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James Isaac

Latest Posts

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Posted in: The Kickstand
 James Isaac
07-06-2006, 5:00 AM
Well Joshi - It's now been two years since your reply and finally, I have decided to pull the old code from the scrap heap, polish her up, and try to see if the site will crank up. Sounds good :). I'm now pretty competent with php/html programming,...  [Read More]
Posted in: The sequel might be on its way...
 James Isaac
07-21-2006, 3:58 AM
AGS isn't a very good choice for a Grim Fandango sequel (mainly due to it being 2D like you said). The Wintermute ( engine is simple to use and supports 3D characters on 2D backgrounds (Grim Fandango style)...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Blue Casket II
 James Isaac
07-17-2006, 3:50 PM
Well done on adding the tabs to the database so quickly :). It's a really great idea for a site and I hope it recieves the attention it deserves!...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Department of Death Site Launches!
 James Isaac
07-16-2006, 7:19 AM
Thanks for the comments :D. If anyone submitted fan art ( to the old site and hasn't signed up yet, chances are it's been added to the new site under 'Unregistered Members' Fan Art', but if you sign up (http:/...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Department of Death Site Launches!
 James Isaac
07-14-2006, 1:12 PM
The new and much improved Department of Death site launched today at the new address: ( Many months of work have gone into the site, which was completely rebuilt from scratch with a completely new...  [Read More]
Posted in: debug keys
 James Isaac
06-20-2006, 10:51 AM
There's quite a lot of info about the developer mode on my site here (  [Read More]
Posted in: debug keys
 James Isaac
06-20-2006, 4:26 AM
What makes you think he's using an illegal version of the game? I'm pretty sure I've heard of people getting stuck in the tattoo parlour with genuine versions....  [Read More]
Once, I accidentally pressed Shift + P and each time y entered the game, I appeared in an advanced room. I couldn't start the game from the beggining properly :blast5: I believe that's what happens with the original developer mode patch (before it w...  [Read More]
Posted in: One thing you'd change
 James Isaac
05-13-2006, 4:07 PM
I would change it so that the balloon twister did let you through his tent ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Are the Notes of the GF Soundtrack available?
 James Isaac
06-11-2006, 2:04 PM
Wow good links. I like "Swanky Maximino" that is my all time favorite GF song. I'm gonna see if I can get my band to play this one... If you do, make sure you record it and upload it somewhere so everyone can hear it :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Are the Notes of the GF Soundtrack available?
 James Isaac
05-13-2006, 8:54 AM
If you mean sheet music for the songs in the GF Soundtrack, there are some here ( You could also download midi versions of some of the songs available here ( and use a midi...  [Read More]
Posted in: No GF on Lucas Store?
 James Isaac
06-21-2006, 4:33 PM
Hey, I think this is good news :). I wrote a pretty long email to them explaining how great Grim Fandango was and I got this reply Please check back with us as we are currently working on obtaining this game....  [Read More]
Posted in: No GF on Lucas Store?
 James Isaac
06-19-2006, 4:33 PM
This is pretty bad news... it used to be around Ј5-Ј10, but now the cheapest I can find it is Ј20, which is very frustrating because my friend wanted to buy it for Ј5-Ј10, but he's not willing to spend that much on it :(. I really hope they star...  [Read More]
Posted in: Need GF 4yr Mural
 James Isaac
03-14-2006, 3:31 PM
As Thrik says, I doubt you'll be able to find a larger version that in the game. However, here's the full size ingame version extracted with SCUMMRevisited:  [Read More]
Posted in: Need something to extract zplanes
 James Isaac
03-08-2006, 1:12 AM
which version of scummrev are you using? If I recall correctly, only one of the versions (out of v. 2, v.3 and v.5) allows you to copy images you are viewing to the clipboard....  [Read More]
Posted in: hello! every body
 James Isaac
02-19-2006, 3:52 AM
There's some tools and information you might find useful on  [Read More]
Posted in: GF General Appreciation
 James Isaac
02-16-2006, 4:48 AM
Hey, welcome to the forums B-Genius. I agree with you, Grim Fandango is a very unique game where you get the feeling that you never want the game to finish and you always want to find out more, because its such a wonderfully planned and presented gam...  [Read More]
No problem :). If you've never done any programming before, then AGS is probably the best to use, as it includes a no-coding editor. However, the other two are (in my opinion) more powerful... WinterMute even includes support for 3D (Monkey Island 4...  [Read More]
I believe there was previously someone creating a program which allowed the creation of SCUMM games, but as far as I remember the project didn't get very far, and it's probably been abandoned by now. But, there are many other freeware languages that...  [Read More]
Posted in: Your Favourite GF City
 James Isaac
01-29-2006, 5:37 AM
Well I preferred Year 4 El Marrow... I guess not many other people did though R.R.V 4X4s MM2 Group Wow, a Midtown Madness 2 group, I haven't seen one of those in ages :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Sunset
 James Isaac
03-17-2006, 2:10 AM
Yes, mouse is all I've got. I haven't even seen those fancy pen things in my life. Do you know if they're any good? They are good, but only if you buy expensive tablets. Instead I just sketch out art in pencil, go over it in thin black pen, scan tha...  [Read More]
Posted in: Grim Fandango Site Design
 James Isaac
04-07-2006, 3:18 AM
Thanks :). I've finished coding quite a lot of the site (the user/profile/comments/submit content sections are all done). If anyone is bored and wants to help out by testing it send me a private message and i'll give you the link (but I may take a fe...  [Read More]
Posted in: I miss adventure games
 James Isaac
06-22-2006, 8:43 AM
Posting that here is probably not a good idea. I'm pretty sure it's against the rules. I'd edit your post and delete the link if I were you....  [Read More]
Posted in: EMI Model Viewer 0.5beta released
 James Isaac
02-19-2006, 4:49 AM
The EMI and GF models are of completely different formats. I think I still have the source code to my newer GF model viewer around somewhere. I'll try to find it, maybe there's something I can do with it. That would be awesome if you do :). Thanks f...  [Read More]
Posted in: EMI Model Viewer 0.5beta released
 James Isaac
02-18-2006, 4:11 AM
if you did create a converter, would it be a lot of extra work to make it work with Grim Fandango models? Or are the model formats in EMI and GF very different? Sorry I keep asking if you could extend the tool to Grim Fandango models, but i'm helpin...  [Read More]
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