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Page: 29 of 76
Posted in: Similar games
08-19-2006, 10:15 AM
Moving this thread to AHTO since it isn't really KotOR III related ;) However, below is an old thread, but the topic is similar (if not the same). Check it out as there are alot of good suggestions in it :)  [Read More]
Posted in: Looking for a W.I.P.
08-16-2006, 3:40 PM
Achilles I believe is your man ;) I'll have to dig up the W.I.P. though.. EDIT: Found it!  [Read More]
Posted in: How to make an animated cutscene?
08-16-2006, 3:32 PM
I would try this thread first... Anicam is a great tool, but it's not really necessary for a cutscene (which is really just an enhanced dialogue). My Kreia Robes mod has a cutscene added without us...  [Read More]
Posted in: Talking Ads
08-16-2006, 2:26 PM
Apparently it's still buzzing about :p NOOOOOoooooooo! :vadar: Man, I thought that thing had outlived it's rotation... that sucks.. (for ones without ad-blocking).. ;) Of course it's either bzzz...  [Read More]
Posted in: Talking Ads
08-16-2006, 2:16 PM
Yet another reason to use Firefox with Adblock. ;) Reminds me of that damn fly buzzing ad we had several months ago.. drove me absolutely ape sh*t... FireFox + AdBlock + FlashBlock == win...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Ryyk Blades
08-15-2006, 4:24 PM
sexay lookin' blades there Inyri :thumbsup: Me likey.. and since I'm in a KotOR run.. looks like I'll be adding these to my arsenal :devsmoke:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Issues with baseitems.2da
08-15-2006, 4:19 PM
Well you know me, I'm good at complicating things :p. In any case, oddly it seems KotOR Tool refused to fine the line in the first place, but after manually correcting it all seems to be well. That's kind of going to be a pain, though, if it keeps m...  [Read More]
Posted in: Issues with baseitems.2da
08-15-2006, 4:12 PM
Edit 2: Upon further inspection it did not correct the problem with the menu, but it did add the problem line in the drop down, so perhaps it did work. Try this: 1) make sure the look in .2da option is checked. 2) Close out KT entirely 3) Re-Save bo...  [Read More]
Posted in: Issues with baseitems.2da
08-15-2006, 3:53 PM
Have you checked the option in KotOR Tool to look up .2da's in your override? It's disabled initially (fresh install)... If not, check the option, close KT, then re-open it :)...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Hide Weapons in Animations V2
08-14-2006, 3:27 PM
sweet! One of my top "must need for immersion" mods is up to version 2 :emodanc:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Making 2 apperances into one
08-14-2006, 11:37 AM
I think someone made a tool that combines 2da files, but I'm not sure where to get it. To combine the files manually, insert some new rows in one of the 2das, and paste the rows of the other file into it. The one & only stoffe works magic again ;...  [Read More]
Posted in: [WIP] Holowan Telosian Council
08-14-2006, 3:11 PM
Droids are fine... any particular class? War Droid, Protocal, Astromech, Assassin, Trash Compactor? I am planning on adding, as is clear from my map, additional sections. I want these to all be full of Holowan members aswel, but this is for the coun...  [Read More]
Posted in: [WIP] Holowan Telosian Council
08-14-2006, 2:28 PM
wow! That's a huge map :eek: hehehe.. as T7 stated, good luck with it.. it'll definitely be kewl adding so many new areas to play around in... Whenever people make mods to include Holowan Members in, I've always given a "free permission"....  [Read More]
Posted in: Extracting the Saber SFX From KOTOR I & II
08-09-2006, 3:55 PM
Hey Joe... No worries, even if there is no 'specific' section... if it's about modding the game, then Holowan is your home :) As for your question, I'm at work.. so I can't give exact paths, but I'm sure one of the other modders around can get you...  [Read More]
Posted in: How many people really use LF?
08-09-2006, 12:59 PM
Every Single Day (mostly)... can't disappoint my fans ya' know... ;) * crickets churp * >.<...  [Read More]
Depends on what the model's initial shader is to be honest. While not always.. some models shader is defined in the appearance.2da column "envmap"... However, since you mentioned Revan's armor, I don't know for sure if it's possible. T7no...  [Read More]
Posted in: Favorite Lemon Lime Beverage?
08-18-2006, 1:53 PM
A good ol boy such as yourself don't enjoy the classic Jack and Coke? I'm one of those "uppity" rednecks :laugh6: If I'm drinkin' Jack, it's straight-up.. * rebel yell * woooooooo... hehehe.. Well, to try to salvage as much topic I can, a...  [Read More]
Posted in: Favorite Lemon Lime Beverage?
08-18-2006, 10:53 AM
Lately I've been drinking some Royal Crown. Damn that's some kick @$$ stuff. Is that similar to Crown Royal? ;) (j/k) Lemon-Lime Bitters is yummy, but in itself isn't quite the kicker that Crown is (the 'bitters' are more "aromatic" than a...  [Read More]
Also, could someone give a link to the Holowan Spire mod? Thanks :D Welcome to the Forums! :waive1: Holowan Spire:  [Read More]
Posted in: Merging Models Tutorial
08-16-2006, 1:44 PM
Hope someone is reading all this stuff... any feedback is welcome. I am and loving every addition you make to it... :D I added this last series of instructions to your Tutorial in the stickies.. Just thought I'd let you know that we do indeed appre...  [Read More]
Posted in: High Level Force Powers V2.1 released
08-18-2006, 11:44 AM
Are the powers available through the the level up screen or do they come automatically like the lightsaber forms and force crush did?, Becasue they arent showing up in the level up screen. -Thanks What level are you? These are reserved for higher l...  [Read More]
Posted in: SWK's Weekly Mod Report (notification)
08-19-2006, 9:01 AM
Weekly Mod Report ( is up! Sorry for the delay folks! I took a weekend off and well.. I guess the modders decided to make me "pay for it".. :whip1: But I'll gladly take this kind of "punishment" an...  [Read More]
Posted in:  [REL] TSL Hak Pad Mod now available!
08-09-2006, 4:36 PM
please please can you make this mod easy to access on the xbox by making a placable mod to it or something along them lines or if anyone could tell me or give me a script that will allow me to get it in my item list because i realy want this mod but...  [Read More]
Posted in: Where can I host my mods / pictures?
08-18-2006, 8:01 AM
I believe we had a problem a while back with a site hosting mods the creator didn't upload, I believe it was Kotorfiles actually... don't remember. We did (did being the key word)... since then, there has been new management and I've worked with them...  [Read More]
Posted in: Where can I host my mods / pictures?
08-17-2006, 12:47 PM
The files that are already uploaded were present on the old mods site, and have simply been moved to a new and better server. If you see a file of yours there and would like it removed, contact myself via email, or PM me at either KotORForc...  [Read More]
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