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A Great & Majestic Empire series

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03-25-2004, 12:51 PM
UKM has recently released 'A Great & Majestic Empire' in both high and low bandwidth versions.

If your not familar with the series check it out at:

Divx is required to view the high bandwidth versions.

Its a machinima series made using JKA and JK2.

Leave any feedback or suggestions here.

 Samuel Dravis
03-25-2004, 1:51 PM
Those are great movies. I watched them a while back and they're too funny. :D

"Have you read your jedi bible, Kyle?"

"Let's go get an Imperial Burger. Do you know what they put on Imperial Burgers instead of ketchup?" "Rebel Relish."

03-25-2004, 9:20 PM
While the Pulp Fiction references were somewhat cringe inducing (done to death), the rest of the series has been quite hilarious, kudos to the all folks who put it together!

PS: The guy who does the voice of the Imperial Officer sounds disturbingly like a former college roommate of mine (and no, he wasn't from the Isles, but he did sometimes do fake accents).
04-09-2004, 12:59 PM
The Majestic Empire series creator (me btw) was interviewed by regarding the series. Read it here:
04-09-2004, 1:03 PM
leave any comments etc here
 Samuel Dravis
04-09-2004, 4:04 PM
The interview sounds pretty good. I hope you get a lot more viewers. You just keep doing your thing, 'cause I'll keep watching them. :cool:
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