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Page: 158 of 214
Posted in: What kind of duels are you hoping for?
09-07-2003, 12:31 AM
Well, there are some excellent anti-kicking guides posted on Outcast Strategy, so people had no excuse about that one really. ; ) I think some people complained about stuff that they hadn't learned to counter. I don't think JA will be any more whine...  [Read More]
Posted in: This game will have a CD Key right?
09-06-2003, 10:39 PM
Well technically, JK2 had a cd check, or else the pirates wouldn't have needed to "crack" it in the first place. JA will probably have at least the same. Myself and many others are hoping for a Q3 style keyserver, but I am also somewhat do...  [Read More]
Well the thing is, if everybody has the saber staff, then that is actually an advantage for non-staff users. Why? Well, its a little like the Strong Stance in JK2. If a bunch of people use nothing but, they often fall victim to tactics from the oth...  [Read More]
In the Dueling arena there is no first place winner there are two “First place winners” the second first place winner is the “Duel Saber User”. The English, back in the day, usually used two weapons when they dueled, it gave them an incredibl...  [Read More]
I said I would go for the Dual Sabers first, and I have. I'm starting to learn them. Granted, there was something nice about the simplicity of the cuts with the single saber and the variety of stances (and I haven't used the Saberstaff much... did y...  [Read More]
Posted in: So... What up? (getting moves to work)
09-06-2003, 3:43 PM
I'm assuming you read the readme file and the in-game descriptions in your data pad. They work, they just take practice. There's already another thread about this, so closing......  [Read More]
Posted in: Something Big Is Coming.
09-07-2003, 1:11 AM
There were plenty of good mods, we just remember the Admin mods because they were crappy. Out of all the jedimod spinoffs, ProMod was the best, the rest were pretty crappy with the admin options and invincible emotes. I say mod the hell out of this...  [Read More]
Posted in: Something Big Is Coming.
09-06-2003, 4:03 PM
Hope it's not another "Admin Mod." ; ) Good luck though!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi in Siege?
09-06-2003, 4:04 PM
The Demo readme file indicates that Jedi will be available in Siege, but that's about all we know for sure. I *thought* (correct me if I'm wrong) that Raven said at one point that other classes will be needed to complete certain maps. If not, it wo...  [Read More]
Posted in: dynamicCrosshair (autoAim)
09-06-2003, 3:20 PM
I see what you mean now.. I tried to turn off the "jumpy" crosshair and I couldn't. The command must have been changed... ; p...  [Read More]
Posted in: dynamicCrosshair (autoAim)
09-06-2003, 10:25 AM
try just "cg_dynamiccrosshair 0" in the console. If that doesn't work check your cfg settings again....  [Read More]
Posted in: Official Demo Released (Sept. 5th)
09-06-2003, 3:03 AM
Remember, you should still post warnings before posting spoilers from the Demo, at the very least in the thread topic title. We will continue to watch for people posting warez or leaked beta info and those people will be punished. Don't think that b...  [Read More]
Posted in: In-game Screenshot
09-06-2003, 2:40 AM
It's just like JK2, go to the console (hold "shift" and press "tilde") and type: bind <key> screenshot Where <key> is whatever you want it to be. Then in game press that key and it saves the jpg file to your JA direc...  [Read More]
If I hadn't played JK:O, I would consider bying this, but as it stands right now, JA isnt different enough to spend 50 bucks on it. Also, I think the saber twirl is kinda overpowered. It works every time on the cultists, taking the challenge out of...  [Read More]
Updated! Yeah, you can pretty much try adding a 2 or 3 to any of those and see if there's another version of 'em. I tried spawning in an ATST with the vehicle spawn code but it said the files were missing, so it didn't do anything. :*(...  [Read More]
Yeah, I updated my post. The first time I tried Luke, it immediately crashed. I tried it again and you're right, it works. ; ) Also something interesting appears in the console if you type: npc spawn swoop (no, it doesn't work, but its interesti...  [Read More]
Spawned in some more Kyle action. Man, he's powerful! (although one time he beat everyone to a pulp and then jumped off a cliff... I guess he was too caught up in the moment). I tried to fight him to see if I could beat the man himself, but he kept...  [Read More]
Now that I've got a playable framerate, I have beaten Mos Eisley and am now somewhere lost in the temple. It was cool at one point how I got killed by three Reborns (I was really low on health) and so just for the heck of it I spawned in Kyle... he...  [Read More]
On JediKnight.Net news page, we've posted a list of mirrors....  [Read More]
Spoilers.. of course, but I think its fair to say anybody who's played it has seen this... I've only checked out Tatooine so far (the game took forever to install, plus I had to install DX 9.0b and it takes FOREVER to load as well.. sigh). Random s...  [Read More]
Posted in: Special to?
09-06-2003, 9:48 PM
Now I don't claim to know all the in's and out's of the Q3TA engine, but couldn't you give the bots commands in Q3 CTF? If so, then wouldn't the pathing be something less than static? And anyway, static routes would still be better than nothing at...  [Read More]
Posted in: Special to?
09-06-2003, 4:49 PM
Hmm.. if they could do bots in UT's Assault, why couldn't they do them in the Q3 engine?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Special to?
09-06-2003, 4:09 PM
That or maybe they could be added in a patch? Would the bots be too complex to do in Siege? I find that hard to believe... if they can do Full Force Jedi bots in CTF/CTY already. Maybe they just didn't have time to do the bot pathing in the Siege m...  [Read More]
Posted in: Special to?
09-06-2003, 2:08 PM
or just look in the readme He's right... look in the "install" directory if you can't find it. Interesting, the readme says that the BlasTech pistol has no secondary fire function in SP. Heh, oops! ; ) They don't mention PowerDuel and...  [Read More]
Posted in: GamesRadar New Review with new pics.
09-06-2003, 4:02 PM
On the contrary, I think he was focusing on it as a Third Person Slasher... he admitted that he felt the game was too easy and prone to button mashing, since you could just slash huge crowds to bits with very little trouble. I disagree with his revi...  [Read More]
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