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Problems with Saber (changing stances in SP)

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03-16-2004, 6:26 PM
Hm. I'm playing single player, and when I first get the option to choose a new saber style, I chose heavy. When I went into a game and switched the saber to heavy, it won't let me switch back to medium. Is this something in the game, or is there something wrong with it?
03-16-2004, 6:45 PM
Hmmm ... your saber style key should allow you to toggle styles - for me I use the scroll button on my mouse. I add Fast as my second style, and am able to toggle back and forth.

Do you have the key double-assigned?

03-16-2004, 8:59 PM
i dont think you can double assign keys w/o manually binding them. It also depends on where u are in the game as to what styles you can choose, did you use any cheats?
03-17-2004, 10:25 AM
Just bind 2 different keys for changing stance and press both at the same time.

And you should change, it happens in the 1.01 patch.
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