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Page: 157 of 214
Posted in: Official Ledge-Grabbing into JK3 Petition!!!!
09-13-2003, 9:51 AM
The only reason not to add ledge grabbing is that this isn't a traditional third-person only console adventure platformer, but a first person shooter. But.... good luck anyway. It can always be modded in for those who want it. Edit: You got me.......  [Read More]
Posted in: SCRIPTS here (post & request thread)
09-07-2003, 10:31 AM
Everybody relax, don't fight (save the fighting for in the game!). ; ) This thread is about providing info on how to use scripts. Most people agree that scripts alone are no substitute for skill and practice, but that doesn't mean we can't talk abo...  [Read More]
Posted in: Here's how to find out your Jedi name...
09-13-2003, 12:11 PM
Johes Sibos. Naaaaah........  [Read More]
I can't stress this enough, especially now that the full game is out in stores. Why post a "SPOILER" warning? Because a lot of us don't have the game yet or won't play through it as fast, and we don't want the storyline, ending, secrets or...  [Read More]
For all those who claim to get the game early who are not members of the press or a Raven/LA employee, I'm going to have to ask you to furnish PROOF that you do have the game legally. Here is what I need from you: 1) A picture of the game that is n...  [Read More]
Posted in: Blood? (JK2)
09-15-2003, 5:22 AM
I see the file link is down right now. I mirrored the file below (it's in German but you can use Altavista's babel fish to translate or just figure it out on your own. pretty self explanatory, and it has a function to turn it off if you don't like it...  [Read More]
Posted in: Blood? (JK2)
09-15-2003, 5:08 AM
Why do people think blood makes games better? Well some people think it improves them, others don't. It's a personal choice. Are R rated movies better than PG movies? Depends on whom you talk to. I think its good because for one thing, I'm a matu...  [Read More]
The Win9X version is a ripoff. It's identical to the DOS version except that it has a launcher for the dark.exe program that's it. And it only works if you install it in the default directory. I got DF to run on Win98SE and Win2kpro, so it shouldn'...  [Read More]
Posted in: This game will have a CD Key right?
09-07-2003, 11:07 AM
That'd certainly be cool. The option of getting a "collector's tin" with a glowy keychain was nice, but an action figure would be better. What would it be I wonder? Kyle? Jaden Korr with Barbie Doll style accesories? ; ) Anyway, yeah, the...  [Read More]
Posted in: This game will have a CD Key right?
09-07-2003, 3:34 AM
The pirates always find a way around it... Bah, there's a huge difference between a "cd key" and a keyserver. The former is eventually cracked and keygenerators are distributed by warez groups. The latter can't be cracked in any realisti...  [Read More]
suspect that the double and dual saber will cost you something to use in MP - whether that be points to buy force powers, or reduced weaponry, I don't know. Why I think this, is because Raven seems to be aware of the new saber's superiority as you ge...  [Read More]
The thing about stances with the single saber is that no person need limit themselves to one stance. Remember that in JK2 people who choose Strong would automatically also possess Medium and Fast, etc. I'm sure they will be tweaked in MP to be bala...  [Read More]
I tried out the location based damage today, and it works! A fully charged BlasTech shot to the head kills a Human Merc instantly (and his body goes flying!). No more wasting ammo on these guys! =)...  [Read More]
Not sure what you mean, I can switch fine. So much for this being the "only demo thread" heh......  [Read More]
Leo Soontar, the reason everyone calls it "mana" is because that's what the JK1 team called it, IIRC. ; ) Btw guys, here is a link to a page with the JK2 console commands & cheats (many of them work in JA as well): http://www.gamewin...  [Read More]
ebelleudy: -I honestly don't think saber combat has been improved... I found this just as random as before. I must say I can't see how a sword combat, with all the complexity it bears, can be nicely rendered in a game, though. Have you checked out...  [Read More]
I noticed you can "twirl" (using the mouse) during any special move (except for the stabs). If you switch to one saber for Medium (Saberstaff) or Fast (Dual Sabers) you do NOT get the special moves of that stance (so no Yellow DFA and no B...  [Read More]
Well I finished the demo.. just as well too, I should get back to homework... ; p Nice. Yeah, you can play around with those weapons (weapons 15-17 are the ATST's cannons)....  [Read More]
Posted in: Wheres the red gone??
09-13-2003, 4:43 PM
(Saberstaff) Update: Forgive the typos in the method description.. it should be accurate NOW. ; )...  [Read More]
Posted in: Wheres the red gone??
09-13-2003, 4:42 PM
Here are the pics to show it works.... (Dual Sabers)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Wheres the red gone??
09-13-2003, 4:18 PM
Probably. ; ) I take back what I said earlier. The way to get the red saber to appear in the character select screen only works for the first blade (and the instant you choose another color, you can't choose red again). You have to have entered the...  [Read More]
Posted in: Wheres the red gone??
09-13-2003, 11:13 AM
You guys really really want to know? In the console theres a cvar listed as darksidesabercolor or something like that.. I think it's safe to say that this is most likely red. Happy now? Don't believe me... just type in cvarlist or cmdlist and use P...  [Read More]
Posted in: Siege Mode unveiled! *WARNING: spoilers*
09-10-2003, 12:41 PM
My updated theory was that the "ammo" for the Speeder bikes was actually FUEL (limiting their use over long term). However, I could be wrong. I don't see any guns on the model, but one person has told me he KNOWS they can fire. Not sure ho...  [Read More]
Posted in: Siege Mode unveiled! *WARNING: spoilers*
09-10-2003, 2:55 AM
Here's how it was in MotS: The Primary Weapon of each character could not be pulled away (except in rare cases when the person had zero mana in the case of the non-Jedi). Bounty Hunter Starting Shields: 75 Max Shields: 225 Starting weapons: Fists,...  [Read More]
Posted in: Siege Mode unveiled! *WARNING: spoilers*
09-08-2003, 4:15 PM
I want to use a normal soldier, i want to defend hoth with my repeater not my lightsaber!! If everyone got force powers it would'nt feel right, anyways having a set number of jedis to back you up is better makes them special makes them nice to have a...  [Read More]
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