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vehicle limit and new vehicle classes

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12-22-2003, 11:54 AM
I thought the first time we saw them in E1 they were able to walk with their shields up.

I thought so too, just from memory.

...but I watched it carefully the other night, and they switch off their shields when they walk. I couldn't see an instance where they were walking and still had their shields on...
12-22-2003, 12:18 PM
Ok, well, I can live with that too. :)
12-23-2003, 12:27 PM
Duncan - could you make two walk animations? One with shield and one without?
..and also have shield on and shield off animations in a standing position (i.e. without going into a roll...)

Once we have those, then we can set it up as we like. But I'm thinking we should be accurate to the movies and make the shield go off if you walk...
12-23-2003, 12:39 PM
RenegadeOfPhunk, ok let me repeat if i got it right. i make a second walking animation without shields, change the fold in/out animation so there isnt a shield visible at all, a second satnding but with out shiled, add new shield up/down animations and overwork the fold in/out animations.

this way you can code the transfer to rolling like this: standing - shields down - fold in - rolling. right? and from walking to rolling there will not flesh the shield as it would do now, clever :)

i also found my EP.I, i gone take a look at it and work on the animations. i let you know as soon i get results.
12-23-2003, 1:00 PM
i make a second walking animation without shields, change the fold in/out animation so there isnt a shield visible at all, a second satnding but with out shiled, add new shield up/down animations and overwork the fold in/out animations.

Yeap - that's exactly right Duncan. That would be great :)

(Just to double-check, don't remove the shield for the attaking anims - they will be used while standing still, so shields should be on.)

If it's possible, could you get the new shield stuff done first and sent over to me?
...that way I can get on with any code changes needed with the new shield set-up -and be sure that it's all looking and working correctly.
...then you can take your time working on the new fold in / out anims without needing any new code from me...

...the Droidkea is gonna look WAY cool once it's finished :)

btw - the droidekas seen in Ep.I have quite different skin colours than the one yours currently have. Overall, more dark brown than light brown....

I'd be nice if it could be skinned to look more like how they are in the movies? (I'm not sure if your a skinner or not.) you know of anybody who could maybe have a go at it possibly? If you need a screenshot, I can make one...
 Darth Sun
12-23-2003, 5:34 PM
About the vehicle limit.

The recent "OmniMOD 2.0" included OJP's VEH limit fix saying they increased it to 64; the problem is, it does nothing.

It's either the OmniMOD team's problem when implementing it or the OJP code doesn't work at 100%.

Just thought you guys should know about this potential problem.
12-23-2003, 8:12 PM
So it still give you the error then you have too many vehicles?
 Darth Sun
12-24-2003, 12:31 AM
Exactly, which was quite a dissapointment for me and for many others I'm sure.
12-24-2003, 1:20 AM
Doh! Ok, I've asked Phunk to look into it..
12-26-2003, 2:07 PM
Well, I've looked into this vehicle limit thing, and upping the MAX_VEHICLES define definetly does something!

I used devmap and started spawning vehicles all over the place, and I managed to spawn more than 16 different types of vehicles. When I lowered MAX_VEHICLES back down to 16, then it wouldn't let me add the 17th vehicle.

Darth Sun,
I would double-check with the OmniMod guys that they definetly made the appropate change. Because upping the MAX_VEHICLE define definetly seemed to work - at least for me...

Back to the droideka,

Everything is done apart from 1 problem - anims repeating on client comps when they shoudn't. I'm gonna try and look into this a bit more, but I think I may just add it to the respoitory and let Razor attack it with his immense anim experience - he'll probably spot the problem right away...
12-26-2003, 7:38 PM
Well, it's very possible that BOFH didn't do it right or someone just didn't do things correctly.
12-26-2003, 10:30 PM
Ahh -I think I know what the problem is...

...isn't OmniMod a server-side only mod?

THe MAX_VEHICLES define is in bg_vehicles.h, which means I don't think it will work for just server-side mods. I think you need a client download to fix this...
 Darth Sun
12-27-2003, 12:29 AM
The latest releases include a client side DLL, surely to address this problem.

