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Sound Sets .ssf

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 Arlen Treesong
06-21-2004, 3:31 PM
Has anyone been working on, or has cracked this? I've been looking for software but I've yet to find any. I'm trying to replace the player sounds with Yoda's voice and I figured if I could it would work out alot better if I used Vandar rather than .wavs from the movies.
06-21-2004, 4:11 PM
To add sound from an external source, look at this thread:

You can look at the sound section in the sticky to get the tools if you want to manipulate sound:Guide for the newbie: how to install mods / what tools do you need to start modding (

If you want to re-use sounds that are already used in the game: just add the reference in the sound field (alien voices) or the VO_ResRef field (human voices) of the DLG files.
 Arlen Treesong
06-21-2004, 4:18 PM
What I want to do is pretty specific. I want to rip open Vandar/Yoda's entire sound source. I've already check out the available .wav files and they only have his hit/bat/death .wavs what I need are the scripts from where he is talking and all that. As for manipulating it, I know all about that soundforge etc etc, I used to dj, still do occasionally. Which is why this frustrates me so much lol, it's like right there but I just can grab it, carrot on a stick :-/
06-21-2004, 4:32 PM
I know, I've been looking at this .ssf format too sometime ago but didn't found much about it. Unfortunately, we are still very limited in what we can do.
If you find anything, let us know :)
 Arlen Treesong
06-21-2004, 5:09 PM
oooook well this is puzzling. The soundset is the size of his 4 .wav files. Which makes me wonder where is his speech, hmmm puzzling indeed it is.
06-21-2004, 5:28 PM
I'm not sure I get it. Do you mean all the .wavs for Vandar? If this is what you are looking for, you have to look in the folder corresponding to the right modules in the streamwaves directory (there are three distinct folders for the sound. KTonly allows you to browse the streamsounds folder. Or do you mean the ssf file for all his speech?
 Arlen Treesong
06-21-2004, 5:51 PM
Originally posted by Darth333
KTonly allows you to browse the streamsounds folder.
LOL See, I did not know that. bleh, maybe someday I'll start reading manuals. ;) :D
06-21-2004, 6:01 PM
Originally posted by Arlen Treesong
LOL See, I did not know that. bleh, maybe someday I'll start reading manuals. ;) :D
It's not in the readme :D (hmmm I shouldn't say that...)
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