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Page: 119 of 214
Posted in: The Official Merged JK4 Speculation Thread!
04-14-2004, 9:05 PM
Originally posted by _PerfectAgent_ If you think Jedi Academy MP is fast, try Jedi Knight MP. Amen to that, JK1 and MotS were maybe twice as fast (or faster, it's been awhile, so I'd have to do a side by side comparison to know for sure) as JA or...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Official Merged JK4 Speculation Thread!
04-13-2004, 11:05 PM
Yeah, basically most of the stuff that they planned for Obi-Wan PC but never implemented in the final game... have just about everything in the environment be interactive in some way (with realistic physics) and force powers that become more powerfu...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Official Merged JK4 Speculation Thread!
04-13-2004, 2:33 AM
Dark Forces = New engine from scratch (although some rumor-mongers allege that LucasArts "hacked the Doom engine looking for ideas" and this explains why they never released the source (rather than for their well known stringent liscensing...  [Read More]
Posted in: Why is JA boring
04-19-2004, 6:22 AM
Amen to that. Let me take this opportunity (I just had to throw my 2 cents in didn't I?) to once again recommend my server (see Sig for IP and info). No phony 'honor' to be found on my server, and no admin mods, only pure, unadulterated chaos, as i...  [Read More]
Posted in: g_forceRegenTime 0 - Who likes it?
04-19-2004, 8:32 PM
CTF and Team games would seem to be messed up by it as well. After all, what's the point of having Team Regeneration or Force Boons when you essentially already have infinite force? Plus that makes it even harded (as I'm sure certain people would a...  [Read More]
Posted in: g_forceRegenTime 0 - Who likes it?
04-18-2004, 5:34 AM
I dislike it. Too many server use it, to the point where people are spoiled and demand it everywhere. Having infinite force to me feels too much like cheating, and it leads to endless whining about "balance." See, this is how it is... peo...  [Read More]
Posted in: cant spawn millenium falcon
04-17-2004, 9:06 PM
The Falcon can ONLY be spawned in using mods, since although the code is there, the model is missing from the default JA pk3's. KOTOR flight school and other mods have a problem due to the vehicle limits in the engine (which some recent mods are cha...  [Read More]
Posted in: Luke Skywalker skins?
04-17-2004, 9:23 PM
Need I point out that Luke Skywalker is included in the game already? ; ) Sorry to be a smart aleck, but you see what I mean and they provided some links. Good luck!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Academy Multiplayer
04-15-2004, 7:37 PM
Yes, although it's generally half the number of people that still play JK2. In the last few months it's basically been 1000+ people playing JK2 and 500-600 people playing JA at any given time I check ASE. If you decide to host a server, please mak...  [Read More]
Posted in: Meatgrinder SIEGE is back!
04-19-2004, 8:15 PM
Hmm, sorry to hear that Lath, but if that's that case, I may not see you for a long time. : ( Neocomputers is still giving me the run around, now insisting I need a new powersupply (even though previous repairs suggested this was not necessary)....  [Read More]
Posted in: Meatgrinder SIEGE is back!
04-18-2004, 3:51 PM
Whoa, full server this morning (10:12 am CST), 12/12, woo! Okay, I'm happy now....  [Read More]
Posted in: Meatgrinder SIEGE is back!
04-18-2004, 5:30 AM
Thank you Amidala, I'm glad somebody finally told me what was going on. However, it isn't as easy as you say. The only computers I've had access to are the ones at my local library. These are restricted in that they don't allow you to download or in...  [Read More]
Posted in: Meatgrinder SIEGE is back!
04-17-2004, 9:28 PM
And the wait continues...! I swear this repair place must have a rule: 1+ hours of work to do, wait 10 days before attempting. *Sigh* In the meantime my server stands empty, I wish I knew why....  [Read More]
Posted in: Meatgrinder SIEGE is back!
04-15-2004, 7:33 PM
Yeah, the trick is to get it so that EVERY time a Siege map comes up, two bots are assigned to each team, so that the match will begin immediately and the play continues. I can't "see" the server (not be in it) since my computer is STILL...  [Read More]
Posted in: Meatgrinder SIEGE is back!
04-15-2004, 2:26 AM
Hmm, guess nobody wants to play anymore... hasn't been any activity in the last several hours (it's almost 9pm here now). I have a feeling that the bots are all stuck on the SAME TEAM and that's why nobody is joining, right? It would help if I coul...  [Read More]
Posted in: Meatgrinder SIEGE is back!
04-14-2004, 8:59 PM
PS: Everybody join the server right now, get a game going! It's 4pm CST right now. (please download any mods it prompts you for, trust me they are SMALL and well worth it)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Meatgrinder SIEGE is back!
04-14-2004, 8:57 PM
Bots aren't supported, but adding support is easy enough. The trick is getting the support to be at a "professional" level. To add bots to siege, just use the console to add bots like you normally would, putting one bot on each team, then...  [Read More]
Posted in: Meatgrinder SIEGE is back!
04-13-2004, 9:54 PM
The only way to get players to join is to join yourself (especially a well-known forum face like your's!). If they see you there, they will join and those in turn will be seen by others, etc. So don't wait! Join now. ; ) The bots are there to accom...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Knight (ask for warez = ban)
04-15-2004, 6:43 PM
Asking for warez on our forums = bad idea. -------------------------------------------------- FYI, JK1/MotS came out 6 years ago (late '97, early '98 respectively). JK1 is still in stores (check the bargain bin, under "LucasArts Classics")...  [Read More]
Posted in: Pro lame vs Anti lame
04-12-2004, 11:27 PM
Agreed, this issue has been done to death so many times already. Sorry I missed it, or I'd have closed it myself! Good call....  [Read More]
Posted in: Meatgrinder FFA up now, enjoy!
04-12-2004, 11:26 PM
Would be cool, but would anyone join it? Anyway, back to Siege now!...  [Read More]
Posted in: JA not so 'dead'
04-17-2004, 9:26 PM
Yeah but then one can't enjoy Siege or Asteroids can one?...  [Read More]
Posted in: JA not so 'dead'
04-13-2004, 10:07 PM
I don't get it personally, JA has everything JK2 had and more (Except for Jedi Master, Holocron FFA & CTY, which NOBODY played anyway). The thing is, the JK2 community is dominated by people dueling. Thus, JA has plenty to offer that they have...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dark Forces Gold (April Fool!)
04-12-2004, 11:31 PM
Since we've moved off topic (which began as an joke anyway) I'm closing this. Move along, move along......  [Read More]
Posted in: stupid botz!!!!!!!
04-15-2004, 6:40 PM
The point is only to host them on your server (or mess with them by yourself offline I guess) and then enable downloading so people can grab them (most vehicles don't take long to grab) and play with you. But of course you have to have the vehicles...  [Read More]
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