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Page: 156 of 214
Posted in: JKA is the greatest fighting game ever
09-16-2003, 5:39 PM
It's not Star Wars, but another fighting game you might enjoy (that the recent JK games seem to have drawn much inspiration from) is Bushido Blade 2 (psx) and the original Bushido Blade (same system). Glad you like the game... we're all excited to s...  [Read More]
Posted in: My Local EB has the game - going to pick it up.
09-16-2003, 5:07 PM
Just resist the urge to SPOIL everybody when you get the game back home and installed! We'll be watching... ; )...  [Read More]
Posted in: All jedi npc from every race
09-16-2003, 2:03 PM
Nice job... you should add this to our growing knowledge base of cheats and fun stuff. ; )  [Read More]
Posted in: Finally (game is nearly here!)
09-16-2003, 4:41 PM
Well 2 1/2 hours until the mail comes... can't say I won't be eagerly anticipating being disappointed! ; P If not, then tomorrow!...  [Read More]
Posted in: MP Saber Balance
09-16-2003, 1:43 PM
In another day or two we will be able to try it ourselves.......  [Read More]
Posted in: 16th or 17th?
09-16-2003, 1:55 PM
Sept 17th is the "on store shelves" date for the USA. Some lucky people *might* get their pre-orders in today though....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Matrix-like Dodge Effect?
09-16-2003, 3:46 PM
I can't get it to work consistently either. Try the "Dodgin'" thread or the "Not Enough Customization" and post there......  [Read More]
Posted in: NPC Question ***SPOILERS***
09-16-2003, 2:04 AM
Of course not....  [Read More]
Posted in: New JA Editing Tools Released!
09-16-2003, 12:57 AM
I just setup the forums a few hours ago. The tools were just released tonight. People need to check the news more often. ; )...  [Read More]
Posted in: Designer vid at IGN
09-16-2003, 1:21 AM
Got a link? And is it premium content?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fett in Jedi Academy? *SPOILERS*
09-15-2003, 9:54 PM
The EU is contradictory about how Fett "survived" the Sarlacc. I believe they simply brought him back (for Dark Empire) and then made up excuses later. I prefer to think that the real Boba Fett died in the Sarlacc (he doesn't have to be...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Force power look
09-16-2003, 1:01 AM
On the official LA Jedi Academy page (in the force powers section) you will see pics of the "transparent bubble" version (option set to 1). The 0 (off) option looks the same as it did in JK2 SP. My system defaulted to off with this option...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ho Hum: My verdict... Your Verdict?
09-16-2003, 5:45 PM
I honestly don't see why Jedi using guns is a "perversion." After all, there is no logical reason why a force sensitive warrior would refrain from learning how to use other weapons, or why he couldn't be an incredible marksman using the Fo...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ho Hum: My verdict... Your Verdict?
09-16-2003, 1:08 AM
Let me reiterate what I said the last time this debate was dredged up.. JK2 already had "Star Wars-like" Non Force Gunners vs. Full Force Jedi with Sabers.. it was called Jedi Master (and unlike Jedi vs. Merc it actually was fun and had a...  [Read More]
Posted in: Remote Control Mind Trick and other funny stuff
09-15-2003, 5:01 PM
Bask in the glow.... For more fun check out:  [Read More]
If you just want a fast easy program that's better than Frontpage to help you speed up the html, I suggest Macromedia's Dreamweaver. (  [Read More]
Posted in: Another review *spoilers* (pcarena)
09-15-2003, 7:48 PM
Well I did some checking and PCArena DOES have a legal legit copy. So we can post it. ; )...  [Read More]
Posted in: PotD on
09-15-2003, 3:37 PM
bind <key> screenshot. And the "Not Enough Customization" isn't a sticky, just search and you will find it. It's also linked in a recent news post on main. Good luck!  [Read More]
Posted in: question...will JA be on MS Gaming Zone?
09-15-2003, 3:38 PM
Unfortunately, it probably will.... thankfully, like JK2 we can safely ignore the zone!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Blood? (JK2)
09-16-2003, 5:08 PM
To start off, here's a pic from that Ultimate Blood Mod you just sent (haven't even installed it yet, just got this from the zip file):...  [Read More]
Posted in: Blood? (JK2)
09-16-2003, 4:54 PM
Somebody should post some screenshots to show the various effects between the mods. The one I posted (JK2_uncut_blood_27) is fairly mild. It primarily shows a bit of a red "poof" when you get hit (essentially the same as the "dust clo...  [Read More]
Posted in: JA Demo out
09-15-2003, 9:50 PM
Want cheats? Go here:  [Read More]
Posted in: Official Demo Released (Sept. 5th)
09-16-2003, 6:02 PM
Thanks to everyone who posted mirrors or sent them to us. I think it's safe to unsticky this, since the actual game is coming out in 1 day to stores. People should know that is THE source for grabbing the demo for free without waitin...  [Read More]
Posted in: Gone GOLD - release on 17 Sept 2003
09-16-2003, 6:02 PM
Since the game is coming to store shelves tomorrow and some people may even get it in pre-order today, I think it's safe to unsticky this. Besides, everybody should have seen it by now... ; )...  [Read More]
Posted in: DO NOT POST ABOUT... (everyone read before posting)
09-15-2003, 5:20 PM
Just an update, if anyone posts asking how to fix the following error in JA: cl_parsepackentities (or similar) you WILL BE BANNED....  [Read More]
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