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Page: 53 of 85
Posted in: Mod Requests Thread (#3)
02-08-2005, 11:32 AM
Although possible, see the very first post of this thread, item #4....  [Read More]
Posted in: What's that sound?! Oh...
02-16-2005, 6:34 PM
I do. I use Netscape. My sound is off consequently. Thanks for the update Rhett. Looking forward to vb3. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Shiny Madalorians and non-Plastic Aliens
02-16-2005, 11:23 AM
Hey that looks great T7! I'm glad you did the before/after layout. I going to install this mod before even playing my first-time through....  [Read More]
Posted in:  New force power! Lightsaber floating
02-09-2005, 5:44 PM
THANK YOU! (back on topic now...)...  [Read More]
Posted in:  New force power! Lightsaber floating
02-09-2005, 5:38 PM
Originally posted by Darth333 1. Create a new folder called Override in your C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2 directory. You catch that Fred? That's the first piece of info that we can use to start modifying our tools with. Now if we could find...  [Read More]
Posted in: Scripting equiped item DS points
02-08-2005, 2:53 PM
No problem Sketch42. :) And I thank Redhawke for helping out on this and many other posts during what most of us mods consider the graveyard shift....  [Read More]
Posted in: Scripting equiped item DS points
02-08-2005, 1:07 PM
Not really a cutscene, more like when you're talking to somebody or when you're using a computer (depending on the ConversationType field in the .dlg file). See Properties of a Dialog File (  [Read More]
Just a reminder for those trying to use DLGEditor with TSL dialogs: You'll need to press Ctrl+T (or choose File: Change TLK File) to browse to the dialog.tlk file located in your TSL installation directory....  [Read More]
Posted in: Feat making?
02-11-2005, 6:41 PM
Sorry to come late to this thread, but feats are handled by the game engine and only marginally by scripts. Editing feat.2da will not help you accomplish anything new. About all you can do is give someone a special feat and then check to see if that...  [Read More]
@Daebryn: Interesting observation. I wonder where else the game is storing the <FullName> tokens... @doinkers: Thanks for the kudos. I'm still investigating the GoodEvil thing. I've heard that low influence makes NPCs go GoodEvil in the opposi...  [Read More]
It does -- just scroll the item list to the right......  [Read More]
:doh: Well okay I'll check that too. Man, who knew TSL would cause so many ripples in KSE? :p...  [Read More]
v3.0.9 released - Fixes inventory upgrade bug - Fixes influence bug Thanks for the feedback everyone! I'll try to keep improving KSE as per your suggestions....  [Read More]
v3.0.7 released - Fixed a major Xbox bug that prevented KSE from opening Xbox savegames. It was the fact that the .bif files needed to go into \dataxbox\ folder instead of \data\ folder. Special thanks goes to Transquillar for helping me troubleshoo...  [Read More]
Are you getting a confirmation that "game saved successfully"? Try creating a text file in the same directory as KSEA and rename it to "kse.log". Then try performing your changes again. Email the resulting kse.log file to the em...  [Read More]
@SpaceAlex and other non-English users of KSE: I have uploaded KSEA (KSE alternate) v3.0.6 to the You may use this version if you are having problems launching KSE. The functionality is identical but the user interface is slight...  [Read More]
@TMPhoenix: Yes that's exactly what I was thinking when I woke up this morning. I had noticed that new field last night but I had to sleep on it to realize that's probably the issue. You see, when I add an item to your inventory, I have to transcribe...  [Read More]
KSE v3.0.6 released - Added ability to edit NPC influence levels. In TSL games, you will now see a node named Influence under each NPC that you have recruited. Valid values are 0 to 100....  [Read More]
Ahh I now know what they are talking about. For some reason, if you give yourself the item, HK's rifle for example, via the KSE, it doesn't show up in the upgrade screen but if you give yourself the item via the cheat console, it does. Most odd. Weir...  [Read More]
v3.0.5 released Especially for Xbox users, v3.0.5 allows you manually specify where the KotOR or TSL installation directory lives. Just right click on the game 'family' node (the one that says "Knights of the Old Republic" or "The Sit...  [Read More]
@Dak Vesser: I've decided rather than make Xbox users jump through a bunch of hoops of fooling KSE, I'll just release another version of KSE (tonight hopefully) that allows you manually specify the paths to your savegames. @SpaceAlex: No problem, I...  [Read More]
@spacealex: I'll see what I can do about getting an 'alternate' version of KSE up for you. @Funsolo: That's just a straight read from classes.2da -- evidently Bounty Hunter was a dropped idea. @Burnsu: I'll have to take your word for it. Maybe some...  [Read More]
KSE v3.0.4 released Support for KotOR and KotOR2:TSL savegames! (But no Influence editing yet) (also fixed the Class removal error) I would like to give extra extra special thanks to Darth333 and T7Nowhere...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kotor Tool - v1.0.2210.16738 (2006-1-19 12:38)
02-14-2005, 10:17 AM
Presently, I am planning on letting the user switch between working with KotOR I and II. There are simply too many dependencies in the treeview to make a second set of subtree nodes available right off. I want to get a version into folks' hands that...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kotor Tool - v1.0.2210.16738 (2006-1-19 12:38)
02-08-2005, 8:54 AM
Ha ha! Many good suggestions for a tool name, but I was really looking for what I should call the tree node and folder where modules in the Project Manager are currently placed after packaging. Ha ha! Remember guys, you're talking to Fred Tetra the I...  [Read More]
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