I have just looked at the original k_ai_master.nss.
It has nothing to do with buffing your opponents in its un-edited form.
Talchia, in his HardCore mod, simply added buffs into k_ai_master, possibly not realizing that the k_def_buff already does the exact type of buffs he wanted.
The difference between Talchia's mod and this one is that Talchia's mod buffs NPC opponents at PC levels 8, 12, and 16, whereas this one currently does buffs at 12, 15 and 19. I am going to add a buff zone for level 8 into this script, increase some of the stats a tad more, and call it a day... In my opinion, this should be a more effective Hardcore mod than Talchia's, only because it actually uses the existing game resources in their intended way.
So, in the next day or two, I will release this, after increasing the 15+ and 19+ buffs to closer to what Talchia did. Looking at the boosts, I understand now why it was and still is referred to as HARDCORE.... +20 bonuses to anything is ridiculous! Double what I thought would be "hardcore" enough... so maybe I will release two versions, HardCoreBuff and HardCore "Talchia Style", - exactly Talchia's bonuses.
All credit to Talchia for the idea, and his readme for telling me what his k_ai_master version was doing... buffs of the same exact sort as what k_def_buff does natively!
From Talchia's ReadMe:=========================================== =================
|| KOTOR Hardcore MOD V1.0 by Talchia ||
================================================== ==========
Attribute Change List:
================================================== ==========
Level 8+:
Jedi: Wisdom +6, Dexterity +6, Strength +6, Forcepoints +25, Hitpoints +50
Droid: Dexterity +6, Hitpoints +50
Beast/Creature: Strength +6, Hitpoints +50
Other Classes: Dexterity +6, Strength +6, Hitpoints +50
Level 12+:
Jedi: Wisdom +10, Dexterity +10, Strength +10, Forcepoints +50, Hitpoints +100
Droid: Dexterity +10, Hitpoints +100
Beast/Creature: Strength +10, Hitpoints +100
Other Classes: Dexterity +10, Strength +10, Hitpoints +100
Level 16+:
Jedi: Wisdom +20, Dexterity +20, Strength +20, Forcepoints +100, Hitpoints +200
Droid: Dexterity +20, Hitpoints +200
Beast/Creature: Strength +20, Hitpoints +200
Other Classes: Dexterity +20, Strength +20, Hitpoints +200
EDIT: This is done, and I think one version will be good enough. For any discussion of this topic, and for a download <after approval> please go to the TUCE thread (