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JKA is the greatest fighting game ever

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09-16-2003, 4:38 PM
Hi, I'm sort of a newbie to JK. I loved Jedi Outcast but avoided the multiplayer because it sort of sucked because of force push whores. Recently I've been playing demo (beat the demo in 45min first time I played it) and I have to say it is totally crazy. Better saber moves and better enemies makes this game totally off the wall. Thanks to the cheats you posted I never get tired of the game. This is better than Enter the Matrix (another piece of crap game).I used the g_debugmelee cheat and literally beat the living crap out of everybody (and this is on jedi master by the way) without using my saber or guns. Now that is what I call awesome. I mean three different weapon types, come on that is crazy. This has to be the best starwars fighting game to date and its way better than that piece of ****** Master's of Teras Ka (think I spelled that wrong). Anyway thanks and if there are any more fighting cheats please post them. By the way has anyone considered making a fighting mod.
09-16-2003, 5:39 PM
It's not Star Wars, but another fighting game you might enjoy (that the recent JK games seem to have drawn much inspiration from) is Bushido Blade 2 (psx) and the original Bushido Blade (same system).

Glad you like the game... we're all excited to see how multiplayer holds up!
 Obi-Wan X
09-16-2003, 7:10 PM
I remember those games...awesome! Wish Bushido 3 came out ;)

You actually bewared the sword...1 hit kills indeed!
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