Does anyone know how to edit the Disruptor Scope? I know it is located in gfx/2d area, but making my own disruptor scope causes errors. Suggestions?
What sort of errors are we talking here?
I used Paintshop Pro to make my own Scope. I put it in tga format because I believe that's what JO recognizes. The error says it cannot recognize gfx/2d/cropcricle.tga ( modified ).
I guess I'm asking if there's a specific way to create a 2d Scope for JO?
the .tga is probably not in the proper format. I recommend you just make it easy and make it a .png instead (better compression)
When you put it in png format, the Scope no longer becomes a scope. Where you could normally see enemies jumping around, you now see a picture of the Targetting Scope. If you use the scope, and move your mouse, you can't even get a glimpse of the outside environment.
It's difficult to explain, but it's like Luke Skywalker trying to use the force with the blast sheild down on the helmet. ( Episode IV, the scene on board the Falcon in Light Speed where Obi-Wan suggests trusting your feelings facing the remote droid )
However, I could load JO with that picture format, I will try a few other formats.
You probably don't have an alpha channel on your scope picture. As such, there's no transparent parts for the scope and you can't see anything.
uhhhhhhh How would I do that? Adding an alpha channel?
The shader is already set up to handle the transparency stuff, all you have to do is add an alpha channel. I suggest you google up a tutorial on alpha channels for your particular editor.
Wow. You really are the Jedi Guardian of Newbie Questions :D
Thanks alot, I now have a classy scope =)