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Page: 55 of 76
Posted in: Holowan Cloakworks 2
07-25-2005, 11:02 AM
Originally posted by Darth333 The other could thing is that you can now pass parameters to a script for a .dlg so the whole thing could be done with a single script more or less attached to a dlg that is fired from an armband or something :) ya' kn...  [Read More]
Posted in: Holowan Cloakworks 2
07-25-2005, 8:48 AM
Not even a whole weekend "back" and you've already turned out the Holowan Cloakworks "TSL Style"! Holy hell man... just freakin' awesome! :D *click* got mine ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in:  [REL]Defender's Wrist Console
07-25-2005, 1:47 PM
Originally posted by mrdefender I'm going to see If I can figgure out how to get this tsl patcher thing to work... Feel free to dissect my HakPad's installer for an 'example'... it's going to be something similar to what you'll need for your armba...  [Read More]
Posted in:  [REL]Defender's Wrist Console
07-24-2005, 3:36 PM
Looks awesome man! :thumbsup: You've already added features I wanted to add in my version 2 HakPadBooster Pack (in the works)... Some fine work there indeed! :D I've definitely gotta check this out! And I'm glad you decided to release it. I think...  [Read More]
Posted in: Pure Pazaak: Standalone Multiplayer Pazaak!
07-24-2005, 11:11 AM
Hey dufflover! Glad to see you made it over here ;) hehehe... Thanks for the heads up on the release! Going to download this puppy (again) and "replace" my free time from solitaire with Pazaak! :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: KOTOR graphic issues
07-26-2005, 4:02 AM
Originally posted by cons no idea... how would i find out? Basically, have you done any "self" adjusting settings with the drivers or your mobo's CPU setings? (other than standard updates, upgrades and patches)... It may sound odd, and...  [Read More]
Posted in: KOTOR graphic issues
07-24-2005, 9:23 AM
weird, that looks like model verts being stretched out??? If worse comes to worse, have you tried starting a new (differernt) game? Sometimes it can be quirky like that and for some freakish reason it does that... oh yeah, do you have any mods inst...  [Read More]
Posted in: [REL]Holowan Plugin
07-24-2005, 12:40 AM
Originally posted by darth makaan what's the diff between the 3 versions? No differences, they denote permissions :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: [REL]Holowan Plugin
07-23-2005, 7:39 PM
Originally posted by Darkkender Chainz.2da -- Age is but a number it's the wisdom that you gain with that number that determines how old you are. FYI That makes me older.:D :p hehehe... Looks great man! :thumbsup: I have Comcast High Speed and it...  [Read More]
Posted in: Won't let me Swoop!
07-22-2005, 4:27 PM
Do you perchance have Darth333's "Easy Swoop Racing" mod installed? This happened to me once when I forgot to place the .mod files in the Modules folder... :) (I had accidentally put them in my override instead)... .lyt files = override ....  [Read More]
Posted in: Do Cheats Work?
07-21-2005, 11:23 AM
Originally posted by Darth333 (as you can see ChAiNz is not at fault here :D ) Not yet at least :p ... hehehe The site is up at the moment (grab it while the gettin's good ;) ).. but as Darth333 has said, it's likely to be flip/flop for a few days...  [Read More]
Originally posted by DarthMoeller The site looks great ChAiNz! The NPC section did take a little longer to load than normal on my cable modem, but I think its worth it. I also checked out the feats section, and I like how you split it up within the...  [Read More]
Okie Dokie Folks... My eyes are literally burning from staring at my computer screen for so long (long day at work AND at home...) but I've managed to do a major-ish overhaul to the NPC's page... I'd be...  [Read More]
^^^^ Consider it done :) Thanks stoffe for the suggestions :thumbsup: :D...  [Read More]
Posted in:  USM Released!!!
07-23-2005, 4:28 PM
Originally posted by JacenPrime What is the UTI for Visas' saber, as mine did not fire, and I don't have one for her. usm_lghtsbr_145 (Blue) usm_lghtsbr_146 (Red) usm_lghtsbr_147 (Green) usm_lghtsbr_148 (Yellow) usm_lghtsbr_149 (Violet) You can al...  [Read More]
Posted in:  [REL] TSL Hak Pad Mod now available!
07-25-2005, 2:58 PM
Originally posted by andargor Hey ChAiNz.2da, I think I'll go with the dialog+script route for integrating Cloakworks 2 into Hak Pad. You can call another .dlg, right? I'll send you a stub .dlg and script in a short while which has only one disguis...  [Read More]
Posted in:  [REL] TSL Hak Pad Mod now available!
07-25-2005, 1:57 PM
Originally posted by General Kenobi I see :D How did you acomplish that??? With Stoffe's patcher? indeed... one of my favorite-est toys :D My mods are infamous for including some kind of .2da... using the Patcher seriously cuts down on my hate mai...  [Read More]
Posted in:  [REL] TSL Hak Pad Mod now available!
07-25-2005, 1:50 PM
Originally posted by General Kenobi Kewl bean :thumbsup: Any thoughts/ideas as to if this would cause conflicts with Holowan Plugin from DK? I was debating on installing the PaC and the Booster for it in my current game. If you feel there are ANY...  [Read More]
Posted in:  [REL] TSL Hak Pad Mod now available!
07-25-2005, 1:43 PM
Originally posted by General Kenobi Hey ChAiNz :confused: I"m confused :D (big suprise? ;) ) Why would he need to put out another version? I'm just learning about your KILLER mod here now and will be reading up on it today. Well, all it would...  [Read More]
Posted in:  [REL] TSL Hak Pad Mod now available!
07-25-2005, 7:57 AM
Originally posted by andargor Would it be possible to include it in the Hak Pad under "Disguises"? All the armbands are labeled, so that would make it easy to choose one, and whittle out the bad ones. Consider it done! :D I'll start on i...  [Read More]
Posted in:  [REL] TSL Hak Pad Mod now available!
07-24-2005, 3:32 PM
Originally posted by andargor Dang! You people make my job easy. I was thinking of revising the Emporium, but I see that ChAiNz.2da has done a far better job in functionality than the original Emporium. :) You will ALWAYS the the "Master"...  [Read More]
Posted in: TSLPatcher v1.2.10b1 (mod installer)
07-22-2005, 6:05 PM
FYI, version 1.1.4 has been added (updated) on the Tools Section ( :D as a side note, does the 1.1.4 update contain the command line ability that 1.1.3 had? If not, let me know and I'll r...  [Read More]
Posted in: TSLPatcher v1.2.10b1 (mod installer)
07-21-2005, 11:46 AM
Originally posted by T7nowhere Thanks for the update, personally I purpously use 2da's in my mods now :D. This is the kind of tool I have wanted since the beginning. You Too!?!? :lol: I thought I was the only one.. hehehe ;) I have several ideas f...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mod Requests Thread (#5)
07-22-2005, 10:27 PM
Originally posted by SirFalastur Anyway my humble request is a mod that makes the darkside eyes in TSL like the ones Anakin has in Ep III. The eyes are yellow with red rims. ~snip~ P.S another thing that really bothers me is that when I go darkside...  [Read More]
Posted in: Where can I find mods?
07-24-2005, 4:41 PM
Wow... not only 1 BUT 2 legends have surfaced! :D ..hehehe Glad to see that 2 of the people I wished I had "met" before I got involved in modding has come back :) Maybe now I'll have the chance to "annoy" you two as well.. :lol:...  [Read More]
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