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Qui-Gon Glenn

Latest Posts

Page: 16 of 22
Posted in: Mod of the Year 2009 Voting: KotOR II: TSL
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-26-2010, 8:50 PM
Couldn't resist adding it, eh DI? Earned my vote :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Combining UTC Inventories
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-26-2010, 1:26 AM
I am trying to combine the inventories of two p_hk47.utc files from the mods WotOR and RedHawke's Enhanced Terminator Droid Pack. Don't worry this is for my own use. Now what I want to do is take the Custom Weapon HK-47 has in the WotOR mod and add...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fett Style Mandalorian Armors for K1
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-25-2010, 2:00 PM
I was glad to see this mod released, although it surprises me you were able to scare up permission from those long-absent modders.... Still, the work you have added looks very good, and I will be reviving a playthrough soon to try them out....  [Read More]
Posted in: will SK die in TFU2? (possible spoilers)
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-26-2010, 9:38 PM
It's unlikely LA will kill him off anytime in the near future, especially if TFU does well with this title and potentional future titles. How much can they squeeze from this rock? The timeframe already is tight, and if things start overlapping movie...  [Read More]
Posted in: will SK die in TFU2? (possible spoilers)
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-26-2010, 8:09 PM
If he dies, it will be for the first time. I know it appears ridiculous (correction: it is ridiculous), but we never see SK's tombstone, we only see him lying motionless after the Lightning Match with the Dumperor. We assume he is dead because Palpy...  [Read More]
Posted in: Take two: Mods of the Year, nominations (2009)
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-19-2010, 6:06 PM
TSL: Ravager Rewrite by zybl2... thoughtful work. K1: stated previously by others....  [Read More]
Posted in: Looking to refine HK47 (kotor)
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-19-2010, 2:39 PM
Click me! ( All your screenshot info is there. "Repairer" seems a little awkward. Have you used a thesaurus on that word? try synonym[dot]com....  [Read More]
Posted in: What TC mods are out?
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-17-2010, 8:56 PM
I will be announcing my team in the very distant never. The mod will go on in development hell and be next to KOTF as the greatest nonesuch this side of DNF. You are not the the only fan of my concept, Totenkopf :D :jab1 :::: In all seriousness,...  [Read More]
Posted in: What TC mods are out?
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-17-2010, 1:51 PM
If it is the one that I'm thinking of, Doc Valentine's isn't a conversion YET. A small part of it was released BETA a while ago, and the rest was being worked on, but hasn't shown any progress since September... Er, oops.... I was thinking of a mod...  [Read More]
Posted in: What TC mods are out?
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-17-2010, 1:12 PM
What about doc valentine's conversion for K1? I haven't played it myself, or even looked into it, but I generally hear good things about it. Anyone have a first-hand opinion? I have it on in my archives, yet still have never played it, mostly due to...  [Read More]
Posted in: What TC mods are out?
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-17-2010, 9:26 AM
What about The Jedi Masters? That was pretty good, but the cutscenes kinda sucked and the voice acting was terrible if you can even consier it voice acting at all. Well, I can't wait for Revenge of Revan and The New Jedi Order. Previous posts mention...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ithorians Improved (Graphically Enhanced)
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-15-2010, 8:47 PM
The only flaw I can see is that the hi-res texture shows off a poorly rounded leg significantly more than the old one... in your screens I was thinking that the modeling of the legs needs more smoothing - the polygrams stand out. Otherwise, I think...  [Read More]
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-26-2010, 9:44 PM
ok constructive criticism is fine but cut me some slack here and give the mod a chance... i don't know why everybody keeps talking about tiling which would be lines repeating each other the fist pick is a rust effect on the building and ground. It do...  [Read More]
Posted in: Help with Darth Bandon armor Mod.
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-22-2010, 11:39 AM
I am in no ways saying that the mod doesn't work.... but I have a hunch that it might be poorly made. Archer has not been around for a long time, and the mods made by Archer have been a little disappointing, IMO, in their bugginess. I feel a little...  [Read More]
Posted in: I, Fanficcer
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-17-2010, 8:16 AM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :ugh: DI carnt speil wirth a dangued terd. Brilliant, DI, brilliant, even if you need remedical engrish....  [Read More]
Why make a game for maybe 5% of all computers? Mac sales are skyrocketing.... that percentage is sure to change.... if accurate to begin with. See Apple's recent earnings report. I am going to purchase my first Mac in over 18 years this year... I...  [Read More]
i am not sure, but that giveitem code may be too long? I know there are limits to the filename lengths of some of KoTOR's filetypes... this may be one of them? using a unique var # (in your case 099) should be sufficient....  [Read More]
But looking through the scripting section, I can't find anything that can help me, or anything I can understand. Basically, I am going to edit the ends of dialouges kas23_freyyr_01.dlg and the end of kas23_chunda_01.dlg to where they say they will g...  [Read More]
I wish I could be of help with Paint.NET. I actually use it at this time, because GIMP was too foreign to me and I am a basic user... the simple interface is like MS Paint, as it was intended to be. It can probably do those things, but I do not know...  [Read More]
Posted in: Character customization
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-26-2010, 8:16 PM
I'm looking forward to the announcement of a very androgynous, Bowie-esque Starkiller, for obvious reasons. Sorry to bump this old thread, but this made me laugh out loud. I can see it now, SK hanging out with the Mick-jaggernauts, ooh ah ooh.......  [Read More]
Posted in: Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-23-2010, 3:33 PM
Actually, it's been a while since I last played KOTOR so I can't remember all, barely any of the mods I had downloaded. Is there any way to check which ones I have installed? I think I at least have the Weapons of the Old Republic mod running. Any k...  [Read More]
Posted in: Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-23-2010, 2:19 PM
^^^ Sounds like a mod conflict. Enlighten us as to what you have under the hood playing with BoS:SR. Chances are, you will need to revert to an earlier save......  [Read More]
Posted in: Darth Vader Force Grip Issue
 Qui-Gon Glenn
01-26-2010, 8:22 PM
The PS3 version is the same as the Xbox 360 version. So use the same techniques as I have explained and you will beat him. Look, I really got to know this game to a point where I was unstoppable on the Sith Master difficulty, so I know if you're on...  [Read More]
Hey, Late into the scene. I only recently got the game through one of Steam's sales. Got it for $2.49. Anyways. I'm using the editor to make my character how I originally wanted. But, I'm having problems with the force powers. My currently working s...  [Read More]
I recently downloaded KSE to play KotOR I, and I've found an odd glitch. I don't mess with class, leveling, or gender changes -- all I did was select MinHP1, max out stats, and give my character plenty of credits. I did not alter the class levels or...  [Read More]
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