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ok about the tie defender...

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03-26-2004, 10:18 PM
How is it that i saw 4 wings then just like a tie defender? is that tie-bomber 2?
03-26-2004, 10:40 PM
This is better suited to that other thread of yours, but anyway:

Where did you see this 'tie-defender' of yours? Was it from a screenshot or was it actually ingame? To my knowledge, a tie defender has not been modelled and intergrated as a vehicle yet.
03-26-2004, 10:52 PM
yes it was ingame a guy named tds_crazyboy was using it.
03-27-2004, 12:29 AM
To my knowledge there isn't a TIE Defender in JA by default, but if you can provide a screenshot or two or other evidence that would be nice.

You sure he wasn't running a mod?

The TIE Bomber, TIE Bomber2 (slightly altered POV and different secondary weapon), Lambda Shuttle, TIE Fighter, X-Wing and Z-95 are the only controllable ships in JA by default (using cheats).

The YT-1300, TIE Advanced, TIE Interceptor, A-Wing, Y-Wing are found in Asteroids Mod. But there is no flyable Defender out that I've seen.
03-27-2004, 5:36 AM
Could you have mistaken it for a tie-intersecpter? It almost looks like it also has 4 wings.
03-27-2004, 8:23 AM
defenders have six wings tho... or maybe three wings with two foils apiece... :)
03-27-2004, 10:42 AM
Ok if it was a intercepter how do you create i would be most thankful if given. Oh and i want to learn how to control a bot.
03-27-2004, 2:18 PM
Originally posted by theomegajedi89
Ok if it was a intercepter how do you create i would be most thankful if given.

Eh, download astroids mod?
03-27-2004, 4:50 PM
Originally posted by TK-8252
Reading the readme is important.
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