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Commandable Bots?

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03-24-2004, 4:25 PM

I'm fairly new to JA multiplayer, I wondered if there were any mods or cheats (out already or under development) that added commandable bots? i had a quick search here but didn't find anything.

i.e. Like in Quake 2 (with a mod I think) where you could tell bots on your team to "Defend the base" or "Go for the flag" etc.

Anyone know?
03-24-2004, 4:46 PM
Ok there is a mod called the last hope feature click here ( to go to the site then click on jedi acadamy go to the mod section then look for the last hope mod 2.0 and there you go!
03-24-2004, 5:21 PM

The Force will be with you.....always.
03-24-2004, 5:26 PM
I am just glad I could help!:D :)
03-25-2004, 2:47 AM
What? This came out and I missed it?!

I must check this out.

I've been talking with RazorAce to encourage him to do the programming for OJP, but if your reports are true, perhaps he should look into this as well!

PS: Found the link (and am downloading now):

(Linux version below):
03-25-2004, 6:55 PM
Can you post your verdict here, Kurgan?
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