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Page: 27 of 76
Posted in: Killer Apps, Tweaks & Important Updates!
10-28-2006, 9:13 AM
Unfortunately the link I'm posting does have an advert to a program, but that's not the intention ;) What is very helpful about the site is that it contains an indexed, alphabetical list of Task List Programs.. you know, those often un-decipherable...  [Read More]
Posted in: Music Mod Tutorial
11-03-2006, 4:12 PM
Thanks for the tutorial Torthane! :thumbsup: I've added it to the General Tutorials Sticky up top... you are forever immortalized... hehehe Thanks again, tutorials and contributions like this are always a great improvement for the Community :D...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Final touch
11-03-2006, 8:58 AM
Stunning work as always oldflash, so many goodies to play with! :eek: I'm always excited when I see a mod released by you.. I guess now others can see why ;) hehehe...  [Read More]
Posted in: Lightsaber colors
11-03-2006, 9:08 AM
easiest thing to do is use MDLOps' ( "renamer" function. There's a tutorial in the readme that shows you how to do it :) but yes, to answer your question.. the info for telling the saber what c...  [Read More]
Posted in: mod compatibility
11-02-2006, 11:01 AM
I'm not sure about the armor restrictions mod.. but the High Level Force Powers uses stoffe's TSL Patcher... If you install the Armor Restrictions Mod first, then stoffe's force powers.. you'll be able to use both. Make Sure that you are using the ....  [Read More]
Not really. I've always tried to educate myself waaaaaay in advance of election day (on the real topics at hand.. not who did what where & when) ;) But it does get old. Back in the day, ironically enough, before I was old enough to vote.. I reme...  [Read More]
Posted in: Trouble re-installing windows...
11-01-2006, 3:35 AM
Astrotoy7 nailed it... If you attempt to install XP without doing a complete reformat from a CD Boot, XP attempts to install over itself... or worse case scenario, attempt to install a new copy of itself on the same drive partition (2 copies occupyi...  [Read More]
Is the control scheme much different than how it was in NWN1? And can't you change the keyboard mapping to suit your needs? Games that won't let you change the controls are annoying, especially when you have the same controls in all other games makin...  [Read More]
FINALLY got it :emodanc: Game looks amazing (other than hair... yuck), but man... I sooo need to un-train myself with Oblivion keymaps :headbump You'd think my character was drunk I was all over the place just trying to get to a door :xp: The grap...  [Read More]
There's a patch for NWN 2 already. 83 MB. dear lord.. "fixes the goof-ups" patch or support hardware style patch? Guess the one thing to say is that at least Obsidian releases patches for this game ;) hehehe......  [Read More]
ChAiNz, since I know that you love NWN1, I was wondering which unofficial modules you thought were the best. There are so many that I don't know where to start. Funny you should ask... look at post #2 for some of my favorites :D http://www.lucasforu...  [Read More]
I swear, I think I'm going to have to beat down the Best Buy "stocker".. hehehe I'm going again today.. if it's not on the shelves... someone's getting hurt (probably my "smack" talking arse.. hehehe :xp: ) Glad to see there is...  [Read More]
Knoxville sucks :snear: Was it really released yesterday? I couldn't find a copy anywhere :cry8: Cruel Cruel world, why dost thou spite me :fist:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Hak pad to work on Hanharr patch request.
10-30-2006, 2:01 PM
Oops.. sorry about the PM ZN... holiday season has me twisting in every direction :nut: As for the influence though.. are you sure it isn't another mod, or are you using the Hak Pad in conjunction with RedHawke's Mistake Correction Armband (http://w...  [Read More]
Posted in: LCD monitor recommendations
10-28-2006, 9:19 AM
ouch.. sorry about that :( I keep forgetting you're one of them Canadian type persons :xp: hehehe.. I'll keep my peepers peeled for something more local for ya' :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: LCD monitor recommendations
10-28-2006, 6:39 AM
I've been monitor shopping lately as well and went with Dell's Ultrasharp widescreens. I've done side-by-side comparisons (physically) with Apple's Cinema Displays and well, Dell's blows Apple's out of the water (this coming from an Apple fanboy mind...  [Read More]
Posted in: Your 'Killer Apps' & Fave Tech Sites ??
10-28-2006, 9:13 AM
Unfortunately the link I'm posting does have an advert to a program, but that's not the intention ;) What is very helpful about the site is that it contains an indexed, alphabetical list of Task List Programs.. you know, those often un-decipherable...  [Read More]
Posted in: down?
10-24-2006, 9:12 AM
Do we get cookies for brown-nosing? :xp: There isn't enough cookies ( in the world... but I think I can spare this one.. :xp: :D * sets cookie between Jae & Emperor Devon then steps back *...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Puppet for HK-47
09-25-2006, 3:00 PM
I'm getting Forbidden errors, too. Looks like there isn't a filename assigned so it's trying to load the index of 19059 folder (which isn't allowed by the server)... @DI hey man, are you using any type of special caracters in your filename? Such as...  [Read More]
Just a little tip I received via PM: Just to add to the digging up mods tutorial: If you use the advanced search on google, and enter for the domain section, that helps narrow things down. Also, if you run into a file nam...  [Read More]
Posted in: The best Sci-Fi Show Ever
10-28-2006, 8:10 AM
I'm so out of touch with today's sci-fi shows :( But from the past, then I'd have to give my vote for Star Trek: TNG. I remember our whole family getting together just to watch it. There's not been a TV show since that's been able to get my rag-tag...  [Read More]
Posted in: New games are coming... so may K3?
10-31-2006, 3:22 PM
ouch, resurrecting an 8 month thread should warrant a little more than just a one-liner ;) :lock:...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Revan Cutscene Fixed Force Powers
09-25-2006, 9:51 AM
sorry about bringing this topic back from who knows how many pages. (I really don't know how many pages back this was, I came across the link here on pcgamemods) Doesn't matter in TUCE, you're safe :D Does this fix the problem where the camera bobs...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Revan Items (upgradeable) Available
10-24-2006, 9:31 AM
A message to the creators of the Revan's Items mod: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I recently downloaded this fine mod for KOTOR and have been enjoying it very much. However (you probably knew that...  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
09-25-2006, 3:08 PM
#1368 oh.. and I finally bought a new phone to replace my old one. Yah I know.. "oh gawd, another Razr sheep.." hehehe Hey, at least I got the v3i version that has iTunes built in. But I th...  [Read More]
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