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Page: 122 of 214
Posted in: JK: Jedi Academy Info, Pics and Discussion! (ancient)
03-31-2004, 3:43 PM
Whoa, this one brings back memories! I still say that Jedi need to be outfitted like real (Star Wars) soldiers in the next movie and future games. I'm glad to see that in the "Clone Wars" cartoon they had Jedi wearing modified clonetroope...  [Read More]
Posted in: what guy do you use to fight with in mp
03-30-2004, 3:22 PM
Chiss. Though since I play a lot of Siege, I don't have a lot of choices, just whatever class I'm using is the skin I've got. ; )...  [Read More]
Posted in: ok about the tie defender...
03-27-2004, 12:29 AM
To my knowledge there isn't a TIE Defender in JA by default, but if you can provide a screenshot or two or other evidence that would be nice. You sure he wasn't running a mod? The TIE Bomber, TIE Bomber2 (slightly altered POV and different seconda...  [Read More]
Posted in: A Great & Majestic Empire series
03-25-2004, 9:20 PM
While the Pulp Fiction references were somewhat cringe inducing (done to death), the rest of the series has been quite hilarious, kudos to the all folks who put it together! PS: The guy who does the voice of the Imperial Officer sounds disturbingly...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Mystery of Black Text in JA Names continues...
03-25-2004, 9:16 PM
When I get home this weekend I'll try those things you guys have suggested. In the meantime if anyone can grab a screenshot of people on my server with black names, feel free to post it here. Or drop by later this weekend if you see me and show how...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Mystery of Black Text in JA Names continues...
03-25-2004, 7:21 AM
Well, I know most of you are probably rolling your eyes, but I'm curious... I've seen people with all black names on my server before (using ASE) but when I join I see they have white text. So I'm assuming that: 1) These people typed their name...  [Read More]
Posted in: Commandable Bots?
03-25-2004, 2:47 AM
What? This came out and I missed it?! I must check this out. I've been talking with RazorAce to encourage him to do the programming for OJP, but if your reports are true, perhaps he should look into this as well! PS: Found the link (and am downl...  [Read More]
Posted in: Force Power aurras
03-24-2004, 5:05 AM
I think I saw a mod on that already does something like this, making the powers "invisible." Though I concur with RA....  [Read More]
Yeah, the server is set to CTF now for awhile, no more Siege (until I get a chance to log back on and change it). So enjoy the CTF while you can (bonus CTF map included in the rotation!). And don't be afraid of a little bot-bashing!...  [Read More]
When the bots cluster up like that in Siege I find that laying down a Det pack at their feet will disperse them (even if they're on your team). Yeah, having bot_minplayers work correctly in Siege mode would be nice....  [Read More]
I'm thinking of putting in some CTF next, and then something with Asteroids/Siege Destroyer2. I may want to put in Destroyer2 with the Siege rotation since I can get 15000 maxrate, but I'm limited to 6000 for other gametypes. I would host FFA, but...  [Read More]
The server is located in Texas (I had a choice of that, New Jersey or California) and I have the maxping set at 600 ms. I could raise it I suppose, but I'll have to take care of that this weekend if you like....  [Read More]
Restarted the server, man it was so packed and people were pounding us trying to get in and download the files (I turned off downloads for awhile). So it's all ready to go again for more abuse! Yeah, hosting rocks, lots more fun than just joining r...  [Read More]
Good game Lath, everyone. ; ) Players seemed to kind of drop off once we switched to FFA, so it's back on Siege again for now. Don't forget to thank!...  [Read More]
Posted in: X-Saber is here!
03-25-2004, 1:46 AM
Reminds me of that "Sith Sai" photoshop I did awhile back, (though of course mine had 6 blades, it was shaped like your's). Nice job. ; ) Now for greater fanwankery, we need a mod that let's wield one in each hand......  [Read More]
Yeah, there's a place for everything. Dueling hones your saber skills (against other sabers anyway). That's another reason why I'm not a dueling master, since I don't duel very much. But I still whip out the saber and use it quite often in games....  [Read More]
Posted in: cheating in mp
03-28-2004, 12:17 PM
If you mean control an AI npc do the following: npc spawn <npc> <name> control <name> (example:) npc spawn stormtrooper bilbo control bilbo (this will let you control the stormtrooper named bilbo) If you want to create an npc (...  [Read More]
Posted in: Strategy Academy Updated!
03-25-2004, 3:55 AM
Okay, the Setup/Basic page is updated....  [Read More]
See, as much as some people are purists about avoiding all admin mods, they do have some nice features (especially if you use them for gameplay and housekeeping purposes only and never use the "admin" functions). With JA Plus 1.8 I had sele...  [Read More]
That's another thing about "realism." If we apply that logic (that Yoda is stronger, so being him should be an advantage), then you should also have an advantage for playing Vader, since he's so powerful in the Force, or Palpatine, or Exar...  [Read More]
I think you hit the nail on the head Raz. Perhaps the plethora of admin mods is simply that... it's easier to do than making real changes! I'm serious, that was brilliant. Cut straight to the heart of all this crap. Kudos....  [Read More]
Posted in: BIG and PURPLE
03-30-2004, 3:30 PM
To view the list of commands, use the PageUp and PageDown keys to scroll up and down in the list. You may have to hold the key for awhile to get to the text (if you see arrows pointing up or down that's hint that there's more offscreen you can scrol...  [Read More]
Posted in: stupid botz!!!!!!!
03-25-2004, 5:25 AM
Ah, thanks for clearing that up....  [Read More]
Posted in: Where's the ffa these days?
03-24-2004, 5:50 AM
Originally posted by Prime It only makes our argument stronger, Kurgan :) But my smiley is calling your smiley!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Killtracker...
03-25-2004, 4:32 AM
Btw, I just tried out one of those Minimizer programs, the one called "Jedi Academy Minimizer" ( from and it's pretty good. No need to install any crappy .NET framework and no unnecessary "features."...  [Read More]
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