It does seem to be working propperly with Omni2.1 (at least from what I saw so far), so I guess whatever problem there was, is now addressed.
12-27-2003, 3:33 AM
Sounds like there was a screw up in OMNI's compile, I guess. I'm glad that it wasn't a problem on our end. :)
12-27-2003, 11:28 AM
Sounds like there was a screw up in OMNI's compile, I guess.

I think the mystery was solved with this comment:

The latest releases include a client side DLL, surely to address this problem.

...but anyway, good - this seems to work then...
12-27-2003, 12:22 PM
ok, back to the droideka,

i played the newest version RenegadeOfPhunk sent me, everything seems to work as it should. but i think we have a minor problem with the turning when standing, the rpoblem is every time you move the cursor the shield starts to pop down and pop up, this make the hole movement kind of lagy. the shield have to pop down befor it can turn but by then you turn is mostly already over, so its a pop up/down all the time. i would suggest we set shield up on turning when standing. if you are aiming the shields would never be active anyway. it isnt that correct but it make sense in gameplay, a droideka that stays on one spot is an easy target, no mather if turning or not. if its moving (walking or rolling) the shields should be off. if you play a droideka you can keep on moving or stay and have shields.

an other point is movement mode change, as it is now you have to hold down shift to be in roll mode. would it be possible to use right click change the mode or holding right click to stay in rolle model. holding right would be probably best, cause when you are in rolle mode you dont dont use left click anyway. without holding right mouse buttom you are just walking. i think this way the droideka would be much better to control.

i am working on a new fold out animation that is more like in EP.I, i am not sure, but is it possible to keep the model moving forward a second longer then the player holds the key? i think its something like the swoops that keep on moving for a short time, whats the parameter for that?
12-27-2003, 12:51 PM
but i think we have a minor problem with the turning when standing, the rpoblem is every time you move the cursor the shield starts to pop down and pop up, this make the hole movement kind of lagy.

I've changed that already. From what I saw in the movies, it seemed to me that if the droideka moved it's legs in any way, this meant the shields had to go off. But I was wrong about that. At the end of Ep.I, the droidekas can be seen turning with their shields on.

So I've made it so that you can turn and the shields will stay on (no pause). But as soon as you walk or roll, the shields come down.
This didn't require any code changes btw. I just turned the StandToTurnTime and TurnToStandTime values to 0, altered the MBFDisableShields value (both in the .veh file), and messed around with the animevents file a bit...

would it be possible to use right click change the mode or holding right click to stay in rolle model.

Well, it COULD be possible. But I don't think it would be that neat really. For the right button for example, this would rely on the vehicle creator not placing any weapons on alt-fire etc.
If I can make it work in a nice, clean way, I'll add it. But I think using the walk/run button is good enough really I have to say.

I get what your trying to achieve though, and I'll have a think about it.

is it possible to keep the model moving forward a second longer then the player holds the key?

decrease the decelIdle value in the .veh file to make the vehicle deccelerate slower.
 Darth Sun
12-27-2003, 11:16 PM
After installing the new "Kotor Flight School", the ".veh extention too long" error once again occurs.
After deleting some of the vehicles I had in base it worked as expected.

Needless to say, I removed KFS and reinstalled the previous vehicles I had.

I'm beginning to think this is an engine limitation, the client side alteration won't work too well if that's the case.
12-28-2003, 4:48 AM
Or it could be OMNImod's fault.
12-28-2003, 5:40 AM
Problem located and fixed. It looks like Raven had two seperate defines of the same value (one in base 10 and one in binary).

Say, is there a "convert to binary" command? (like "(float)" or "(int)"?
12-28-2003, 10:51 PM
OK - extra coding for the Droideka is done.

I will be updating this stuff to the repository shortly. Here is a full description of the new features:

New vehicle implmentation (

There is one problem remaining with this stuff - regarding repeating anims on client comps. I'm hoping after I've submitted it that Razor will have better luck getting to the bottom of it than i have :)

With your permission Duncan, I will also be adding the droideka vehicle itself. all we need is a skinner to step forward :)
12-29-2003, 2:30 AM
Remember that it should go in the Vehicles pack.
12-29-2003, 2:53 AM
Yeap - it did go into the Vehicles pack
01-01-2004, 11:35 AM
ok, i had some free time and worked on my AT-AT vehicle project again. :atat: i am just about to start the animation so i want to pose some questions about possible coded animations. i will post some pics as soon as i have something realy to show.

