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Page: 46 of 133
Posted in: Space Shuttle Explosion
05-13-2004, 3:35 PM
What a sec, is He-3 just processed helium? There's loads of helium on the planet. Secondly, you're not truely losing it because it would still be in Earth's gravitation field, right? It would eventually just settle back into the atmosphere....  [Read More]
Posted in: Modder Abuse
05-16-2004, 6:31 AM
I'll post some ways how to have a positive influence on modders when I have time later....  [Read More]
Posted in: Modder Abuse
05-16-2004, 6:23 AM
Mod fans need to know that hassling mod makers, who do this for free, really can't handle constant harassment from their fans. A list of things that drive modders crazy: Fans that think that their opinions are more important than others. In JKA's...  [Read More]
Posted in: ledge hang
05-16-2004, 2:54 AM
Lazoras, we've been putting up with your crap ever since you showed up here. All you've ever done is bitch and whine about how JA+ is this god mod and how OJP should be more like it. I've tried come to some sort of compromise to please you, but you...  [Read More]
Posted in: ledge hang
05-15-2004, 10:19 PM
As I've already stated multiple times to you, ledge hanging will not be in Basic. It requires a 12+ meg file and is a gameplay change, so it can't be in Basic. It's not going to happen, so please quit asking....  [Read More]
Posted in: Saber style idea
05-14-2004, 8:45 PM
I wasn't talking about that simply because the amount of animation work involved would probably drive Keshire insane....  [Read More]
Posted in: Saber style idea
05-13-2004, 10:18 PM
wha? I'm talking about choppiness whenever you move in/out the stance position, like when you start/end an attack....  [Read More]
Posted in: Saber style idea
05-12-2004, 7:15 PM
Yeah, multiple people have mentioned that. I think it's way better than the having 50 zillion styles with only having the stances be different (AotCTC). However, the problem is that the animations aren't designed to have radically different stance p...  [Read More]
Posted in: Idea (launch tow cables)
05-12-2004, 7:12 PM
Tow cables would be a bitch to impliment, especially when only one unit in the game would use them....  [Read More]
Posted in: idea for OJP
05-13-2004, 6:10 AM
Yes, admins, please move this to the OJP forum....  [Read More]
Posted in: Stationary Turbolaser Vehicle?
05-12-2004, 8:25 PM
Thank, Phunk specifically, he's the one that did the vehicle enhancements. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Stationary Turbolaser Vehicle?
05-12-2004, 5:50 AM
I think the turned when stop varible is broken at least for that type of vehicle....  [Read More]
Posted in: recycling anims
05-12-2004, 4:49 AM
Ok, I beleive the facial expressions are controlled seperately from the rest of the animation code. I've never explored that area so you're going to have to do some exploring on your own....  [Read More]
Posted in: AotC TC and Hypocrisy (no flamewars please)
05-16-2004, 12:30 AM
What are you talking about?...  [Read More]
Posted in: AotC TC and Hypocrisy (no flamewars please)
05-14-2004, 7:27 PM
Well, the problem with doing that is that you have to have mappers and modellers that actually get stuff done. But, based on the results of the demo, AotC TC seems to be lacking in that dept....  [Read More]
Posted in: AotC TC and Hypocrisy (no flamewars please)
05-13-2004, 8:24 AM
Exactly. We can handle you having a different opinions (boy, I got some biggie differences with Phunk), leadership styles, etc, but we can't handle half-truths, dishonesty, intentional informational blackouts, or the withholding critical community da...  [Read More]
Posted in: AotC TC and Hypocrisy (no flamewars please)
05-13-2004, 7:43 AM
DF TC hasn't used OJP material incorrectly, screwed us over in a partnership, or sat on critical animation data for months. And I was the one that approached you, not the other way around. If the mirage studios thing was seperate, how come you stat...  [Read More]
Posted in: AotC TC and Hypocrisy (no flamewars please)
05-12-2004, 8:55 PM
Originally posted by Anakin Paternership, well that really never took off, Im not sure we really got around to it and sorted things out. Please quit dancing around the issue for PR reasons. You know exactly want happened. You agreed to the partner...  [Read More]
Posted in: AotC TC and Hypocrisy (no flamewars please)
05-12-2004, 4:33 PM
I don't beleive that. Several of those topics were still on topic, but were just being negative about the TC. I've also seen others' and my posts get deleted from the TC's forum threads when they were negative in any way (including constructive cri...  [Read More]
Posted in: dismemberment
05-11-2004, 8:02 PM
oh wait, I just looked again at your code and in theory, that should apply for other players. If it works for the MP bots, it's should work for the players as well....  [Read More]
Posted in: BETA TEST: Bast Castle SIEGE
05-12-2004, 3:32 PM
That should be no problem then. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced WIP: Saber System
05-14-2004, 8:44 PM
Well, if we did that, you'd just be attached to the other player while taking swings at each other. I don't think a good idea outside of saberlocks and grapples....  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced WIP: Saber System
05-13-2004, 6:23 AM
stamina = Force = fatigue as is. Do I really need to change the HUD icon to show that?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced WIP: Saber System
05-12-2004, 4:47 AM
It's already set to 30. The thing is that we haven't touched the saber damage system or completed the block system either. Give it time....  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced WIP: Saber System
05-12-2004, 3:20 AM
I don't think you understood what I meant. The idea is that dodge should be a constant measure of how much flak you can take before you die. With the direct damage to dodge system, I felt that wasn't the case. In addition, it was not realistic sinc...  [Read More]
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