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Three things I want to be able to do.

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10-01-2003, 5:28 AM
Here are some things I used to do in JKII/JO that I would like to do in JK/JA, if you know how to do these things (via console commands etc.), have tested them, and proven they work, please post the "how to" in this thread for me. Thanks guys. I've beaten the game and need my rampant fix of cheating, tweaking, and chopping darksiders heads off.

1) Anyone gotten full dismemberment (heads, torsos, legs and such) to work in JA? If so, tell me how. I miss chopping people in two.

2) How do you switch lightsaber types via console? I.E. from single to dual or staff etc. I'd like to maim some stormtroopers in the early missions with the staff (for giggles..tehe).

3) Is there a functioning first person lightsaber command? cg_fpls 1 seems not to work in JA single player. Maybe I'm doing it wrong. It really burns me that they removed single player first person lightsaber views this time around. I find it more challenging and theatric to use. Makes me feel more like I'm wielding the thing.

If you have an answer to one of these three, please reply with the number you are responding to and then the procedure/command.

Take care :lsduel:
10-01-2003, 5:52 AM
Figured out how to get the saberstaff using saber dual_#. So anyone know how to get the twin lightsabers?

The rest of my questions stand as they are.
10-01-2003, 8:14 AM
I got dismemberment to work with:
g_saberRealisticCombat 2

Works just fine for me :D
10-01-2003, 8:39 AM
2) To get two sabers, just type:
saber <hilt1> <hilt2>
for example, saber kyle kyle will give you kyle's saber in both hands.
To set the colors, type
sabercolor 1 <color1> 2 <color2>
I'm acting out of memory so correct me if I'm wrong.
10-01-2003, 8:46 AM
Just go to the customisation thread - all the answers are there, and with regards to dismemberment, there are different combinations of things... it is very challenging to play(i've tried SP only) with full saber realism, even as your opponet is falling, his/her saber can still lop an arm off if you're not careful.....

FP view, ive never tried the above command, there's another thread about this too, but it seems that its limited

with regards to sabers, a great one is desann's saber - in each hand !! it's saber desann desann or something, see the above mentioned thread... its a huge saber !

10-01-2003, 8:53 AM
First Person Lightsaber works BUT there is no semi-transparent skin so it doesn't quite look right, sorry.

The rest of the stuff you can find in this thread:
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