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Page: 21 of 35
Posted in: JA... what's that?
04-06-2004, 8:56 PM
If you think the game is dead, and you dont want to play it, more power to you :D please dont try to bring people over the the 'right' side with you, just stop having anything to do w/ the game :) we still love it, there is no 'horrible boring useles...  [Read More]
Posted in: Tutorials
04-06-2004, 8:14 PM
im gonna shoot this over to the JA mapping section, because your site claims support for JO and JA mapping :D also, please dont make a habit out of advertizing your site alot. just a link in your sig is fine :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Not so friendly fire (in single player)
04-02-2004, 2:46 PM
uh, godmode? lol, no one apparntl knows anyway to turn off FF in SP......  [Read More]
Posted in: I'm Back!!!
04-02-2004, 2:42 PM
yoink not the place for either discussion......  [Read More]
Posted in: what guy do you use to fight with in mp
03-30-2004, 9:05 PM
reborn/boss or /blue :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: OJP's Logo
03-29-2004, 8:06 PM
8 looks good, the rest are all too similar to the jurrassic park logo :)...  [Read More]
heh, yea i remimber that quote. not a bad strategy, i would just get bored too easily :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: ok about the tie defender...
03-27-2004, 8:23 AM
defenders have six wings tho... or maybe three wings with two foils apiece... :)...  [Read More]
if its full, and you continue to try to connect w/o using the reconnect command, you will get that error. I'm not exactly sure as to what causes it, but i think its related to the fact that you didnt connect on the 1st try and the server has a maxpin...  [Read More]
nah u got it right, being in more than one forum at once confuses my already fragile mind. :) so follow that link for nutri's faq...  [Read More]
theres also a very good video faq at the top of the page, it suggests recording demos and then playing them back to allow you to replay the same shot from multiple angles using various commands to manipulate the 3rd person camera....  [Read More]
Posted in: Thank You Chop Shop
03-26-2004, 2:59 PM
well i dont claim to be an expert on SO CTF because i personally cant stand it :) but if its so great, what the heck happened to all the SO CTF clans from JO? As i recall they all thought JA was horrid in the SO CTF department, and stopped playing. :...  [Read More]
Posted in: Thank You Chop Shop
03-24-2004, 3:10 PM
actually lath, rumor posted a while ago that his disks got cracked, or scratched or well, something that doesnt facilitate the playing of JA :)...  [Read More]
What about us weirdo's who like to gun WITH force powers :) everyone goes 'go play Q3 or UT if u like guns' where in those games can i speed around, pull weapons, push FC's off cliffs, heal/energize my FC, block/push shots. the list goes on, forces a...  [Read More]
Yea, Gunning without force isnt fun at all i dont think. Its the force Gunning in these games that makes them the fastest gunning experiance ever (for me anyway). To play this game with guns and without force, just seems silly to me, and most of the...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Rebirth JK3 vid
03-22-2004, 4:13 PM
yea, very good video indeed. I really liked it, and it will continue to hold a spot on my hdd, along with the 10 other gigs of random JA/Q3/CS vids :) Looking foward to another one that you put out, if your so inclined. :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Martial Arts and Jk?
03-19-2004, 6:41 AM
you know, for one of the rarest most expensive substances in the SW universe, cortosis is sure all over the place on ever two bit bad guy you can think of :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Strategy Academy Updated!
03-24-2004, 3:04 PM
too bad grip kick and pull kick are nixed in basejka :) that means FF dueling is down to pull throw only heh :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Problems with Saber (changing stances in SP)
03-16-2004, 8:59 PM
i dont think you can double assign keys w/o manually binding them. It also depends on where u are in the game as to what styles you can choose, did you use any cheats?...  [Read More]
Posted in: BIG ugly and PURPLE
03-19-2004, 12:30 AM
go ahead and use your first thread, im gonna lock this one so it falls down the list :)...  [Read More]
Well, i suppose 81 is about right, maybe just a touch high, but its certianly not as good as JK2 and no where near JK1, if this game gets a 97%, then JK1 must need about 150% :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: BIG and PURPLE
03-19-2004, 6:39 AM
Q1 still oens! i lan it up with that :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Where's the ffa these days?
03-22-2004, 4:02 PM
I dunno, call me crazy but i head off to those um, Duel servers when looking for a duel. Its a neat gamemode that Raven included for us. :D...  [Read More]
...Which also uses the Doom3 engine :) I dont care how much ppl rant and rave about how good Source/Unreal engines are, nothing i've ever seen can compare to what carmak does. :D id just puts out the best stuff, every time i get annoyed with some lil...  [Read More]
yea, i think we should just let george keep coming up with bad ideas, and the rest of us can take a break :p...  [Read More]
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