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Page: 57 of 76
Posted in: LipSynchEditor beta
07-11-2005, 8:13 AM
Toys!! :D Saw this over at PCGM this morning and dowloaded it before I knew what it could do.. hehehe.. I guess I'm obligated to make a .lip file just to test this puppy out ;) Looks great!...  [Read More]
Posted in: SWK's Weekly Mod Report (notification)
07-11-2005, 9:37 AM
Originally posted by Prime DId we "lose" any mods due to the post loss? I'm glad you posted this Prime ;) I checked the link on that was pointing to my Ba-Dur Armor and it leads to a completely different LucasForum :o Should I...  [Read More]
Posted in:  [REL] TSL Hak Pad Mod now available!
07-11-2005, 8:02 AM
Originally posted by yohan Okay, I'm using an English OS. (However I have installed an East Asian Language recently). I don't think I have used this kind of program before. The error screen with the RichEdit error appears after I click the YES on...  [Read More]
Posted in:  [REL] TSL Hak Pad Mod now available!
07-10-2005, 3:35 PM
Originally posted by mrdefender Dang. Was about to release my own version of this mod I made back in may. Oh well, all in good fun :) What's up with pcgamemods today, I've been trying to download it for the last 10 minutes and I'm on a broadband i...  [Read More]
Posted in:  [REL] TSL Hak Pad Mod now available!
07-10-2005, 8:19 AM
Originally posted by yohan ~ Hello everyone, I'm having some trouble with this mod. I've downloaded the file, extracted it onto the desktop with "TSLPatchData" folder. I am able to access the "Install_TSLHakPad.exe" file, however...  [Read More]
Posted in:  [REL] TSL Hak Pad Mod now available!
07-09-2005, 10:46 PM
Originally posted by RedHawke Well now, the Holowan Emporium for TSL is now in circulation! Nice work! :thumbsup: But one question ChAiNz... What took you so long? :p J/K! :D :p I'll strike it up to me being fickle and set in my "old"...  [Read More]
Posted in:  [REL] TSL Hak Pad Mod now available!
07-09-2005, 7:32 PM
Originally posted by Uchiha Itachi Ahhhhh!! :D :D Ok, just one last question :p It can be any kind of item? Like I'm trying to include an armor, do I have to get another armor or I can get anything like a datapad? It can be any item you wish :) I...  [Read More]
Posted in:  [REL] TSL Hak Pad Mod now available!
07-09-2005, 7:15 PM
Originally posted by Uchiha Itachi Hmmm... Sorry to keep bothering you guys :( But I can't find the made items in the left place. I even clicked on Custom Items and nothing. Does it has to be placed somewhere specifically? Made items? Are you talk...  [Read More]
Posted in:  [REL] TSL Hak Pad Mod now available!
07-09-2005, 7:07 PM
Originally posted by REDJOHNNYMIKE I meant, a dialog box that would let you see what you're typing, but I guess by what you said that it isn't possible, sorry to bother you, But it sounds great and I'm gonna DL soon:D No bother at all man :D Trus...  [Read More]
Posted in:  [REL] TSL Hak Pad Mod now available!
07-09-2005, 6:58 PM
Originally posted by REDJOHNNYMIKE could it be possible to acces a visible console with your mod as well???:) I'm not sure what you mean? Do you mean like a "list" of cheat codes... or an actual visible cursor line? I have tried every w...  [Read More]
Posted in:  [REL] TSL Hak Pad Mod now available!
07-09-2005, 6:48 PM
Originally posted by Uchiha Itachi This mod is awesome!!! I just have one question about it, I like to keep my Override folder kinda organized, in the main folder I only keep the .2da files and I create folders with the mod's name inside the Overrid...  [Read More]
Posted in:  [REL] TSL Hak Pad Mod now available!
