OK since i assume you have all seen the most recent trailer for JA I am wondering to myself while playing the demo...Why doesnt my force push or pull look as cool as the twilek girls when she pulls the storm tropper over? I want the transparent look not this smokey crap like in JO. Help me
Wait a minute - it does not look smoky like in JO, push and pull look now like transparent circles.
ya, what hje said. or at least it looks that way in JA demo.
these people dont understand you Friedrich, but i do. the demo must have automatically scaled your computer lower than its requirements (whatever those are) to apply the "bubble" for push and pull. all you have to do is put:
cg_rendertotexturefx 0
in your console, and you should have the bubble appear. it worked for me, and if it doesnt for you, try putting a 1 instead of a 0.
Thanks,man. I don't know why it would rate lower..... Anyway I think it should have an option for that anyway.
Is there a screenshot somewhere of what the bubble is supposed to look like?
Alas I cannot give one because i have no webspace to host it upon and the Offcial sshots dont have it i believe. But look at the trailer the most recent one and youll see it when they use push and pull.
On the official LA Jedi Academy page (in the force powers section) you will see pics of the "transparent bubble" version (option set to 1).
The 0 (off) option looks the same as it did in JK2 SP.
My system defaulted to off with this option, but I can turn it back on and it looks fine.. no performance problems as a result of it.
i just tried it and it works for me too
it seems to make other things look better too...i might be wrong though
i didnt have a slow down either
thanx for the info ppl!
Originally posted by Prime
Is there a screenshot somewhere of what the bubble is supposed to look like?
Here are two:
Sorry, both links should work now.
Originally posted by TIV73
Here are two:
Thanks for those :)
It looks a little wierd, doesn't it? I think I kind of prefer the old JO look...