1. you know, the AT-AT has a very slow movement, only one leg at a time is lifted. a hole walking cycle would take very long and if someone wants to stop in the middle of this cycle the animation will make a jump. my question, is it possible to have four movement modes, one for every leg? like this:
walk1 (walking animation that goes from stand1 to stand2)
walk2 (walking animation that goes from stand2 to stand3)
walk3 (walking animation that goes from stand3 to stand4)
walk4 (walking animation that goes from stand4 to stand1)

this way a walking cycle would be spit in four animations and the player can stop after ever part and stay in the correct stand posture. the walkX are the modes and the standX are the appropriet stangings. do you know what i mean?

2. the AT-AT has a movable head, i added two bones in the neck. is it possible to let them follow the crosshair in vertical and horizontal? but both only 50% of the crosshair movement, together they will follow compleatly. i want this because if i make only one bone to follow, there will be only one joint and it will look a break point and not like a smoth trun. if this isnt spossible i have to use only one bone as head turning bone.

3. can we have more then one death animation? triggerd by different actions? you know that snowspeeder thing.

4. in general, what animations should a AT-AT have? what code mod do we need to make it work? is it possible at all?

01-01-2004, 11:47 AM
The walking thing can be solved by having it finish its walk anim before moving on to another.
01-01-2004, 1:50 PM
When will the update be out where the vehicle limit will be more then 12
01-01-2004, 8:11 PM
Originally posted by toolman639
When will the update be out where the vehicle limit will be more then 12

I don't know.

And the original limit is actually 16, not 12. The problem is primarily related to the read buffer being too small.
01-02-2004, 3:26 PM
so here are two pictures and a walking cycle movie of the AT-AT
i am working on. and i dont think the walking cycle problem can
be solved by setting it to finish befor starting the next one. take
a look ate the movie, the cycle there is about 1.5 sec long and
much to fast. i think the hole cycle will take about 10-20 sec. this
is too long to let it finish. AT-ATs are realy walking slow.
 Admiral Chemix
01-02-2004, 6:06 PM
Nice walking anim. If you have an msn messenger addy would you mind sending it in a pm to me, I would like to discuss an offer with u. Back to the topic, so the droidecka vehicle is finished, can't wait to see it in action.
 Darth Sun
01-02-2004, 10:49 PM
The AT-AT looks awesome!

If it's possible, I think a sort of way of being able to stop the animation in certain frames (the ones where the AT-AT has all the 4 legs fully set on the floor) would be the best and more realistic way of making a stop animation for the AT-AT.

Kinda like having 4 seperate walking animations which always go after the other and if the player stops between each of them that's where the animation stops otherwise the AT-AT will finish the step of the animation (but not standing in place, make the AT-AT force step forward still moving till it can completly stop once the animation reached the end).

Kinda like, you tap once forward and the AT-AT will do a full step forward with one of the legs before stopping even though you're not pressing anything anymore, to both ensure that the animation fully cycles and doesn't have the AT-AT "moonwalk" in place.

I guess a new vehicle would have to be implemented, something like VH_BIGWALKER for situations such as these.
01-02-2004, 11:35 PM
I agree with Sun. The best way to handle this would be with a state machine that sequencially plays the walk animations when you walk in the ATAT. It shouldn't be too complicated to set up but it would require some time to do.

Try asking Phunk. He seems to be the one interested in messing with that stuff.
01-03-2004, 12:30 AM
I am indeed interested in working on the walker.

I'm right in the middle of some stuff for MBII at this minute that I want to finish off, but I don't think it will take long.

I suggest we do it the same way as we did it last time Duncan. Get the AT-AT at the same kind of stage which the Droideka was at when you sent it to me before - i.e. just have a basic skin and all the animations I need.
...when you've got that ready, just send it over to me and I'll start messing around with it.

