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Page: 31 of 76
Posted in: TSL Patcher error...
07-29-2006, 3:56 AM
I figured I'd ask about this here. Whenever I download a mod that utilizes the TSL Patcher, such as RedHawke's Exile's Item Pack, the TSL Patcher refuses to work. The initial screen (usually displaying mod info) loads up and segways into the install...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Enlightenment/Corruption Robes v2.0
07-29-2006, 4:03 AM
You might just want to chuck up a couple of screenshots as many folks wont download a mod without seeing what it looks like first. There's screenies on the KotOR2 FileFront page here:  [Read More]
Posted in: Favorite Lemon Lime Beverage?
07-29-2006, 4:44 AM
7Up has wierd commercials. Remember "everything's free!"? "7-Up Yours" was my personal fav :D and also gets my vote in the poll. It's 'all natural' now and has a pretty distinctive flavor than what it once had :drool1:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Need help with 2da file
07-28-2006, 3:14 AM
Which two 2.da's and for which mods? I have done several mergings before and I may have already done it.. or could do it rather quickly (depending on what needs to be done) :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: EXPTable.2DA
07-27-2006, 9:02 AM
What exactly are you trying to do? and for which game? If it's for KotOR I, and you're trying to make it so that you can level higher than level 20.. I'll save you some headaches.. you can't :( It's hard-coded :fist: Many (and all) attempts have f...  [Read More]
Posted in: Problem with KT.
07-23-2006, 10:25 AM
the console is working... if you're referring the TSL, as I remember though, the console in TSL is invisible, lol, someone made an armband mod to get around that, but I can't remember who... I think it was Redhawke, but I dunno :( Yup. There's Defen...  [Read More]
Posted in: Problem with KT.
07-22-2006, 1:01 PM
Do you have .NET Framework installed? Also, are you using the latest version of KT ( I *think* in Fred's latest version, he stated that KT preferred (possibly requires) version 2 of .NET  [Read More]
Posted in: The Jedi Archives
07-23-2006, 12:36 PM
BTW: is Jae a mod? or just a normal forumite with Force powers?[/jolee] ;) Within those Forums, she is a full-fledged Mod with the associated Dark Side powers ... (so play nice ;) hehehe) shock1 :lightning...  [Read More]
Posted in:  HK47 To Master Vrook :D
07-23-2006, 10:19 AM
lol, Thanks ChAiNz Forgot the most important thing :) hehehe.. quite alright. I tend to forget to add things to my post in the "excitement" of posting it ;) I mainly asked because I wanted to include it in the Mod Report, but wasn't sure w...  [Read More]
Posted in:  HK47 To Master Vrook :D
07-22-2006, 9:11 AM
TSL or K1? need some "specifics" if people want to download this ;)...  [Read More]
I'm seriously considering including Darth's floating lightsaber (might put it the zombies too, but I don't really think of that one as a serious spell... - this is SW, not Night of the Living Dead 6 :D) to said modded .2daspells, but that's about it....  [Read More]
does anyone have the nihilus mask mod ( i dont know if it has the hood or not) Nihilus Hood & Mask: Description Page:  [Read More]
an p.s. an another mod that i think may exist but dunno if it is on pcgm or not but help me out if u can here is a photo of it, (look at malak, i want the mod of him) That's svцsh's Mech Malak :D. Yo...  [Read More]
does anyone have the 'Skip Peragus' mod for k2? There's 3 different ones that I recall.. however ABCoLD has an alternate download link for his mod here:  [Read More]
Can someone find the file for sciamano's obi wan episode 3 head? thanks obi I think that's it... here's the description page just in case ;)  [Read More]
Posted in: Handmaiden choice for Female Exile
07-21-2006, 7:25 PM
Is this the latest version? When I try to download it I get an Unexpcted end of Archive error. 48K out of 352K Are you clicking the link in stoffe's signature? It works fine for me (just tes...  [Read More]
Posted in: [TSL] [REL] Kreia's Assorted Robe Collection
07-29-2006, 2:26 AM
#87;66487 I install it, the installation works; and the "representation" thing works, but everytime I try to enter that Intensive Care unit to get the Dark Shrou...  [Read More]
Posted in: [TSL] [REL] Kreia's Assorted Robe Collection
07-24-2006, 12:02 PM
Is it possible to do the same with Visas as I would like to see her 'robe' change. Can you do that? I don't see why not (as far as Visas goes).. however, I don't have TSL installed anymore, and I'm currently doing a KotOR run (haven't played it in fo...  [Read More]
Posted in: SWK's Weekly Mod Report (notification)
07-22-2006, 10:05 AM
Weekly Mod Report ( is up! Well gang, looks like the cogs have been spinning with the Holowan Modders this week as they bring you some truly unique ideas and creative fun for your game! We've got options for...  [Read More]
Posted in:  [REL] TSL Hak Pad Mod now available!
07-29-2006, 3:08 AM
Im preaty new to these boards so I hope Im not out of place in asking this. Iv been looking at your mod for a while and I have to say I love it, Iv been playing the X box version for a good time till I found out about the mod group trying to add the...  [Read More]
Posted in: TSLPatcher v1.2.10b1 (mod installer)
07-25-2006, 12:11 PM
So, what's the point of these changes to the GFF handling? It will allow you to use the TSLPatcher to insert conversation branches into existing DLG files. It's still a hellish amount of work to configure it to do so, but at least now it's possible....  [Read More]
In order to use this with XBOX... I would need to know first off 1.) will this be potentially injurious to my XBOX 2.) Will this take forever to do/learn to do? 3.) Go here ( and read up on X-Box M...  [Read More]
Thank you EVER so much ChAiNz! It works fine now :). I did what you said. (Deleted the hak_pad.uti and then re-installed the mod, and the booster pack, just in case, and after that deleted my old Hak Pad with Tk's KSE and then cheated a new one.) Th...  [Read More]
(And I downloaded the fix from Hak Pad topic, but it didn't fix it.) And Chainz, what actually IS the proper line? :O yah, the fix for the Hak Pad will only work if both the mods are working. It's not an "install" type of fix.. The Hak Pa...  [Read More]
Did you install the Hak Pad after the Wherami Armband? Or did you overwrite your existing spells.2da with the Wherami Armband's? The Hak Pad should've just appended the spells.2da so that this kind of problem didn't happen.. However, rather than un...  [Read More]
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