07-09-2005, 6:20 PM
Here's a mini- tutorial on how to edit the StoreFronts to add your modded items. I just copied & pasted what I posted over at PCGM in the comments section ;) ------------------------------------ First, you'll need Fred Tetra's KotOR Tool: http...  [Read More]
Posted in:  [REL] TSL Hak Pad Mod now available!
07-09-2005, 6:03 PM
* Click For Important Note About Mod Permissions * ( TSL Hak Pad @ NEXUS ( (Ultimate version, includes ALL Boosters/Fixes) @ Deadly Stream (ht...  [Read More]
Posted in: nvidia's new driver
07-09-2005, 9:23 AM
I have version 77.72 (the latest) and everything seems to be working so far... hehehe I'm used to being the "guinea pig" for new drivers and such.. plus with XP you can always rollback your driver version if it's a problem... I have a few...  [Read More]
Posted in: K-GFF (GFF Editing Utility) v1.3.0
07-09-2005, 8:59 AM
hehe.. I was actually over downloading the new DLG editor when I saw the link for this prog... of course I HAD to download new toys :D Definitley looks great man! And couldn't have come at a better time (this prog and the new dlg editor)! I'...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Remodeled Dopak, New Selectable PC.
07-09-2005, 8:52 AM
Awesome work my friend! :d The darkside transitions are perfect and subtle... ace job on that idea! You know I've been waiting on this one for my next game... :emodanc: w00t!...  [Read More]
Posted in: post count question
07-08-2005, 3:42 PM
#3 Also, be sure to read the above announcement. They're working on getting them back. So we might as well enjoy the fact the forums are back up until then... Besides, I don't come here fo...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Upgrading DL-44 Blaster
07-10-2005, 6:39 PM
Originally posted by Mono_Giganto What a buddy. :) aww.. gosh.. golly.. gee whiz.. shucks.. :p I was just happy to be able to help out man... I owe everyone here alot with helping me learn how to do this stuff... and now that I am able to help, i...  [Read More]
I made some comments over at PCGM, but I might as well here as well :D Awesome Work you've done! :thumbsup: I know alot of people were hesitating on releasing new robe skins because of how the model might affect the visuals of other "common&qu...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kudos to whomever fixed LF!!
06-03-2005, 9:27 AM
Definitely.. it's like coming home from vacation.. :D Sure the trip was "memorable", but nothing beats stepping into 'home' for the first time back ;) I was beginning to have withdrawals... hehehe...  [Read More]
Posted in: TSLPatcher v1.2.10b1 (mod installer)
05-26-2005, 10:54 AM
Great stuff man! I'm persnally glad to see the GUI was in the public release :D When I first started testing, It took me a few read throughs of the readme to get going... after that.. (to quote Atton) "Pure Pazaak" ;) :thumbsup:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Windows mode.
05-22-2005, 8:06 AM
Originally posted by Goukistar For reasons unknown to me my copy of the game now only boots up into windows mode. Altering the resolution or frequency will cause the game to run full screen. Admittedly it's a minor problem, but I'd rather not have t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mod Requests Thread (#5)
07-10-2005, 10:14 AM
Originally posted by Mr.KoRn Mod Idea: That we can play the exile in KotOR2:TSL with Anakin Skywalker skin from Episode III, and the mod will also contain his lightsaber (From Episode III) and his robe. And it will be great if the skin will be high...  [Read More]
Posted in: DLG/UTI/UTC/MOD Language Converter v1.0
07-09-2005, 7:12 PM
Originally posted by stoffe -mkb- You'd need to convert/modify all GFF files that use a CExoLocString data type which contains local substrings. The game looks up which substring to use within each ExoLocString depending on the language setting of...  [Read More]
Posted in: DLG/UTI/UTC/MOD Language Converter v1.0
07-09-2005, 6:52 PM
hehehe... I have enough problems with English ;) Gotta question... I have a request to make my recent Hak Pad mod in a different language :eek: 1) Can I use the Language Converter to do this? 2) If so, do I just adjust the .dlg file that was in t...  [Read More]
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