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All jedi npc from every race

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 king yoda
09-16-2003, 1:27 PM
Here are all jedi npcґs:
male rodian: npc spawn jedi_rm1

male human: npc spawn jedi_hm1

male keldor: npc spawn jedi_kdm1 he has a double bladed saber

female human: npc spawn jedi_hf1

female zabrak: npc spawn jedi_zf1
jedi_zf2 she has two sabers

female twielek: npc spawn jedi_tf1
jedi_tf2 one of them has a saber staff

Taste it its cool. Have fun
09-16-2003, 1:30 PM
I thought that the spawned jedis are created radomly?!
 king yoda
09-16-2003, 1:36 PM
I too.
But i have spawned the jedi_random npc 10 times, then i write the command npc kill all. And when you kill all the npc you must open the console then you can see that there stand jedi_hm1,
jedi_tf2,.... and not jedi_random.
Try it your self type npc kill all after you spawned a few jedi_random than open the console. But they all have different saber color and on the clothes too.
09-16-2003, 2:03 PM
Nice job... you should add this to our growing knowledge base of cheats and fun stuff. ; )
 king yoda
09-16-2003, 3:11 PM
Thank you i have writen it to the thread and i will follow it to see the reactions of the others.
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