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I cant recrute dustil or yuthera

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 Gath fett
06-20-2004, 8:56 PM
IN holowan plugin v.2 I can't every thing else works but that !!!1 help Holowan guys help
06-20-2004, 9:32 PM
Sweet Jesus man delete two out of these three threads please
 Gath fett
06-20-2004, 9:46 PM
sorry can you help me.
06-20-2004, 10:10 PM
I haven't tried my Dustil mod with the HL-Plug in but did you read the instructions for the mod carefully?
Dustil is only recruitable if you do Korriban after the Leviathan. Plus there are certain conversation options: it's a third way to solve the Dustil quest that will lead you to a discussion with Utahr in the Tomb of Naga Sadow. If you double cross Uthar, then you will not have Dustil.
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