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Qui-Gon Glenn

Latest Posts

Page: 9 of 22
Posted in: Newbiemodder's Korriban Expansion
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-21-2011, 1:33 PM
()_o Congratulations! I super surprise, to be sure, and another reason for me to get TSL working properly again! This has been a long time coming, I am sure you are thrilled to get it out! Thank you for completing it, I will play soon :D Downloadi...  [Read More]
Posted in: HK Remote, question.
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-22-2011, 11:32 AM
As for being borked... possible, glad I wasn't the maker! As for it being broken, and still spawning multiple HK's... that shouldn't be happening! Weird. As for the following behaviors, there are some later mods that have much better "follow m...  [Read More]
Posted in: HK Remote, question.
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-22-2011, 10:40 AM
Not yet.... I have a couple ideas as to why my script didn't work and why changing the operator in LR's will work. By declaring oPK and oHK and defining them, I made them valid objects immediately, so there is no way for the CreateObject to occur. T...  [Read More]
Posted in: HK Remote, question.
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-21-2011, 6:58 PM
:D It was good exercise! My pleasure... did you compile it? My version I think is more elegant, but if it fails to compile, you could just change the operator in the original, since you followed the coffee-bender :lol: Glad to help!...  [Read More]
Posted in: HK Remote, question.
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-21-2011, 12:03 PM
Last time I posted a General Question about a mod, in Taris Upper City Emporium and I couldn't find an official thread for, I was told not to post it there, heh. :confused: I don't want that to be the case... I have the script in question, I will pos...  [Read More]
Posted in: HK Remote, question.
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-21-2011, 11:30 AM
I am taking a look at it right now... This is something I have had to say a few times recently... Please post questions about specific mods in that specific mods release thread! Holowan is for mod-making and WIPs, and does not need this sort of clut...  [Read More]
Did you guys bother to read the article all the way through? If the Holy Spirit lives in you that makes you my brothers and sisters. Anyone who has not accepted Jesus, I want to be your brothers and sisters, too Well, I just finished reading the mor...  [Read More]
Several things...... @mim - are the semantics of "brothers" and "sisters" really the problem here? And, are you really against "brotherhood" in any form? I would say your participation in this forum shows otherwise. But...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ugh! Birthers....
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-21-2011, 10:21 AM
A good portion of the country (not necessarily me) disagrees with you (in varying ways). They vote. They participate in government. They pay taxes. They are citizens of this country. And they are just as enthusiastic about their ideals of patriotism...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ugh! Birthers....
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-20-2011, 6:31 PM
I want my own long-form Birth Certificate. The one I have doesn't satisfy me, as I do not really believe that I was born in Iowa, or that either of my parents had anything to do with my creation, or that I am really an earthling in the first place....  [Read More]
Posted in: Ugh! Birthers....
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-19-2011, 5:38 PM
Why can't they just let Obama play his turn in peace and then let Palin restore justice and power and properness? Aaaack. Groan. No. Anyone but the pinup....  [Read More]
Posted in: [K1]Hard-Core Buff
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-22-2011, 11:37 AM
Ok, I am sorry for the bump, but this is going nowhere, and I cannot test it properly by myself, as I need at least another corroborating or dissenting opinion as to whether this little mod is measurable in change of difficulty. I know around Holowa...  [Read More]
Posted in: [K1]Hard-Core Buff
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-18-2011, 6:15 PM
^^ PM sent :) Ideally, test it in an area with difficult enemies or Dark Jedi/Sith as well as an area with a droid or beast battle. Also, this mod will do nothing, at this time, to make opponents more difficult until your PC is level 12. If it work...  [Read More]
Posted in: [K1]Hard-Core Buff
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-18-2011, 11:13 AM
Hello - While sifting through original BioWare source trying to figure out how they did some things, I stopped to look at k_def_buff. If you are not familiar with this script, it is applied to all of the enemies you face in the game, after your PC...  [Read More]
Posted in: Scripting Trouble...
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-18-2011, 11:17 AM
The default OnDeath event is in your source scripts.bif, as are all of the basic UserDefined scripts. As far as not getting the item too early.... I am sure there is a global boolean relating to calo's quest... or a numeric rather, that tells the ga...  [Read More]
Posted in: K1 script - kneeling spawn
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-18-2011, 11:07 AM
^^^ that will work, i think, more or less... Depending on how you are spawning in the creature, you may just want to put it in the area OnEnter... depends on how much module editing you want to do. What will need to be attached is something that is...  [Read More]
Posted in: Scripting Question
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-15-2011, 5:40 PM
So I have an on enter script... int StartingConditional() // The problem TB12 refers to { int iResult; // This is fine, but could be done by merging iResult = ((GetGlobalBoolean("MERC_ASSIGN") == TRUE) );// with this line, like so: // in...  [Read More]
Posted in: Spawning a cloaked NPC
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-18-2011, 3:45 PM
Well, I am currently trying several different things, including the recommendations of VP and bead-v to ClearAllEffects, as well as trying to re-apply the effect before removing it. Putting in an INVALID effect is an interesting idea as well. On that...  [Read More]
Posted in: Spawning a cloaked NPC
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-17-2011, 12:11 PM
The OnEnter was changed to reflect (3, , , -1.0) as the duration.... just occurs to me that I will try the duration type as 1 as it was before... maybe the -1 is enough. Cross fingers... nope. No invisibility at all in that case. :( // * qg_stalkperc...  [Read More]
Posted in: Spawning a cloaked NPC
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-16-2011, 7:23 PM
This is what worked for me in TSL: DelayCommand(0.8, ApplyEffectToObject(3, EffectVisualEffect(8000), oNPC, -1.0)); Don't ask me why, because I don't know.. Just keep trying, it shouldn't take you a lot of time to try all the options...Duration 3, -...  [Read More]
Posted in: Spawning a cloaked NPC
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-15-2011, 11:55 PM
...there's no way to set the duration in the effect string, I'd guess that means it's designed to stay on until it's turned off (unlike, for example, a knockdown effect).There is a way to set the duration, it is just a guess though and not perfect, a...  [Read More]
Posted in: Vurt's retextures
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-16-2011, 7:06 PM
I have to applaud that you are releasing what you have done. Too few modders when they give up for a while release what they've done just incase they aren't coming back. So succinctly put. QFT :clap2:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Marius Fett's W.I.P
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-18-2011, 12:14 PM
Cool comparison shots Marius! Thank you.... I think I like this reskin at least as much as those I have seen before, possibly more! The coloring is quite good I think, well done :clap2:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Marius Fett's W.I.P
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-17-2011, 10:12 AM
Can't stop touching myself after seeing Vandar, imagening it's Marius on a red pillow, how odd!? :confused:EEEEeeeeeewwwwww. European brotherly love? :p Cool skins, wonder Marius 3D if you have an original Vandar skin for a before/after look? I hav...  [Read More]
Posted in: Where can I find mods?
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-19-2011, 8:41 PM
Can I point out that unfortunately RedHawkes mod site is down and appears to be lost forever. I haven't seen him on here in a long time.Last week for me... The last time he posted, he shared with us the news that yes indeed his site was down. Then C...  [Read More]
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