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Page: 153 of 214
Posted in: Lucas Forums server?
09-18-2003, 3:58 PM
Being AFK in a duel is, on the face of it, rather rude, don't you think? A person waits in line all this time to fight and then the guy he's supposed to face takes a coffee break? You're holding up the line, pal! So I don't think he should be surp...  [Read More]
Posted in: retail MP taunts wont work(except the normal one)
09-18-2003, 7:59 AM
The emotes stop you from moving, just start attacking and jumping around and you'll come out of it fast....  [Read More]
Posted in: Mp Sucks!!! Fix It
09-18-2003, 3:48 AM
May gosh, the game has been out for 48 hours and people are already declaring it a failure! Learn the game first before you bash this or that... trust me, it takes time to master the game. Even if (and this is a hypothetical) you had (illegally) gr...  [Read More]
Posted in: failure to deliver on time...
09-18-2003, 3:52 PM
The stores around here made quite a pathetic showing of JA. Only Gamestop and EB had it in the whole Quad Cities it seems. Wal-Mart and Best Buy will probably get it a week from now. ; p...  [Read More]
Posted in: Leave of Abscence
09-18-2003, 3:49 AM
Good luck, and hope to see you back when you're ready! I can understand avoiding the forums for spoilers.. it may be the only way to stay spoiler free! I have done pretty well, it's just that being a moderator, you have to censor/delete/move a lot...  [Read More]
Posted in: I Can't Find IT!!
09-18-2003, 8:06 AM
Best Buy: Clueless. Today they claimed that they didn't carry Star Wars game at this time. Yesterday they put me on hold for 10 minutes and then hung up on me. Wal-Mart Supercenter: Clueless Center. They don't get release dates or prices for games a...  [Read More]
Posted in: MultiPlayer Kicking
09-18-2003, 3:51 PM
Is anybody going to actually try those server commands, or are they just going to continue to wax nostalgic about the JK2 days? I guess I'll have to run the danged thing myself and see if I can get it to work!...  [Read More]
Posted in: MultiPlayer Kicking
09-18-2003, 3:57 AM
The win32 dedicated server zip (just grabbed it off of LucasFiles to show you) in the serveroptions.txt says (these are just exerpts): g_dismember Can be a number in the range of 0 to 100, and sets the dismemberment probabilities. 0 means never, wh...  [Read More]
Posted in: MultiPlayer Kicking
09-18-2003, 3:52 AM
I couldn't get kicks to work with the debugmelee command, but to you guys who say that "kicks are removed from everything but the staff" answer me this.. WHY THEN does the server binary (officially released by Raven) include an option to t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Got the game my multiplayer review (not good)
09-18-2003, 4:08 PM
How did I know you weren't going to like it? You've been bashing the game ever since the demo came out. But hey, you're entitled to your opinion. In my view the folks bashing the game when it's barely been out 2 days just need to master the game fi...  [Read More]
Posted in: Need cheat for dismemberment
09-18-2003, 4:00 PM
From server options in the Win32 ded server binary zip: g_dismember Can be a number in the range of 0 to 100, and sets the dismemberment probabilities. 0 means never, whereas 100 means every time a player dies from a saber hit of appropriate damage....  [Read More]
Posted in: Where can I buy it?
09-18-2003, 4:09 PM
EB Games (Electronics Boutique) and Gamestop were the only stores that had it in my area....  [Read More]
Posted in: I am in the ACADEMY!!! (NO SPOILERS)
09-17-2003, 7:04 PM
Post walkthroughs in the Strategy forum. ; )...  [Read More]
No comment....  [Read More]
Originally posted by MuRaSaMuNe A few cheats for JA Full Version :) /npc spawn vehicle wampa_vehicle /npc spawn vehicle rancor_vehicle /npc spawn vehicle atst_vehicle /npc spawn vehicle swoop /npc spawn vehicle swoop_mp /npc spawn vehicle swoop_mp2...  [Read More]
If you can spawn vehicles into MP, it would be if cheats were enabled (devmap <mapname>). Anyway, here's anothere NPC spawn list (to add to what was posted for the demo (and yes, many of these are from JK2!) which of course you can also use wi...  [Read More]
In the tradition of this thread: (for the DEMO version), please post all your cheats, console commands, etc. for the FULL (LEGAL, RETAIL) VERSION of JA! Remember, this thread by very n...  [Read More]
Posted in: MP sabering
09-17-2003, 5:03 PM
By all counts it hasn't changed that much (just added two new saber types and some new moves). If you've played the Demo, that should give you a pretty good idea of what to expect (with minor balancing changes and lag of course)....  [Read More]
Posted in: Linux ded - kick instakills?
09-17-2003, 4:59 PM
Did you say beta? What did I say about the leaked beta being discussed here?? Also, why were double tap kicks removed? No offense, but it's been known that the double tap kicks ARE STILL IN THE GAME.. and this for a long time. Don't judge the fu...  [Read More]
What do you mean copy and die? Aren't you taking this verification a little too seriously? Maybe you're taking ME a little too seriously? After all, I don't really plan to murder anyone who steals my pic... And the other mods are right, we have had...  [Read More]
Well, I finally broke down and got a copy from the only store in town with any copies (got sick of waiting for the mail, probably regret it, but oh well, I can give the other copy to a friend).  [Read More]
Whatever you want/think looks coolest....  [Read More]
Try google, you can usually download drivers for just about anything if you look hard enough....  [Read More]
Posted in: How many people?
09-17-2003, 4:54 PM
IIRC from looking at the dedicated servers binary documentation, there IS. However, if I interrpreted it correctly, it turns off ALL Specials, not just one....  [Read More]
Posted in: How many people?
09-17-2003, 4:28 PM
The only honorable way to play JA online will be with the One on One Taun Taun Saber Jousting Challenge...(with each Knight's "Squire" standing off to the side with his collection of weapons for the combat)!!!...  [Read More]
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