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Page: 97 of 109
Posted in: A question on files
06-23-2004, 10:54 AM
Check this sticky:  [Read More]
Posted in: 1st Custom Armor Finished
06-23-2004, 1:13 PM
Great work Sep! :thumbsup: Will surely download it if you make it available. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Help!
06-22-2004, 1:46 PM
If you changed the appearance row numbers in the .2da file, then you have to edit the recruits .utc files as well. Check my post in this thread on how to do it:  [Read More]
Posted in: save game stuff
06-22-2004, 1:31 PM
Why would you want a save game with the recruits already recruited? I think the fun part with the recruit mods is the storyline and the custom dialogs before the npcs are recruited. If you just want your party members to have the appearance of Dustil...  [Read More]
Posted in: Sound Sets .ssf
06-21-2004, 6:01 PM
Originally posted by Arlen Treesong LOL See, I did not know that. bleh, maybe someday I'll start reading manuals. ;) :D It's not in the readme :D (hmmm I shouldn't say that...)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Sound Sets .ssf
06-21-2004, 5:28 PM
I'm not sure I get it. Do you mean all the .wavs for Vandar? If this is what you are looking for, you have to look in the folder corresponding to the right modules in the streamwaves directory (there are three distinct folders for the sound. KTonly a...  [Read More]
Posted in: Sound Sets .ssf
06-21-2004, 4:32 PM
I know, I've been looking at this .ssf format too sometime ago but didn't found much about it. Unfortunately, we are still very limited in what we can do. If you find anything, let us know :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Sound Sets .ssf
06-21-2004, 4:11 PM
To add sound from an external source, look at this thread: You can look at the sound section in the sticky to get the tools if you want to manipulate sound:Guide for the newbie: how to...  [Read More]
Posted in: a script wich give money to player ?
06-21-2004, 4:02 PM
Originally posted by ReLoaD2K Can that script be added to speach? Like the Dark Side Choker thing? Of course :)...  [Read More]
No it's not there so i added a link in my sticky: Guide for the Newbie blah blah blah......  [Read More]
Posted in:  NEW FORCE POWER: turn ennemies into allies
06-22-2004, 4:41 PM
That is not a problem anymore Maverick :) what we are trying to fix is the targetting system during battle. When you have a group of ennemies (example Star Forge) the power does not target the nearest ennemy but the second closest ennemy. Darth Khas...  [Read More]
Posted in:  NEW FORCE POWER: turn ennemies into allies
06-22-2004, 9:42 AM
Thanks Darth Khasei, I'll try that :) BTW, there is a column in the spells.2da file called range: S is for Spherical effect . I'll try combining the two to see what happens. (in the meantime, it's not a major problem with this Force power: it's alwa...  [Read More]
Posted in:  NEW FORCE POWER: turn ennemies into allies
06-21-2004, 4:01 PM
Originally posted by Darth Khasei Happy fathers day to all. Great new power. Darth333 thanks for the info on how to place the powers into the offensive menu. I have changed all of the new force powers to fit in that regular menu. Now, how do you ge...  [Read More]
Posted in:  NEW FORCE POWER: turn ennemies into allies
06-21-2004, 10:23 AM
I never tryied to do that but yes, it can be done quite easily. You could try using some of these (just examples): ApplyEffectToObject(nDurationType, eEffect, oTarget, fDuration); EffectAbilityDecrease(ABILITY_CONSTITUTION, 4) EffectAbilityDecreas...  [Read More]
Posted in:  NEW FORCE POWER: turn ennemies into allies
06-21-2004, 9:54 AM
Sure, I can finish it. What would you like to see?...  [Read More]
Posted in:  NEW FORCE POWER: turn ennemies into allies
06-21-2004, 1:11 AM
Just j/k, there is no secret: anyone can look at the spells.2da file that comes with the mod with KT :) I also included the source code in the download....  [Read More]
Posted in:  NEW FORCE POWER: turn ennemies into allies
06-21-2004, 12:58 AM
Originally posted by ReLoaD2K Great work! Now I have a question, how did you make the Power appear in the Battle Menu? Yes, just like any other "offensive force power". Secret is in the spells.2da file ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: I cant recrute dustil or yuthera
06-20-2004, 10:10 PM
I haven't tried my Dustil mod with the HL-Plug in but did you read the instructions for the mod carefully? Dustil is only recruitable if you do Korriban after the Leviathan. Plus there are certain conversation options: it's a third way to solve the D...  [Read More]
Posted in: My first Recruitment mod
06-21-2004, 11:41 PM
Takes a few minutes to do ( it can take a little longer the first time but not too long) you should really try to do it. If you have problems, just pm me....  [Read More]
Posted in: My first Recruitment mod
06-21-2004, 11:23 PM
You first have to select the original npc you want to replace: BASTILA = 0 CANDEROUS= 1 CARTH = 2 HK_47 = 3 JOLEE= 4 JUHANI= 5 MISSION= 6 T3_M4 = 7 ZAALBAR = 8 Note: the new recruit will behave exactly as the original npc. Per example: if you repla...  [Read More]
Posted in: My first Recruitment mod
06-21-2004, 9:26 PM
Originally posted by kampher yes this is one of my favorite recruit mods. my only question is, since it replaces t3m4, can i still recruit uthura or bandon? because i have those mods too. Also off topic, Still havent found a way to get maskless rev...  [Read More]
Posted in: My first Recruitment mod
06-21-2004, 9:29 AM
Good work Darth Tomer :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Sith Armada II
06-22-2004, 1:39 PM
Originally posted by Darth Straker He's the first of my characters to have voice during conversation!! Hehehe you should make an Alien Armada: adding sound would no longer be a problem :D Keep up the nice work :thumbsup:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Visual Effects Armband
06-20-2004, 10:20 PM
Originally posted by tk102 Thanks for the feedback everyone... Oh yeah... I forgot... well bye! J/K. I guess I'm just a drama king. :) But really, there are still some fun things that come be done with this game and this forum is fun to be around....  [Read More]
Posted in: Bastila Underwear (with a thong)
06-22-2004, 8:39 PM
Originally posted by tk102 You haven't been here long have you?  [Read More]
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