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save game stuff

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 Gath fett
06-21-2004, 5:37 PM
I was wounderong if some one could give me a saved game mod with specile recrutied charters (dustil, uthar, So on) If posible.
 Colma Adawin
06-21-2004, 6:07 PM
Originally posted by Gath fett
I was wounderong if some one could give me a saved game mod with specile recrutied charters (dustil, uthar, So on) If posible.

Why cant you do this by your self? the instruction are in the Read-me, right?

This will take time for someone to do, i would gladly help but at the moment i'm really busy.

06-21-2004, 6:11 PM
I could try... except I'm already pressed for time filling out 2 requests. But MattCole's right, there's no reason you can't do it yourself. Not that hard, depending how you do it.
 Gath fett
06-22-2004, 1:07 PM
Well if you tell me how i might be able to do that, but if i cant in a spare time could you do it
:) :) :) :)
06-22-2004, 1:29 PM
Well, if you want all the psecial characters already recruited then you can just use appaerance to make it, cept you will have screwed up voices. :D
06-22-2004, 1:31 PM
Why would you want a save game with the recruits already recruited? I think the fun part with the recruit mods is the storyline and the custom dialogs before the npcs are recruited. If you just want your party members to have the appearance of Dustil and Yuthura:
1. get Kotor tool and microsoft .net , extract the utc files of the npcs you want to look like Dustil and Uthar;
2. get a gff editor, open the utc file in the field called appearance type and change the number beside that field. To make your npc look like Dustil the appearance number is 432.
To check for the other appearance numbers, open the appearance.2da file with kotor tool (you can make npcs look like a Bantha if you wish :D )

If you want to change the name of the npc go to the fields called Firstname and LastName and in the box called STRREF type -1 and in the box just under type "0" press enter and a balnk window should appear: type the name you want to appear above the npc diring the game.

3. save, close and put the utc file in your override folder.

the whole operation should take about two minutes.

To get the tools, and some tips on how to use them, check my sticky :Guide for the newbie (
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