Well its time i get back in the swing of things and try another mod with this game. It is one of the most difficult games to mod graphically because the textures a drawn with such technicality. Not to mention a lot of shared textures from level to level. It will take some time but i'll get there.
What you see here will change as soon as get the feel for the level so these pics are NOT FINAL by any means....
Progress Pics
Neat idea. This could be really cool.
Hm, I don't know..
I think the tiling is a major flaw, and the contrast changes..the textures don't seem natural there.
If you improve on these points, this could be rather cool.
Hm, I don't know..
I think the tiling is a major flaw, and the contrast changes..the texture don't seem natural there.
If you improve on these points, this could be rather cool.
Which textures are tiling or flawed
The walls in the first picture. It becomes noticeable because of such an intense pattern, so you can pick out the repeating shapes.
In the second picture, the main floor doesn't fit too well with the rest of the textures.
Having textures that feel natural makes a big difference.
The walls in the first picture. It becomes noticeable because of such an intense pattern, so you can pick out the repeating shapes.
In the second picture, the main floor doesn't fit too well with the rest of the textures.
Having textures that feel natural makes a big difference.
I second this.
The walls in the first picture. It becomes noticeable because of such an intense pattern, so you can pick out the repeating shapes.
In the second picture, the main floor doesn't fit too well with the rest of the textures.
Having textures that feel natural makes a big difference.
well since there is acid rain on the vjun planet thats why i picked that texture it wouldn't look right to me to have a nice looking texture in those conditions. There is nothing i can do about repeating patterns with this engine all i can do is try to minimize it.
The floor in the second picture will be changed eventually. At this point im feeling things out
Trust me i have experience with these graphical mods just check my kotor and tsl mod pics click one of the links in my sig
Trust me i have experience with these graphical mods just check my kotor and tsl mod pics click one of the links in my sig
Which, like this mod, doesn't have a very natural feel, and has some weird tiling.
Which, like this mod, doesn't have a very natural feel, and has some weird tiling.
ok constructive criticism is fine but cut me some slack here and give the mod a chance... i don't know why everybody keeps talking about tiling which would be lines repeating each other the fist pick is a rust effect on the building and ground. It does not look bad in game when im done it will look good then every one can give me a fair judgement.
I did so many planets between tsl and kotor and your telling me you didn't like not one planet come on man......
ok constructive criticism is fine but cut me some slack here and give the mod a chance... i don't know why everybody keeps talking about tiling which would be lines repeating each other the fist pick is a rust effect on the building and ground. It does not look bad in game when im done it will look good then every one can give me a fair judgement.
I did so many planets between tsl and kotor and your telling me you didn't like not one planet come on man......
Hey, that is the downside of mod-making, gotta take lumps sometimes.
I appreciate your dedication and continued work, and I like some of what you do. However, TriggerGod's and other's criticism of your work is justified - many of your "improved" textures either seem totally out-of-place, or there is substantial tiling, which is hugely distracting in that it removes any realism from the texture.
Your experience making these mods does not make them or this one good. It is the community which makes these judgments, which ever way it turns out.
Hey, that is the downside of mod-making, gotta take lumps sometimes.
I appreciate your dedication and continued work, and I like some of what you do. However, TriggerGod's and other's criticism of your work is justified - many of your "improved" textures either seem totally out-of-place, or there is substantial tiling, which is hugely distracting in that it removes any realism from the texture.
Your experience making these mods does not make them or this one good. It is the community which makes these judgments, which ever way it turns out.
Well im saying at least give it a chance trigger god just said that it look unreal and tiling he failed to mention what looked unreal and whats tiling ive done 17 or more planets between tsl and kotor and some comments don't make sense until you have tried the mod at least once before you judge on just pics. These was a New content mod made for kotor last year but the graphics he made were terrible no body hardly complained about that they just said oh i love your mod. i realize that was not his focus but he did change the graphics. So yes excuse if if i'm a little on edge but i believe on give something new a fair chance.
These mods are difficult to do it like a jigsaw puzzle trying to fit what looks right especially since some game have shared textures between levels. Almost every texture in kotor tsl and ja all have tiled/repeating textures its just more noticeable in certain patterns than than others. Theres nothing i can do about it so let it be............ I make as many texture seamless{ MEANS NO STRAIGHT LINE IN BETWEEN THE TEXTURES] as i can thats all i can do.
I am aware that people accept content mods or story mods or new area mods over what i'm doing but i don't want to do what everyone else is doing.
^^Agreed, no one's WIP or released mod should be dismissed without being given a chance.
I do not think the work you are doing is easy.
I do not think the work you are doing is un-original.
I like that you are modding.
I support any legit modding, as I support any legit modder. You are one! Just realize that not everyone is going to love your work; in fact, many won't, and some will let you know it just to make themselves feel better. This community is largely comprised of children, smart ones, but children, so it should not be surprising to anyone if careless words are spoken. Something it has taken me a while to get my head around, and I still don't like it -- which means I am old.
Keep up the work, improve upon it where you can, heed advice that seems reasonable, and discard anything that smacks of stupidity or wants to derail you.
^^Agreed, no one's WIP or released mod should be dismissed without being given a chance.
I do not think the work you are doing is easy.
I do not think the work you are doing is un-original.
I like that you are modding.
I support any legit modding, as I support any legit modder. You are one! Just realize that not everyone is going to love your work; in fact, many won't, and some will let you know it just to make themselves feel better. This community is largely comprised of children, smart ones, but children, so it should not be surprising to anyone if careless words are spoken. Something it has taken me a while to get my head around, and I still don't like it -- which means I am old.
Keep up the work, improve upon it where you can, heed advice that seems reasonable, and discard anything that smacks of stupidity or wants to derail you.
Thanks and true i can't please everybody indeed
hey xarwarz news for this?