecube, but not on the PS2. The Xbox is essentially a stripped down custom pc, so porting it to that format is actually the easiest of the consoles (although it will have to be scaled back just like J...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Force Move
10-01-2003, 10:03 PM
I'm not to the speeder level(s) yet, but when I do, I'll be sure to try out some of those tricks. Sounds like fun... Probably doesn't work in MP, but you never know... that could be funny in siege. ; )...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Force Move
10-01-2003, 8:43 PM
In JK2 (and in JA) it seems to be utterly random. How it works is this.... on easy difficulty (and more rarely as it gets harder and never on hard or hardest).. if a charged disruptor shot is fired at you by the AI, you will sometimes "dodge&qu...  [Read More]
Posted in: Huston we have a problem!
10-01-2003, 8:21 PM
If you want to host a server that others can see in the master list and join on the internet, visit and download the "dedicated server binary" for your OS of choice (Linux or Windows). Inside you'll find some instruction...  [Read More]
Posted in: Please please help (port help for hosting JA)
10-01-2003, 8:27 PM
29060-29099 (UDP & TCP). Create a shortcut to JAMP.exe and add the following command line parameters to the target in the shortcut: +net_port 29069 +net_restart Then do the same for JAMPded.exe (the dedicated server binary) but make the comma...  [Read More]
Posted in: Practicing siege for one player mp!!!!!!!!!!!
10-01-2003, 8:31 PM
You'd need to make bot routes for each map, however they are done for the regular levels (there are tutorials out there if I'm not mistaken, I've never tried to make some for JK2 or JA)....  [Read More]
Posted in: I need somone to teach me how to fight.
10-01-2003, 8:09 PM
Here is your first lesson: If you see somebody sitting down cross-legged in the game, it means they wish to retain their honor and recieve a "warrior's death." Stand and face them. Turn 180 degrees around. Ignite your lightsaber. Press...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Academy enters the sales charts ...
10-01-2003, 8:17 PM
Technically every time a new expansion for it comes out, they have to buy the original game to play it, so could be. I hear the Sims is modded more than any FPS game ever made......  [Read More]
Posted in: Three things I want to be able to do.
10-01-2003, 8:53 AM
First Person Lightsaber works BUT there is no semi-transparent skin so it doesn't quite look right, sorry. The rest of the stuff you can find in this thread:  [Read More]
Posted in: voice question...
10-01-2003, 9:09 AM
Well you can use the console to give yourself a different voice file than the jaden ones. Like for example: snd "rodian" Should give you the rodian voice file. Or you can player model change into the character, then playermodel player an...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dismemberment, Yes or no, HELP?
10-01-2003, 9:49 PM
For JA, saberrealisticcombat has been CHANGED to saberMORErealistic. To do it, you need to engage in some shortcut/command line trickery, so please check out this thread for the full method of doing it properly:  [Read More]
Posted in: Jawa Skin
10-01-2003, 8:30 PM
Actually there are taller Jawas, just watch ANH... ; ) And be sure you put the \ first in MP to make it work....  [Read More]
Posted in: Very funny glitch I found in demo!
10-01-2003, 1:17 AM
It's actually quite interesting and cool, but it's already been posted in the "Not Enough Customization.." threads. ; )...  [Read More]
Posted in: jedivmerc How do you get it to work?
09-30-2003, 10:40 PM
The Jetpack is a Siege only item. In the base game, you can use Fet's JP in Siege_Desert on the Merc (defending) team. Hit use while jumping and stuff. As to using JediVMerc with bots, you may have to edit the bot files if none of them are showing...  [Read More]
Posted in: Saber Damage Patch
10-01-2003, 8:00 PM
It's unblockable? Who gives a crap, it never hits, and even if it does it doesn't do nearly as much damage as it should. If you ramp up the damage of an already off scale, it will just make the one hit random kills even more random. So let's see......  [Read More]
Posted in: Saber Damage Patch
10-01-2003, 9:00 AM
won't cry about it but can you honestly see any good reason to use a move that costs you 25 force points when the ones that do not cost any force do the same if not more damage? Because it's unblockable? I know saber damage scales can be altered...  [Read More]
Posted in: Does anyone remember? (hidden Kyle skin in MP?)
10-01-2003, 8:44 PM
Desann insults Kyle by calling him a "Bantha Herder" in JK2. That's where it comes from......  [Read More]
Posted in: First person lightsaber... am i daft???
10-01-2003, 8:40 PM
All that need be done is to add a semi-transparent (arms only or headless) Kyle skin like was done in JK2 1.04 (and for SP JK2 from the start). It would be a client side option to be used with CG_FPLS 1/G_FPLS 1. I'm all for it. It could work with...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ragdoll physics in MP works!
10-01-2003, 9:06 AM
; ) Okay, well so long as nobody is mad at ME for sharing this information, after all I didn't make JA!...  [Read More]
Posted in: lamer blues
10-01-2003, 8:55 AM
I've taken to bowing AFTER I've killed somebody, rather than before... quit satisfying. ; )...  [Read More]
Posted in: Saber scars and blaster marks.
10-01-2003, 9:07 AM
it's like g_g2marks or g_saberentmarks etc....  [Read More]
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