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Page: 22 of 133
Posted in: JA/JAR Mod Source...
12-30-2004, 8:34 AM
Originally posted by Maxstate The SP code for JA???? No, this is an admin mod series (first came in JKO) that just happened to have the same name as JKA. Originally posted by mediablitz I thought that reloaded mod was just JA+ (sliders mod) with...  [Read More]
Posted in: JA/JAR Mod Source...
12-29-2004, 11:09 AM
BUT WE'RE NOT BITTER.....NO!!...  [Read More]
Posted in: .dm_26?
01-03-2005, 5:42 PM
Uh, I know there's ways to do that. I just don't know very much about them. Hopefully someone else can answer that soon....  [Read More]
Posted in: .dm_26?
12-27-2004, 2:28 PM
It's run by the JKA game. Something like /playdemo demofilename....  [Read More]
Posted in: Single Player fps drop
12-27-2004, 7:49 AM
It might be the saber damage decals. Have you tried turning them off?...  [Read More]
Posted in: somebody help meeee!!!
12-25-2004, 7:04 AM
It normally means you're using a pirated version of the game or using a mod with a bgame component improperly....  [Read More]
Posted in: Old School mod Christmas present
12-29-2004, 10:26 AM
Tinny is correct. In fact, the OJP code in Old School is actually much newer than the code in the last OJP releases. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Vehicle Spawning Help!
12-24-2004, 2:07 PM
The SP vehicles act differently than the MP vehicles. My guess is that they just don't have weapons....  [Read More]
Posted in: Vehicle Spawning Help!
12-24-2004, 8:09 AM
Are you talking about MP or SP?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Vehicle Spawning Help!
12-23-2004, 7:25 PM
You mean the vehicles aren't able to shoot like they're supposed to? Never heard of that happening before. Which vehicles?...  [Read More]
Originally posted by VaSBuffy Ok, Is it possible to contact you on MSN? sure. I've PMed my MSN address....  [Read More]
Uh, maybe you could just ask some questions and I can answer them. I can't really think of a way of blowing up the size of the news without just adding fluff to it. :)...  [Read More]
Well, the only things that I know about are the OJP news, which is the project I'm involved with: 1. OJP is working with Dark Forces to get their SP campaign to operate as a CoOp campaign run with the OJP code. 2. OJP is in the progress of merging...  [Read More]
Posted in: Disruptor Scope
12-24-2004, 3:09 PM
You're welcome. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Sending Heartbeats with a Listen Server
01-02-2005, 9:45 AM
So, other than running a dedicated copy and then a client copy to connect to the server, there's no way to be able to play on the server I'm hosting and be able to heartbeat? boo! hiss!...  [Read More]
Posted in: OJP for SP?
12-29-2004, 10:17 AM
Ok, that's a pretty big nono. You never want to edit the contents of the asset files. Instead you should place the edited file into the proper directory structure inside a new .pk3 (which is just a renamed .zip file)....  [Read More]
Posted in: OJP for SP?
12-28-2004, 4:37 PM
the .sab files are stored inside the the/ext_data/sabers subfolder inside one of the asset .pk3's in your /gameData/base folder....  [Read More]
Posted in: OJP for SP?
12-28-2004, 1:05 PM
.sab files are just text files. All you have to do is edit them and then place them in your game's directory structure. Not sure where you could get a tutorial. Try looking around for one....  [Read More]
Posted in: OJP for SP?
12-28-2004, 10:40 AM
I think it's possible to override the default kata move for a saber with the .sab file. And, no, I don't know anyone who knows how to do that. Just check about the .sab templete file that's in the SDK....  [Read More]
Posted in: OJP for SP?
12-25-2004, 7:03 AM
I'm sure someone has. I think it's done by setting singleBladeThrowable to 0 for the sabers you want to be able to kick instead of using saber throw....  [Read More]
Posted in: OJP for SP?
12-24-2004, 2:08 PM
You can do that thru some clever editting of the .sab files....  [Read More]
Posted in: Republic Commando MOD in Jedi Academy
12-28-2004, 10:41 AM
Originally posted by Maxstate Coop? Thats Covert ops:p :p :p :p CoOp = Co-Operative. As in having multiple people playing together to beat the SP maps....  [Read More]
Posted in: Remember me.... [AOTC:TC]
01-02-2005, 6:52 PM
I don't beleive there's any plans to release individual models at this time....  [Read More]
Posted in: Remember me.... [AOTC:TC]
01-02-2005, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by Tinny so can you give us any tid bits as to what the new gametypes are about? To give a more concise answer, the new gametypes that are planned are: Scenario - This is basically a Star Wars version Enemy Teritory with a healt...  [Read More]
Posted in: Remember me.... [AOTC:TC]
01-02-2005, 9:55 AM
Well, that's always going to be a issue unless you're modding for the lastest version of the HalfLife, Unreal Tournment, or Doom/Quake. The root of the problem is you simply can't create a great original mod in the 3 months you have between major F...  [Read More]
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