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Page: 121 of 214
Posted in: is there cheats for mp?
04-07-2004, 9:55 PM
It's true, devmapall = SP only (and doesn't work in 1.01). You can start your own server with cheats enabled using the devmap <mapname> command, even in a solo game. JA MP cheats are more or less identical to JA cheats (except with some new...  [Read More]
Posted in: JA... what's that?
04-07-2004, 10:00 PM
Don't fight guys. Remember this is a forum, not a chat room! If you're leaving the community, fine, no need to make a big stink about it. If you're not, well, more than welcome friend. ; )...  [Read More]
Posted in: JA... what's that?
04-06-2004, 6:45 PM
I could kinda tell you were losing interest MW, a lot of your posts lately have been ironic/cynical, etc. But hey, that's your choice, nobody can be expected to play just one game forever. Me, I'm having lots more fun, I love having a fast server...  [Read More]
Posted in: JA Multiplayer Servers
04-06-2004, 6:43 PM
Are you blocking certain ports? I get hundreds of servers listed, so should you. Hit "get new list" then "refresh" (and you say all your filters show empty and full servers and all types right?). ASE works well, but shouldn't be...  [Read More]
Posted in: Uuum... Reborn
04-06-2004, 7:27 PM
Kyle mentioned that the Reborn (in JK2) felt a little "strange" in the Force (forget his exact words), due to their accelerated Force sensitivity from the Valley of the Jedi. The Cultists are also "force enhanced" but their power...  [Read More]
Posted in: Lightsabre Combat =Moves.
04-06-2004, 7:29 PM
Well if your reason for not playing JA is that it's "full of retards and stupids" good luck, I don't think you'll find an online game that DOESN'T have anyone like that playing. ; p You can also visit my site for more help, but yeah, in ge...  [Read More]
Posted in: Maps, Mods for dummies...
04-06-2004, 6:46 PM
Siege Destroyer is only available in the gametype "Siege" nowhere else. It's not available in "solo game" unless you manually set the gametype and warp to it through the console....  [Read More]
Posted in: Is a DF style "Overlay Map" possible in JA?
04-05-2004, 3:01 PM
You know, the green "wireframe" outline of the map you're on, that reveals more of itself as you explore and shots "you" as a red line. I figure perhaps this could be done in JA by modifying the "radar" (found in all te...  [Read More]
Posted in: Please connect to and hit "ready"
04-07-2004, 10:08 PM
Thanks for your help Amidala, I'll see what I can get setup as soon as I get my pc back from the shop (I'm told "a few days"). The only thing is if I use Siege and another gametype I have to make sure to change the maxrate (since Siege ca...  [Read More]
I tried FFA, but again, the popularity dropped off dramatically. It seems that nobody wants to play anything but Siege on my server. If they see something else, they play for a couple minutes at most then leave. It's really odd, when I had my slow...  [Read More]
I dunno Amidala, my server has been pretty empty ever since I switched to CTF. I haven't checked it 24/7, but every time I have there's 0 players in it (the most I ever saw was 2). At the very start we had 6 people (I was playing), after I left ever...  [Read More]
Just wanted a favor, somebody connect to my JA server ( and hit "ready" (attack, space whatever). Apparently nobody has joined my JA server since Saturday afternoon since it's STILL on the same map. I guess either: 1...  [Read More]
Posted in: JA not so 'dead'
04-07-2004, 10:02 PM
Apparently for many (JO players) JA was dead on arrival, but that hasn't stopped it from having its own community that continues to thrive, despite people (supposedly) constantly leaving or whining. Good enough for me! And I guess all the guys who...  [Read More]
Posted in: JA not so 'dead'
04-05-2004, 3:17 PM
So Gamespy officially acknowledged the existence of JA players?! ZOUNDS!!!! THE APOCALYPSE IS UPON US!!!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Bot Saber challenges
04-06-2004, 7:31 PM
I mean that you have a SHORTCUT to your executable. Right click on the icon for JAmpded.exe. "Create Shortcut" and place the shortcut on your desktop. Now right click on the shortcut icon and click "properties" to edit. Then c...  [Read More]
Posted in: Bot Saber challenges
04-05-2004, 4:08 PM
It can be done without mods AND without cheats. Here's how: Set your shortcut that points to JAMPDed.exe (for your dedicated server executable, or I suppose your jamp.exe if you're running non-dedicated) and add -set bot_honorableduelacceptance 1...  [Read More]
Posted in: AT-ST in Jedi Academy
04-05-2004, 4:13 PM
Somebody needs to add some animations of Stormtroopers, etc "standing at attention" rather than holding their guns at the ready for those "Emperor's Arrival" shots (which are still awesome)....  [Read More]
Posted in: Dark Forces Gold (April Fool!)
04-05-2004, 4:11 PM
So you changed your mind William? ; ) PS, I agree, JA > JO....  [Read More]
Posted in: Dark Forces Gold (April Fool!)
04-03-2004, 8:33 PM
I'm sure you were being sarcastic MW, but I have to laugh (and disagree). Expansions for JO? I haven't seen a one. What expansions have been made? None that I can recall. Besides, it was a joke, Dark Forces Mod is just that, a MOD (made by fans, wi...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dark Forces Gold (April Fool!)
04-02-2004, 4:09 PM
I missed it completely (didn't check the 'net at all yesterday), but great joke guys. ; )...  [Read More]
Posted in: Your favorite mods/maps/skins/models!
04-03-2004, 9:07 PM
I really like Asteroids *biased*...  [Read More]
Posted in: How Do You Do It (hosting a game)
03-31-2004, 3:47 PM
Check out the Dedicated Server forum for help! It's not that hard, once you realize what settings to change. If you and your friends only have dialup though, forget it, you're better off just finding a server and all joining it. If you are interest...  [Read More]
Posted in: April 1st?
04-05-2004, 2:58 PM
That's the great thing about All Fool's Day, somebody ALWAYS gets suckered. Besides, you shouldn't expect people to reveal their jokes before the day... ; )...  [Read More]
I wish there was some way I could view stats for my server. : ( Anyway, from the times I've checked, CTF doesn't seem to be nearly as popular as Siege......  [Read More]
Posted in: [News] - AOTC:TC Demo - From Front Page
04-02-2004, 4:04 PM
I think the point is, in "Clone Wars" the cartoon, Mace Windu is wearing clonetrooper armor (sans helmet) under his robes. Obi-Wan wears the complete outfit (similar to Arctrooper armor, plus a cape) until his helmet is knocked off in batt...  [Read More]
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