Both frames and frontpage are not necessarily ugly or wrong.
If one knows how to mess with them properly the page can turn out ok. I have one site for a congress hosted by the association at work at and it has both frames and was made in it's majority using frontpage.
The main problem with MasterWando's page is in my opinion the the lack of a custom theme leading to poor visual and the content of the page.
Make sure you diferentiate between local pages and outside 3rd party sites.
Since you are using frames, make sure every page appears on the content (lower right) frame. It make no sense to use frames and link sections of your site to open in new browser window.
Find a theme, create your backgrounds, buttons and design images all according to that same theme. Watch the image sizes... dont make people scrool up down left and right to see one single image. Once you get a good theme going.. get rid of the frame limits.. those are pretty ugly. The menu frame doesnt need a scrool bar... and it doesnt need that saber image as well.. get rid of both.
Learn how to mess with has fairly good tools to help you build a website's design. Also you should make some of the design images and button have transparencies so they blend better with the background.
Find site templates on the internet... dont use them, but learn from them. Reverse engineer them.
Watch the english.
Get rid of the first page gallery and put up a news or update pages as the first page. Them make a gallery section and either sieze down the bigger images and split them up into several pages or create a thumbnail page.
Too bloody many animated gifs. Makes a page distracting and annoying. You can make them available for download but you dont need them spread out through the whole website. And make sure there's a logical reason for an animated gif to be there (example: I wouldn't do it.. but the stromtrooper helmet could be near the link to your e-mail).
Stick to one background for all pages and watch for contrast between the Background and the fonts... You do want people to be able to read what you write easily, without strainning the eyes.
There are several things you could do better. Just keep on learning stuff and watch other sites. You'll instantly see the diferences and understand what is a mediocre site and what's a good to excelent site.
You may visit the site im working on for that congress i meantioned... it's not exactly an uber site either but it does explain what im talking about... it's still growing as well. I'm adding stuff regulary. I'm currently working on sponsoring banners and organization logos. (PS: I'm not the one to blame for any english errors... contentwise i only put it up... im not allowed to change ANYTHING).
I would also like to ear ASK's input... I know people dislike frames, so I'd like to know his input on my use of frames cuz personally i dont think it's a bad thing if it's done right.