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Page: 26 of 76
Posted in: Any Other Mods People Might Recommend?
11-17-2006, 11:44 AM
I see 4 of your mods that are mine ;) So I can tell you those were definitely intended to be played with the Hardcore Mod AND a host of RedHawke's Mods ( his supplied enemies will definitely have you cry...  [Read More]
Posted in: Firefox Incompatability?
11-16-2006, 4:19 PM
@ChAiNz: That little doodad looks cool, too. Which menu applies to LF? Do all of them? And yes, my Commodore64 is really neat-o. the bbcodeXtra drop menu are the tags that LFnet uses (and Bioware & Obsidian). [vBcode] I mainly use it if I have m...  [Read More]
Posted in: Firefox Incompatability?
11-16-2006, 9:51 AM
This happens to me on occasion, but it only seems to do it when I'm trying to use them after previewing. Odd I admit. However, not sure in your case, but the tags will actually work if it's my first initial composing :confused: This little extensio...  [Read More]
Posted in: [TSL] Imperial Knight
11-10-2006, 1:05 PM
No matter what path you take Prime, I'm quite positive it will result in nothing short of "Pure Awesome" ;) I've seen your work, I'm a fan of your work.. and your mods are a staple in my gameplays :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: NWN and TES3/4 - Which did you enjoy most ??
11-07-2006, 9:43 AM
I've played them all.. and if anyone can't guess my answer.. well... ;) *Hint* I played NWN for over 3 years straight... strictly...  [Read More]
Do anyone know how you finish the last of Khelgar's trial quests, "Trial of the Maimed"? I've completed the other two without problems but I don't know what you are supposed to do to finish that one. It says you need to talk to Khelgar abou...  [Read More]
Pfft. With you and your low end systems ( this shouldn't be a surprise. (:p) Do the .dlg use the same GFF format as TSL? I know the TLK file format changed a bit. I'm just wondering...  [Read More]
(I believe I've said it before but it's worth repeating: The NWN2 Toolset is a complete and utter disaster from a user interface perspective. It should be used as a warning textbook example for how not to design a user interface.) Amen. Hey, at least...  [Read More]
You can use your money to uppgrade the keep, but most thing cost around 20.000+, so thats why you maybe couldent do it. I found it out, when i had keep founds of 10.000 then tryed to buy a thing for 20.000, and i lost half my money :rolleyes: Really?...  [Read More]
I dont like how ridiculously long the wait time is between attacks... its not realtime action with that delay... >_> Agreed. It does get better, eventually, once your members start getting extra attacks.. but up until that point, you can defin...  [Read More]
Do anyone who have completed the game have any hints for how best to handle the Crossroad Keep management (mentioned above)? I'd rather not screw up and have to reload an old save and redo hours worth of gameplay later, so I'll have to put the game o...  [Read More]
@stoffe, Yup.. that one ;) Kristel should still be there, and even though I know you're a spider freak.. don't squish this one.. you'll be happy you didn't (sooner or later) :lol:...  [Read More]
Neither do I, but some things are a bit too vague for my liking. I haven't managed to figure out what you are supposed to do with Kistrel which you encounter in Duskwood for example, and I've still explored the entire area thoroughly. If you have/had...  [Read More]
I am getting the game right now, but before that i want to ask: a)How similar is it to KoTOR2 (i loved kotor2, spent somethingl ike 999hours at it :D) b)Is it hard to understand if it is your first d&d game except KoTOR c)Is campaign storyline a...  [Read More]
So far I have to say the game has been well worth the cost. Overall it's great fun to play. It may seem like I complain a lot in this topic, but that's just because it's less to write to complain about the shortfalls than it would be to praise all th...  [Read More]
For the spoiler: I looted it to it's gills ;) No one said I was disgraced, shamed me, etc.. I can't remember exactly what the loot entails.. but I believe it's mostly scrolls, potions, odd-n-ends. Though there may be a +1 or +2 weapon in there. G...  [Read More]
Just a clarification.. the merchant's name in Fort Locke is Gallen, not Garion (where the heck was I getting that?.. hehehe).. anyways, it at least starts with a "G" :o Also, apparently Deekin in Merchant District carries a lesser magic ba...  [Read More]
I don't suppose it's possible to go back into the warehouse after going outside and meeting Sir Superior (whatever his name was, the condescending type with the Neverwinter eye on his tabard). I'll have to see if I can go back and pick those up. Desp...  [Read More]
Since it seems she gets attacked by loads of suicidal low level mages whenever we set foot outside the tavern it seems difficult to get anything done with her in the group if you too are a spellcaster (Cleric in my case). Go outside, get attacked by...  [Read More]
Same here stoffe as far as the real sucky "to-hit" ratio. My Thief/Fighter-Duel Wielding-KillYouWithoutThinkingTwice Drow almost got his rear smeared across the floor if it hadn't been for me (by complete fluke) deciding to take Qara (sorce...  [Read More]
Have you tried lowering your mip-map and shadow map settings? 2048 mapping for shadows is serious overkill... kill it down to 512, you'll not see a difference other than performance ;) In fact, if you haven't completely killed shadows in your game, l...  [Read More]
Posted in: Custom Title?
11-14-2006, 2:57 PM
Also, I thought this Thread had died. Yeah.. me too :¬: Sorry gang, but this subject has risen up sooo many times. The policy isn't changing any time soon, and making threads over it definitely won't make it happen any faster. ;) Admins will, in...  [Read More]
I was asking for a direct download link, as I can't access the mod area of your website... bad :D Kreia Mod: Kreia Patch:  [Read More]
I've lost my copies of Chainz' Kreia's Assorted Robes and the Multi-Stim for TSL...I've tried all of the sites but I can't access them at work atm, and my internet is down at home...Could someone please post up a link? All of my mods should always b...  [Read More]
Posted in: Handheld KotOR 3, Bad idea or a good one
11-17-2006, 8:57 AM
I know how to use the edit button. I only double post because the responses are on either two different topics or topics from different users. I fyou don't like the way I post then I am sorry. Please stop double-posting. If you want to comment on 2...  [Read More]
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