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Page: 117 of 214
Posted in: The Official Merged JK4 Speculation Thread!
04-30-2004, 7:21 PM
Merging this thread with the 'Jedi Knight 4 (speculation)' thread of the same topic....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Official Merged JK4 Speculation Thread!
04-29-2004, 4:46 PM
Speeds: Movement speed isn't a technical issue really. Why did they slow everything down in JK2 from MotS? Perhaps because they thought it had been so long since the last Jedi game that audiences would be unfamiliar (and unprepared) for the blazing...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Official Merged JK4 Speculation Thread!
04-28-2004, 9:26 PM
One article I read (sorry I forget who wrote it or where it was) actually made a good case. At the time of the original films, the "slow" duels we see in the OT more closely aproximate how a "realistic" fight between two guys swi...  [Read More]
Posted in: Bugged Cloaking Shield (Siege) = Linux to Blame?
05-01-2004, 6:16 AM
Hmm, I don't run ANY admin mods (only some custom bot routes and bot files I made), so that can't be it. I have restarted my server before, but I still notice the bug. Hmm......  [Read More]
Posted in: Bugged Cloaking Shield (Siege) = Linux to Blame?
05-01-2004, 6:02 AM
Maybe you've seen this bug before.. you're playing on a Siege server, and you pick Lando (Scout) on Desert or Hoth. You try to turn on your Cloaking Shield and nothing happens. Makes the noise but no cloak comes up. You bang on the key all match lon...  [Read More]
Posted in: JA Forum: why all the moves?
04-30-2004, 8:17 PM
Yeah I try to always put a (JA) or (JK2) in the edited title when I move. I'd like to not leave redirects, but then people would complain (many of these are first time posters in our forum) that their topic is "gone" and start another one....  [Read More]
Posted in: Need your ICQ contacts!
04-29-2004, 8:00 PM
Sorry to sound like an advertisment, but since my two hard drives died, I'm slowly rebuilding my computer here. So if there is anybody out there that was previously on my ICQ list or WANTS to be on it, please send a contact/request to: 3295836 so I...  [Read More]
Posted in: doing grapples
04-30-2004, 12:58 AM
narfblat, no you're not crazy and I'm not kidding either. What you get from each different combination IS different between SP and MP! ; ) I couldn't remember what the SP ones were so I just left it at MP. PS: Force Speed speeds up punches in SP,...  [Read More]
Posted in: doing grapples
04-29-2004, 6:08 PM
To do grapples in SP or MP, you just have to have g_debugmelee 1 enabled (on the server in the case of MP). Edit: Forgot to mention that to use fists in SP you need to bind keys to 'give weaponnum14' and 'weapon 14' then press one key then the other...  [Read More]
Woo! I've got a semi-working PC again! Btw, good game to the guys I just played. Ugh, 8 hours of this crap, I need to get some sleepy time......  [Read More]
I got the idea from a friend. Btw, good movie, but not that big a fan. ; )...  [Read More]
Just FYI, some people were asking me why they couldn't find "Kurgan's Meatgrinder" in their server lists anymore. That's because there isn't any Kurgan's Meatgrinder right now, it's only called "Meatgrinder Redux." Update your f...  [Read More]
Posted in: Can't get site to work ( files section)
04-27-2004, 11:02 PM
Visac (head files guy at said he was working on the files archive for (I assume meaning it would someday be able to be accessed again by the general public). As to how that's going, I have no idea. But yeah, for now try the o...  [Read More]
Posted in: Glitch - Official Name???
04-28-2004, 9:32 PM
I guess I've never seen what you describe Rumor, not since the days of MotS. Maybe I've been lucky or I'm just "trained" not to notice little slip ups in online games like that?...  [Read More]
Posted in: screenshots
04-29-2004, 5:33 PM
The Dos version of DF worked this way: Alt+printscreen in game (exit game, paste into paint program like photoshop and boom). So you could only take on screenshot at a time realistically unless you were somehow playing it in a window. So try alt+p...  [Read More]
What you did was correct, believe it or not! However, there is a BETTER way, and that's to download the latest JAmpded.exe (dedicated server binary) for your OS of choice (win32 windows or Linux) and use that. Read the threads in this forum (go b...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Destroyer map won't work?
04-29-2004, 5:25 AM
Well Siege Destroyer is just like any other Siege map, one team has objectives to protect, the other team has objectives to attack and they fight each other in between. The only difference is that you're inside ships for 99% of the map (the only tim...  [Read More]
Posted in: Abuse
04-29-2004, 4:26 PM
Originally posted by Radd Damn, now I really want to see someone tackle some Dune inspired skins and models for JA. "You did not read this. I was not here." Long Live the Fighters!!!!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Abuse
04-28-2004, 9:33 PM
He's addicted!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Bot support in Siege
04-30-2004, 8:46 PM
With regards to bot orders, specific orders should be possible. It may be that anything drastic (beyond simple moving and fighting like you'd see in CTF) will require direct orders from a team leader. But this is probably a GOOD THING because as a...  [Read More]
Posted in: Bot support in Siege
04-29-2004, 6:18 PM
Well because NPC's don't act like human players. Bots are (supposed to) simulate human opponents. While NPC's are designed to either follow you and slowly shoot/swing at enemies with their one weapon or stand there and guard a location and shoot at...  [Read More]
Posted in: g_forceRegenTime 0 - Who likes it?
04-30-2004, 8:26 PM
Originally posted by Egoslav1a Kurgan, two words: fu newb LoL!...  [Read More]
Posted in: g_forceRegenTime 0 - Who likes it?
04-29-2004, 6:14 PM
Apparently it's a major sticking point with some folks, just like "honor," "sabers," "Force powers," "skill," "balance," and everything else related to gameplay. Go figure! ; ) It's not surprising t...  [Read More]
Posted in: g_forceRegenTime 0 - Who likes it?
04-29-2004, 4:29 PM
Is he including me in that statement? Maybe we should start a poll about closing the thread....  [Read More]
Posted in: g_forceRegenTime 0 - Who likes it?
04-28-2004, 9:19 PM
ForceRegen 0 really benefits "instant use" powers, we're talking here about Drain, Lightning (especially two-handed lightning, ouch!), Jump, Pull, Push, etc. Grip isn't that big of an issue, but every little bit of mana helps, while you're...  [Read More]
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