My initial thoughts are that we will not need a new vehicle class for this. I think we can have another vehicle parameter to state that the vehicle has a number of walking 'states' - the number of which you can specify. i.e. for the AT-AT:

numberOfWalkingStates 4

This will then use a pre-defined set of animations for each walking state, working in a manner very much like Sun and Razor have just described.
01-03-2004, 12:58 AM
I don't know. Do we really need a setable number of states? It would be much easier to just code in 4.
01-03-2004, 1:09 AM
I don't know. Do we really need a setable number of states? It would be much easier to just code in 4.

It would be absolutely trivial to make the walk 'state' number selectable. (why do you think this would be so much harder?!) And then the feature is far more flexible and future-proof.

...of course we need a sensible maximum - I'd say 10 would be sufficient...

For example - consider the AT-TE (, which has 6 legs. If this vehicle was made, it could also benefit from this feature...
01-03-2004, 1:16 AM
Well, I suppose so. I guess it's up to whoever does the coding. :)
 Darth Sun
01-03-2004, 1:40 AM
Good idea, indeed it would make things much easier for "big walkers".
If someone wants to make a two legged "big walker" (example, a mech from MechWarrior, not that it fits in SW but it's a good example and it would fit for a MW mod if someone ever wants to do one) it would work very well.
01-03-2004, 2:05 AM
the AT-AT has a movable head, i added two bones in the neck. is it possible to let them follow the crosshair in vertical and horizontal?

I'm not really sure - to be honest, I don't know much about how the bone -> control stuff works - I'm gonna have to look into it. Keep the vehicle how you have just described so I can have a go with it...

can we have more then one death animation? triggerd by different actions? you know that snowspeeder thing.

Yes, this is certainly possible. In the specific case of the AT-AT's being taken down by the snow-speeders, the hardest part by far (at least coding-side) would be getting the tow-rope to 'wrap-round' the legs of the AT-AT. That would be very tricky, but also VERY VERY slick :) SO might be worth the effort -we'll see...

Also Duncan, a little critique on your current anims for the AT-AT. The legs are looking pretty damn good, but I'm pretty sure the body needs to be moving slightly in unison with the legs.
I'll get my copy of Empire off my mate and watch the Hoth scene again to double-check...

If someone wants to make a two legged "big walker" (example, a mech from MechWarrior, not that it fits in SW but it's a good example and it would fit for a MW mod if someone ever wants to do one) it would work very well.

Yeah, that'd be nice :) These would also benefit from the horizontal bone turning -assuming I can get that working...
01-03-2004, 4:08 AM
Ya, the walker shudders, shakes, and tilts with the walk. Not to mention creaking like it'll fall apart at any moment. Obviously built by FORD.

And speaking of six legs.

Get to work I wanna finish this.
01-03-2004, 1:02 PM
Kinda like having 4 seperate walking animations which always go after the other and if the player stops between each of them that's where the animation stops otherwise the AT-AT will finish the step of the animation (but not standing in place, make the AT-AT force step forward still moving till it can completly stop once the animation reached the end).

i agree, its what i was think of. i already divided the wakling into four sequences after every the ATAT is standing with all four legs on the gound. but this brings us to the next point, the turbolaser fireing animation. i set up the ATAT so it has two kinds of weapons, two light guns at the sides of the head, they can fire all the time, and two heavy turbolasers below the head. i thougt we could make them fire only when the ATAT is standing, this way i could add a turbo laser fireing animation, but one for every standing standing posture:
stand1 => turbolaserfire1
stand2 => turbolaserfire2
stand3 => turbolaserfire3
stand4 => turbolaserfire4

For example - consider the AT-TE, which has 6 legs. If this vehicle was made, it could also benefit from this feature...

how do you know what i am woking on? ;)

yes, it would be great to make selectable count of walking stances. nearly all vehicles would benefit of this!

I suggest we do it the same way as we did it last time Duncan. Get the AT-AT at the same kind of stage which the Droideka was at when you sent it to me before - i.e. just have a basic skin and all the animations I need.
...when you've got that ready, just send it over to me and I'll start messing around with it.

sure, i hope to have a first version in game today. but to make the death animations will take much longer. what animations do you think we need to "mess around with it"? the walkings, fireings, a place holder for death, what else?

