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Jedi Academy enters the sales charts ...

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10-01-2003, 11:05 AM
... at #2.

Check the link here ( which says that for the week ending Sept 20th Jedi Academy was #2 in sales. Not bad, since the game was only out half of the week ...

 Sam Fisher
10-01-2003, 11:35 AM
No, that isn't bad. But I expected it to come out on top. Wait, I wasen't even thinking about that at any time...

But #2, that's good.
10-01-2003, 4:46 PM
I expected the game to do well in the first week or two of release. There's still a hardcore fanbase for the series.
10-01-2003, 5:15 PM
Originally posted by StormHammer
I expected the game to do well in the first week or two of release. There's still a hardcore fanbase for the series. Yes, but it has been largely ignored (read: GameSpy) or downplayed in the gaming media. BluesNews didn't note its' 'Ships Ahoy' like it usually does ... it came out relatively underwhelmingly - unlike Halo, for instance.

10-01-2003, 5:28 PM
Well, Jedi Academy is great; I am glad it did well. Most of the games on that list I didn't like, though, except for maybe the BF games.
10-01-2003, 5:36 PM
It makes me sick how The Sims is still there. Do people love this game that they just keep buying it over and over? WTF?
10-01-2003, 8:17 PM
Technically every time a new expansion for it comes out, they have to buy the original game to play it, so could be.

I hear the Sims is modded more than any FPS game ever made...
10-01-2003, 8:33 PM
Originally posted by Emon
It makes me sick how The Sims is still there. Do people love this game that they just keep buying it over and over? WTF?

Well, many peeps are _really_ addicted, and they buy every single x-pack. Then, they show it to their friends. And since there're so many x-packs, their friends will go out and buy the special editions, plus the latest x-packs.

and The Sims 2 is comming in feb 2004, watch out!

I'm actually surprised that JA made it to 2nd place. All of my friends are waiting for the price to go down (they think it's more like an x-pack).
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