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Page: 58 of 76
Posted in: Mod Requests Thread (#5)
05-18-2005, 2:44 PM
Originally posted by Darth Smaug Is there a mod to get a mace windu skin? cause i can't find it.I have the saber mod with his saber but i'm looking for a skin. Anyone?  [Read More]
Thank the maker! .... of the mod ;) hehe... perhaps now that no one has to listen to his "combat" sounds :rolleyes: maybe, just maybe.. my Disciple saber might actually get used... :D as Darth333 said, this mod is permanently in my overri...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Master + padawan collar fix by svцsh
05-13-2005, 6:22 PM
Originally posted by Achilles Gee...I don't know ( I see I'm not the only one who's been to that site... hehehe.. but... there is... another Isn't that right MattColejk ;) -------------...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Master + padawan collar fix by svцsh
05-12-2005, 1:19 PM
Originally posted by tk102 Forgive the newbie here, but can you post a "before mod" pic too so I (and others who haven't seriously looked at robe models) can fully appreciate your work? :D It's not really a "Before & After"...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Master + padawan collar fix by svцsh
05-12-2005, 9:11 AM
I was wondering when you were going to release this ;) Awesome job man! :thumbsup:...  [Read More]
Posted in: .EXE of KotOR Script Generator
05-14-2005, 11:20 AM
Just gave the new version a try and I have to say this is a godsend for someone like myself :D It's no surprise I'm a script-tard® here at the HL forums :rolleyes:, but this handy little prog has really helped out! Thanks for going through the tr...  [Read More]
Posted in: upon exiting tsl, extreme desktop brightness!
04-30-2005, 10:30 PM
It's definitely something with the video card but it's the game that's causing it. It happens to me on 'rare' occasion where my video drivers don't refresh after exiting the game. If you notice when you start the game, your desktop will brighten up...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Instant Kill Sabers
04-30-2005, 3:54 AM
Originally posted by NewDigger As I said, for anyone who wants them... If you don't want them do not download them, and some people do like instant kill stuff. You have an opinion, they have an opinion, no need to turn this thread into a thread of....  [Read More]
Posted in: KOTOR solution to Intel graphics problem
04-29-2005, 6:32 AM
Nice find! :thumbsup: Though you may want to post this in the Workbench section (or ask a moderator nicely to move it for you) :) EDIT: I see the mods have already done so.. hehehe Still, this will probably help alot of people :D...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Bug Fix: Secret compartment on Ebon Hawk
04-29-2005, 7:22 AM
Originally posted by tk102 :doh: That's not tiny. :) I had tested it with 2 savegames, one where I was on the EH, and one where I was not. On the latter, I did notice the game did a "Saving" followed by "Loading" when I entered t...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Bug Fix: Secret compartment on Ebon Hawk
04-28-2005, 11:18 AM
Originally posted by Emperor Devon "Brilliantness" isn't a word. :p google is your friend ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Bug Fix: Secret compartment on Ebon Hawk
04-28-2005, 6:00 AM
Originally posted by Achilles I'm so glad you finally decided to play :D. I can tell what planet you're on based on which bugs are fixed. Not to take away from the contributions of others though. It's nice to see all the patched files that people h...  [Read More]
Posted in: This site PWNs!
05-18-2005, 4:47 AM
That one interested me... hehehe... Just be very careful what you use, not all of those are HL approved :cool: and if I find anyone abusing them, I'll move the directory & ban your IP from my site :dev11:...  [Read More]
Posted in: This site PWNs!
05-10-2005, 3:49 AM
Originally posted by Chains Chainz, do you have a picture for every occasion? Unfortunately, nope... that would be impossible (, but I have quite a few ;) hehehe......  [Read More]
Posted in: This site PWNs!
04-25-2005, 10:07 AM
Newbie! ( :dev11: Just kiddin' ya' man ;) Welcome to the Forums! and I'd have to agree...these forums do pwn ( just make sure to read the f...  [Read More]
Posted in: Uh ohhh.
04-28-2005, 12:10 PM
Hey Spun (continuing here from the other thread about the patches)... I noticed this line in your swkotor2.ini under the [Game Options] header: Disable Movies=1 Have you tried re-enabling the movies to see if it keeps the game from crashing on yo...  [Read More]
Posted in: Having graphics problem with KOTOR
04-27-2005, 7:33 AM
:emodanc: :elephant: :rddance: :sheepdanc :sbdance though if you get the chance (and funds) it wouldn't hurt to up your memory to 512mb. Even if not for the game itself, it'll help you with other apps in the future until then... Enjoy the game!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Having graphics problem with KOTOR
04-27-2005, 6:17 AM
Do you have any programs running in the background? It sounds as if there's another program running robbing you of some system meory... Mine tends to flicker if I happen to leave a program running such as a messenging program, SETI, or even a real-...  [Read More]
Posted in: Having graphics problem with KOTOR
04-26-2005, 7:50 AM
Originally posted by ironic_lettuce PS Im using Win Me not XP - will that be able to detect the hardware? It should... in fact, I believe Win98 will as well... and seeing as how ME was developed/released after 98, you should be good to go :)...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Darksword Mod is now Available!
04-24-2005, 3:55 PM
Man, I'm just reviving old threads like it's kewl... ;) which it isn't BTW... trying not to make a habit out of it.... hehehe Anywho, I received a little request this morning on disabling the plasma effect for those not wanting it... It's a relati...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Jedi v. Sith Armor Pack + Mask Model Fix
04-24-2005, 9:05 AM
In order for KT to list the edited baseitems.2da entries in the drop-down, you need to make sure that the edited baseitems.2da is in your override directory before you start KT... Also, in KT you need to make sure you have the option for it to searc...  [Read More]
Posted in: Sorry, but I need to get this off my chest
05-12-2005, 3:18 PM
^^^^^ Agreed. :D Also take into account that you can log on "invisible"... so just because you don't see alot of members in the forums, it doesn't mean they're not there ;) oh yeah, and if you're not a member... just a "lurker",...  [Read More]
Posted in: A-Z of Modeling a new Lightsaber
04-25-2005, 3:13 PM
Originally posted by Clibby Ok, thanks Chainz, I forgot to set the enviorment. Now what exactly am I doing? I still havent figured it out. I have the 2cm base that I want, but what do I do now. Do I create more NGons untill I get it like a saber, or...  [Read More]
Posted in: A-Z of Modeling a new Lightsaber
04-25-2005, 1:04 PM
Originally posted by Clibby Can anyone tell me what I'm doing? Also everytime I reopen GMax, The saber and cylinder almost double in size! How do I re-size it once it has been converted to editable mesh? I'm sorry if this sounds a little childish, b...  [Read More]
Posted in: svцsh's work in progress
05-20-2005, 4:40 AM
:worship: Now I recall why I call you "Master" svцsh :D Beautiful model man, my download finger is gettin' itchy ;) hehehe...  [Read More]
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