I'm not really sure - to be honest, I don't know much about how the bone -> control stuff works - I'm gonna have to look into it. Keep the vehicle how you have just described so I can have a go with it...

the bone-control feature is realy importent for me. i dont want to make presure on you, i am just thinking of all the models, for ex. URL=]ATT[/URL]) , that would realy benefit of it and i would like to make. if you could figure out whats the code behide it, i would be soooooo thankfull! we can then discuss a standart setting for it.

Yes, this is certainly possible. In the specific case of the AT-AT's being taken down by the snow-speeders, the hardest part by far (at least coding-side) would be getting the tow-rope to 'wrap-round' the legs of the AT-AT. That would be very tricky, but also VERY VERY slick SO might be worth the effort -we'll see...

i am not sure if this is worth the hard work, but so many people are talking about that. about every feature we should pose the question if its worth the work and if it makes a sense in gameplay. its a hard desicion in this case, but what if we make the ATAT just very vulnerable to snow-speeders and forget the rope thing?

Also Duncan, a little critique on your current anims for the AT-AT. The legs are looking pretty damn good, but I'm pretty sure the body needs to be moving slightly in unison with the legs.

i have taken a look at the Hoth scene, its true the body is moveing somehow a bit. i am not sure but i think is only in horizontal. a bit forward and back while walking, not up and down, right?

keshire, it would be great if we could do something so the ackley could benefit also of it. its a bomb!
 Admiral Chemix
01-03-2004, 2:01 PM
hmmmm, very interesting discussion. I wonder if it's possible to have prople riding inside an atat like an attack group. Duncan please check ur pms
 Darth Sun
01-03-2004, 4:47 PM
I know someone made a Lambda Shuttle able to have 3 people inside, one would pilot and the remaining two would control some turrets the person added to the Lambda Shuttle although the turrets couldn't be turned; it was posted somewhere in LucasForums but not sure where, if someone wants it to check out how it was done I still have it.

The "Republic Gunship" could benefit from multi-entry slots of this manner since it does have side turrets and all.
The Republic Gunship link, for those who aren't sure which one I'm talking about; this vehicle can also be seen in the "Bespin Flight Arena v.2.1" map.
01-03-2004, 10:17 PM
Moderator Note to Darth Sun: Please be sure to delete any double postings. Thanks.
 Darth Sun
01-04-2004, 12:46 AM
Gah, sorry, I try to delete them all but sometimes they don't show up for me for some strange reason. o_O
My browser is messing up it seems.
01-28-2004, 11:07 PM
Ok, I am a very confused person with NO experience modding, no ofense but I don't want OJP mod (at least not at this time) but could someone tell me how to change the vehicle limit?
01-29-2004, 1:11 AM
Unfortunately it's too complicated for someone without any coding experience.

I should add that the vehicle limit only works when you're running whatever mod has the vehicle limit fix installed. Running basejka afterwards will still result in you hitting the vehicle limit.
01-29-2004, 1:58 AM
Originally posted by razorace
Unfortunately it's too complicated for someone without any coding experience.

I should add that the vehicle limit only works when you're running whatever mod has the vehicle limit fix installed. Running basejka afterwards will still result in you hitting the vehicle limit.

then might I ask something of you?

could you make a standalone mod that simply changes the vehicle limit up to something higher with no extra content?
01-29-2004, 7:53 AM
OJP Basic doesn't include any gameplay changes. That's the specific reason why it exists in the first place.
01-29-2004, 11:56 AM
Will yall be making a standalone mod that fixes the vehicle limit
01-29-2004, 12:05 PM
For those of you who are asking for a standalone mod rather than just using OJP Basic, can you explain exactly what has been added (or is planned to be added) to OJP Basic which you don't want? ...this is assuming of course you've actually checked what is in OJP Basic - which I kind of doubt...

...because otherwise you'd know - as Razor has just stated - that OJP Basic contains no gameplay changes, and therefore will almost certainly do what you want (fix issues like the vehicle limit etc.) - and no more...
01-29-2004, 4:11 PM
I thought that you could only have one mod, such as ojp/xmod/admin mods/strong forces 2 and such?

well if that's true, i wanna change the vehicle limit, but I don't wanna give up strong forces 2 for it.

(by the way, for suggestions on force powers, check out the strong forces 2 mod)
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